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Game on July 19, 2024 at 05:53, 11 players
1. 409 pts fatcat
2. 104 pts LongJump22
3. 53 pts Inkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefinwy   H8    36    36   wifey
 2. ?cehnou  13B    88   124   cohunes
 3. aeginnr  12H    78   202   yearning
 4. ?gilors   D8    74   276   ogrishly
 5. cdeilsv  N10    36   312   vendis
 6. aaemstu   K6    70   382   amateurs
 7. ehioprt  15G    92   474   trophies
 8. adejlnt   J6    62   536   jade
 9. airstwx   L4    50   586   straw
10. acdlnot   C2    75   661   cotland
11. aelooor   I4    23   684   oral
12. abeelmo   H1    45   729   blame
13. eeinoty   8J    39   768   dawney
14. eiooptu   B6    28   796   pout
15. aeeikxz   A8    80   876   kazi
16. efgirux   G9    39   915   xi
17. eginotv   4A    28   943   voting
18. bdefiot   J4    39   982   bejaded
19. efiortu   2G    76  1058   fluorite

Remaining tiles: eq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6441 Filefatcat      1 13:06  -649  409     1.8635 LongJump22  2  3:34  -954  104 
  2.8635 FileLongJump22  2  3:34  -954  104     2.8658 Quincunx    1  0:41 -1019   39 
  3.7929 FileInkey       0  3:15 -1005   53     3.8648 Vuincunx    1  0:57 -1019   39 
  4.8658 FileQuincunx    1  0:41 -1019   39     4.8708 Wuincunx    1  1:14 -1019   39 
  5.8648 FileVuincunx    1  0:57 -1019   39     5.8681 Zuincunx    1  1:31 -1019   39 
  6.8708 FileWuincunx    1  1:14 -1019   39            Group: advanced
  7.8681 FileZuincunx    1  1:31 -1019   39     1.7929 Inkey       0  3:15 -1005   53 
  8.7869 Filemoonmonkey  0  0:50 -1034   24     2.7869 moonmonkey  0  0:50 -1034   24 
  9.7811 Filesicilianc5  0  1:06 -1034   24     3.7811 sicilianc5  0  1:06 -1034   24 
 10.7692 Filequeen66     0  0:11 -1036   22     4.7692 queen66     0  0:11 -1036   22 
 11.7695 FileMycophot    0  0:28 -1036   22     5.7695 Mycophot    0  0:28 -1036   22 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6441 fatcat      1 13:06  -649  409 

On 1st draw, WIFEY H8 36 --- WIFEY an endearment for wife [n]
Other tops: FAWNY H4 36, FAWNY H8 36, WIFEY H4 36
Other moves: FAYNE H4 30, WANEY H4 30, WANEY H8 30, WINEY H4 30, WINEY H8 30

On 2nd draw, COHUNE(S) 13B 88 --- COHUNE a palm tree [n]
Other moves: UNCHO(K)E G4 76, COHUNE(S) I3 71, EU(P)HONIC 9B 67, UNCHO(K)E I2 67, UNHE(R)OIC 9B 67

On 3rd draw, YEARNING 12H 78 --- YEARNING a strong or deep desire [n]
Other moves: GRANNIE I2 65, ARGININE 9C 62, ARGININE 9E 62, AGINNER G8 32, INGENER 11E 32

On 4th draw, OGRISHL(Y) D8 74 --- OGRISH resembling an ogre [adv] --- OGRISHLY in an ogrish manner [adv]
Other moves: LIGROI(N)S M7 72, GIRLON(D)S N7 70, LO(U)RINGS N7 70, RO(L)LINGS N7 70, (M)ORLINGS N7 70

On 5th draw, VENDIS N10 36 --- VENDIS a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: VENDS N10 34, VINED N10 34, VINES N10 32, CIVIES M9 28, DECISIVE 11A 28

On 6th draw, AMATEURS K6 70 --- AMATEUR one that engages in an activity for pleasure [n]
Other moves: MUSCAE B10 32, MUSCAT B10 32, AGAST O11 31, AMASS 15K 30, AMUSE 15K 30

On 7th draw, TROPHIES 15G 92 --- TROPHY to honor with a trophy (a symbol of victory) [v]
Other moves: TRIPHONE F7 71, PHILTER 14A 52, HOPER J6 47, THORPES 15H 45, GOTH O12 44
HOST 15L 33 fatcat

On 8th draw, JADE J6 62 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: JANE J6 60, JET J6 57, JA J6 54, TAJ J4 51, JANDAL 8J 45
TAJ J4 51 fatcat

On 9th draw, STRAW L4 50 --- STRAW to cover with straw (stalks of threshed grain) [v]
Other moves: TAXI G7 47, WAX G7 47, RAX G7 41, SAX G7 41, TAX G7 41
WAX(Y) 15A 39 fatcat

On 10th draw, COTLAND C2 75 --- COTLAND land belonging to a cottage [n]
Other moves: COTLAND E2 73, COTLANDS 4E 62, COACT B10 30, FADE 10H 30, LAC I5 30
DEN 10J 26 fatcat

On 11th draw, ORAL I4 23 --- ORAL an examination requiring spoken answers [n]
Other tops: REAL I4 23
Other moves: AL I6 21, ALOE G8 20, OLEA G8 20, OLEO G8 20, ORACLE B10 20
RACE 2A 12 fatcat

On 12th draw, BLAME H1 45 --- BLAME to find fault with [v]
Other moves: BALM H1 40, BEAM H1 40, BLAM H1 40, LAMB H1 40, BECALM 2A 36
LAMB H1 40 fatcat

On 13th draw, DAWNEY 8J 39 --- DAWNEY dull or slow [adj]
Other moves: NICETY 2A 38, YINCE B10 36, EYE B5 31, DAWTIE 8J 30, YE B6 28
EYE B5 31 fatcat

On 14th draw, POUT B6 28 --- POUT to protrude the lips in ill humour [v]
Other moves: PIET E8 27, PIU B6 27, POET E8 27, TOPE G7 27, TOPI G7 27
PUTT 4A 18 fatcat

On 15th draw, KAZI A8 80 --- KAZI a lavatory [n]
Other moves: KEX A8 71, ZAX G7 59, EKE A7 53, KAIE A8 53, KAE A8 50
ZATI 4A 46 fatcat
ZEE J2 37 LongJump22

On 16th draw, XI G9 39 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: REFLUX 2E 34, FIXURE 11C 32, XI D3 31, FIXER 5E 30, FLEX 2G 30
XI G9 39 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx, fatcat, Wuincunx, Zuincunx

On 17th draw, VOTING 4A 28 --- VOTE to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) [v] --- VOTING casting a vote [n]
Other moves: VENTIGE N2 26, VAGI 3G 22, VETO 4A 22, VITE 4A 22, VOGIE M1 22
VOTING 4A 28 LongJump22
VETO 4A 22 fatcat

On 18th draw, BEJADED J4 39 --- BEJADE to tire out [v]
Other moves: DEF 10J 29, DEB 10J 28, BEGIFT F2 26, BEJADE J4 26, DEE 10J 26
DEF 10J 29 Inkey
DEB 10J 28 fatcat

On 19th draw, FLUORITE 2G 76 --- FLUORITE a mineral form of calcium fluoride [n]
Other moves: LOFTIER 2H 36, FICTOR 2A 26, FOXIE G7 26, FECIT B11 25, FOU E11 24
FOU E11 24 moonmonkey, sicilianc5
TROVE A1 24 Inkey, fatcat
EF E10 22 queen66, Mycophot

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