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Game on July 19, 2024 at 12:00, 11 players
1. 180 pts Pacific
2. 161 pts LongJump22
3. 100 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeilopr   H4    74    74   peloria
 2. ainorrt   5E    82   156   anterior
 3. ?aiopsu   8A    80   236   pliosaur
 4. ?adeiow   6E    36   272   wailed
 5. eeiilsz   4K    41   313   zees
 6. adeimos   N2    84   397   sesamoid
 7. ?efijnr   8J    60   457   rejoin
 8. eghirtv   4A    36   493   hiver
 9. acfilnq   7C    44   537   qi
10. afinnov  10B    74   611   favonian
11. dehinoy   3L    38   649   hyed
12. aegloor   L8    26   675   jarool
13. cdegimw   A1    42   717   miched
14. aefnttu  11E    26   743   fet
15. abenstw  14J    46   789   waste
16. ablntuy  O12    39   828   ably
17. egkltux  15H    47   875   ulex
18. cegknot   2J    35   910   gecks
19. gnottuu   1F    26   936   outgun

Remaining tiles: bgntt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9785 FilePacific     2  6:42  -756  180     1.9785 Pacific     2  6:42  -756  180 
  2.8635 FileLongJump22  4  2:58  -775  161            Group: expert
  3.7107 FileArcticFox   0  4:07  -836  100     1.8635 LongJump22  4  2:58  -775  161 
  4.8603 FileYuincunx    1  1:36  -890   46     2.8603 Yuincunx    1  1:36  -890   46 
  5.7692 Filequeen66     1  1:00  -894   42     3.8658 Quincunx    1  1:20  -894   42 
  6.8658 FileQuincunx    1  1:20  -894   42     4.8648 Vuincunx    1  1:50  -894   42 
  7.8648 FileVuincunx    1  1:50  -894   42     5.8681 Zuincunx    0  1:47  -912   24 
  8.7801 FileHollyIvy    0  0:59  -912   24            Group: advanced
  9.7811 Filesicilianc5  0  1:15  -912   24     1.7107 ArcticFox   0  4:07  -836  100 
 10.7694 FileMycophot    0  1:30  -912   24     2.7692 queen66     1  1:00  -894   42 
 11.8681 FileZuincunx    0  1:47  -912   24     3.7801 HollyIvy    0  0:59  -912   24 
                                             4.7811 sicilianc5  0  1:15  -912   24 
                                             5.7694 Mycophot    0  1:30  -912   24 

On 1st draw, PELORIA H4 74 --- PELORIA abnormal regularity of a flower form [n]
Other moves: PELORIA H2 70, PELORIA H3 70, PELORIA H6 70, PELORIA H7 70, PELORIA H8 70
PAROLE H4 22 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, ANTERIOR 5E 82 --- ANTERIOR situated in or toward the front [adj]
Other moves: AROINT 11D 22, RATION 11C 22, INTRA 11G 20, INTRO 11G 20, NITRO 11H 20

On 3rd draw, P(L)IOSAUR 8A 80 --- PLIOSAUR a type of fossil marine reptile [n]
Other moves: A(D)IPOUS 11B 76, U(T)OPIAS 11B 76, PAROUSI(A) L3 70, P(A)ROUSIA L3 70, (B)IPAROUS L1 70
SAP G7 21 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, WAILED 6E 36 --- WAIL to utter a long, mournful cry [v]
Other moves: WAIL(E)D 6E 34, WA(I)LED 6E 34, WO(O)LED 6E 34, WEI(R)DO 4A 31, RAW(S) I5 30
WUD G7 27 ArcticFox

On 5th draw, ZEES 4K 41 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other tops: ZELS 4K 41
Other moves: ZEE 4K 39, ZEL 4K 39, L*Z*S 11D 38, SEIZE 11H 38, SIZEL 11H 38
SIZER L1 30 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, SESAMOID N2 84 --- SESAMOID a nodular mass of bone or cartilage [n]
Other moves: DAMOISE(L) B1 74, SESAMOID E8 72, ME(L)ODIAS B6 70, SESAMOID N4 65, MASE 3J 31

On 7th draw, REJ(O)IN 8J 60 --- JOIN to unite [v] --- REJOIN to join again [v]
Other moves: J(O)IN 8L 54, NI(F)FER O5 49, N(A)IFER O5 49, RE(D)FIN O5 49, ENFIR(E) O6 48
J(O)IN 8L 54 Pacific

On 8th draw, HIVER 4A 36 --- HIVER someone who hives [n]
Other moves: HIVER 9G 32, GIRTH 4A 31, GRITH 4A 31, JIVER L8 30, HIVE 9G 29

On 9th draw, QI 7C 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI O1 35, FINICAL C7 34, CAFE M1 30, INCH A1 27, LICH A1 27
QI 7C 44 Pacific

On 10th draw, FAVONIAN 10B 74 --- FAVONIAN pertaining to the west wind [adj]
Other moves: FANION 11C 28, FANION 11F 28, FONDA 9K 28, AVION 11D 26, FANON 11D 26

On 11th draw, HYED 3L 38 --- HYE to hasten [v]
Other moves: HYEN 3L 36, HY(O)ID M6 36, HYE 3L 34, YODH 3I 34, YODH A1 33

On 12th draw, JAROOL L8 26 --- JAROOL a tree with purple blooms [n]
Other tops: JAGER L8 26
Other moves: VOLAGE D10 22, VORAGO D10 22, FORAGE B10 20, FOREGO B10 20, EARD 9K 19
JAROOL L8 26 LongJump22

On 13th draw, MICHED A1 42 --- MICHE to play truant [v]
Other moves: MICHE A1 36, WICH A1 36, MICH A1 33, DICH A1 30, WED 11E 29
MICHED A1 42 LongJump22, queen66, Quincunx, Vuincunx
WICH A1 36 Pacific

On 14th draw, FET 11E 26 --- FET to fetch [v]
Other tops: FAN 11E 26, FAT 11E 26, FEN 11E 26, FUN 11E 26
Other moves: FEAT M11 25, EF B1 24, FAULT 13I 24, FANE M12 23, FATE M12 23
EF B1 24 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot, Zuincunx

On 15th draw, WASTE 14J 46 --- WASTE to consume lavishly or thoughtlessly [v]
Other tops: BESAW 14J 46
Other moves: BASNET 14J 42, BASTE 14J 40, BESAT 14J 40, ABSENT 14J 34, BAWNS 14H 32
BESAW 14J 46 LongJump22, Yuincunx
WASTE 14J 46 Pacific

On 16th draw, ABLY O12 39 --- ABLY in an able manner [adv]
Other tops: AUNTLY O10 39
Other moves: NEBULY K7 37, BALU O12 36, BEAUTY K7 35, BELAY K7 34, ABY K10 31

On 17th draw, ULEX 15H 47 --- ULEX a plant of the gorse genus [n]
Other moves: LUXE 15G 38, KUGEL 15G 37, KLUGE 15F 35, OX 7H 35, REX I5 35
ULEX 15H 47 LongJump22

On 18th draw, GECKS 2J 35 --- GECK to mock [v]
Other moves: NECKS 2J 32, NOCKS 2J 32, TOCKS 2J 32, K(O)N M7 28, KO K11 26

On 19th draw, OUTGUN 1F 26 --- OUTGUN to surpass in fire power [v]
Other moves: TENUTO K7 22, GOUT 1H 20, UNGOT 12A 20, FUNGO B10 18, NOTT 12C 17

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