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Game on July 19, 2024 at 08:58, 6 players
1. 227 pts Chelsea
2. 149 pts LongJump22
3. 54 pts Quincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aemorss   H4    22    22   mosser
 2. ?deegju   7A    75    97   rejudges
 3. deegnnt   5E    36   133   endogen
 4. aeehkno   A4    51   184   hearken
 5. aioprsy  B10    49   233   yorps
 6. ?ceiosv   L3    90   323   costive
 7. ailoptu  12A    74   397   troupial
 8. aeoortt   D6    60   457   autoroute
 9. abinruu   3I    26   483   brucin
10. acgiotw   N2    30   513   angico
11. dirtuwy   B6    39   552   wey
12. aadeinr   M9    71   623   araneid
13. aillrtw   C7    37   660   jaw
14. aeefilt  15G    36   696   fileted
15. aadiltx   6H    54   750   six
16. abhlnoq  C11    39   789   booh
17. ailnruv   O7    32   821   unvail
18. adfilrt  14F    31   852   filar

Remaining tiles: dmqttz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7171 FileChelsea     1  5:41  -625  227     1.8635 LongJump22  2  2:57  -703  149 
  2.8635 FileLongJump22  2  2:57  -703  149     2.8658 Quincunx    1  1:00  -798   54 
  3.8658 FileQuincunx    1  1:00  -798   54     3.8708 Wuincunx    1  1:15  -798   54 
  4.8708 FileWuincunx    1  1:15  -798   54     4.8648 Vuincunx    1  1:33  -798   54 
  5.8648 FileVuincunx    1  1:33  -798   54     5.8681 Zuincunx    1  1:49  -798   54 
  6.8681 FileZuincunx    1  1:49  -798   54            Group: advanced
                                             1.7171 Chelsea     1  5:41  -625  227 

On 1st draw, MOSSER H4 22 --- MOSSER one that gathers or works with moss [n]
Other tops: MARSES H4 22, MASERS H4 22, MORASS H4 22, MORSES H4 22, SMEARS H3 22, SMORES H3 22
Other moves: MARES H4 20, MARSE H4 20, MASER H4 20, MASES H4 20, MASSE H4 20

On 2nd draw, (R)EJUDGES 7A 75 --- REJUDGE to judge again [v]
Other moves: (R)EJUDGE G8 72, (R)EJUDGE I8 72, (R)EJUDGES 6A 72, REJUDGE(D) 9H 69, REJUDGE(S) 9H 69

On 3rd draw, ENDOGEN 5E 36 --- ENDOGEN a plant which grows from within [n]
Other moves: TENONED 5E 32, G(R)ENNED A6 30, (R)ENNED A7 24, (R)ENTED A7 24, GEN(R)E A4 21

On 4th draw, HEA(R)KEN A4 51 --- HEARKEN to listen to [v]
Other moves: KANEH 4A 39, HA(R)KEN A5 36, HAKE 6J 34, HANK 6J 34, HOKA 6J 34

On 5th draw, YORPS B10 49 --- YORP to shout [v]
Other moves: PROSY L1 39, YORPS L1 38, PAYORS L3 37, EASY B7 36, PIOYS L1 36

On 6th draw, COS(T)IVE L3 90 --- COSTIVE constipated [adj]
Other moves: CO(R)SIVE L2 84, VI(S)COSE L3 83, VISCO(S)E L3 82, CO(R)SIVE 10E 80, VISCO(S)E 10F 80

On 7th draw, TROUPIAL 12A 74 --- TROUPIAL a tropical bird [n]
Other moves: KLAP 8A 31, OPIATE B2 31, APO 8C 27, PIOLET 8D 26, PLACIT 3I 26

On 8th draw, AUTOROUTE D6 60 --- AUTOROUTE [n]
Other moves: TAVERT 8J 27, OPERA 13A 26, AVERT 8K 24, OATER 11E 24, OTTAR 11E 24

On 9th draw, BRUCIN 3I 26 --- BRUCIN a poisonous alkaloid [n]
Other moves: BOA C11 25, BOI C11 25, JAB C7 24, JIB C7 24, ABRIN B1 21
BLAIN H11 21 Chelsea

On 10th draw, ANGICO N2 30 --- ANGICO a South American tree [n]
Other moves: AWE B5 29, JAW C7 28, TWIG 13F 27, ANTIC N2 26, AW 6A 26
AWE B5 29 Chelsea

On 11th draw, WEY B6 39 --- WEY a measure or weight for dry goods [n]
Other moves: WIRY O7 35, WRY O7 32, DYE B5 31, DIRTY O7 30, RYE B5 29
WIRY O7 35 Chelsea

On 12th draw, ARANEID M9 71 --- ARANEID a spider [n]
Other moves: ARANEID 13H 70, ARANEID 11H 68, ARANEID K9 68, RAINED O7 29, DENARI O7 27
RAINED O7 29 Chelsea

On 13th draw, JAW C7 37 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other moves: WART N11 27, TWILL 13F 26, TWIRL 13F 26, WAIL O7 26, WAIR O7 26
WALL O7 26 Chelsea

On 14th draw, FILETED 15G 36 --- FILET to cut boneless slices from [v]
Other moves: FETIAL O7 35, LEFTE L11 35, FETIAL 14J 34, AFIELD 15H 33, FAILED 15H 33
FAILED 15H 33 Chelsea

On 15th draw, SIX 6H 54 --- SIX a number [n]
Other moves: AX O1 36, XI 13G 36, XI O7 36, ADAXIAL 11H 32, XI 14F 30
SIX 6H 54 LongJump22, Chelsea, Quincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Zuincunx

On 16th draw, BOOH C11 39 --- BOOH to show disapproval by making this sound [v]
Other moves: BOH C11 37, BAH 14H 35, HABLE L11 35, HOB O6 33, NOAH C11 33
BAH 14H 35 LongJump22

On 17th draw, UNVAIL O7 32 --- UNVAIL to remove one's veil [v]
Other moves: INVAR O7 26, NIVAL O7 26, RAVIN O7 26, RIVAL O7 26, RIVA O7 23
UNVAIL O7 32 LongJump22

On 18th draw, FILAR 14F 31 --- FILAR pertaining to a thread [adj]
Other moves: FARLE L11 29, FA 14J 28, FRAIM 4D 27, DIF L11 26, FAD L11 26
FA 14J 28 LongJump22

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