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Game on July 19, 2024 at 14:14, 10 players
1. 235 pts LongJump22
2. 207 pts Quincunx
3. 80 pts vendanges

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cenooty   H3    30    30   tycoon
 2. aaeilsu   9H    20    50   saulie
 3. enortuv   L8    26    76   virtue
 4. ?eklnno   5B    76   152   longneck
 5. aeinotu   I3    24   176   oaken
 6. ?adginr  11E    86   262   gradient
 7. bejnotu  12A    43   305   junto
 8. beorsst   2I    82   387   strobes
 9. abiimrt  A12    45   432   jamb
10. adeervw  13F    84   516   reweaved
11. adefiit   B3    68   584   filiated
12. adehiry   1L    58   642   hade
13. ehimopy   3L    47   689   hye
14. aegqrrw   4K    41   730   wae
15. imopqsz   A7    63   793   zip
16. iorstux   A2    40   833   tix
17. eglmors   D3    74   907   mongrels
18. agiipqu   F2    36   943   quina
19. cgiilor   8L    23   966   vril

Remaining tiles: cfgiop

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8635 FileLongJump22  4  2:48  -731  235     1.8635 LongJump22  4  2:48  -731  235 
  2.  -  FileQuincunx    4  7:15  -759  207     2.8648 Vuincunx    0  1:20  -930   36 
  3.6916 Filevendanges   1  1:00  -886   80     3.8729 Wuincunx    0  1:54  -942   24 
  4.6818 FileHammer22    1  1:37  -930   36     4.8714 Zuincunx    1  1:54  -946   20 
  5.6848 FileDiscus22    1  1:55  -930   36            Group: intermediate
  6.8648 FileVuincunx    0  1:20  -930   36     1.6916 vendanges   1  1:00  -886   80 
  7.8729 FileWuincunx    0  1:54  -942   24     2.6818 Hammer22    1  1:37  -930   36 
  8.6604 FileShotPut22   0  0:43  -945   21     3.6848 Discus22    1  1:55  -930   36 
  9.8714 FileZuincunx    1  1:54  -946   20     4.6604 ShotPut22   0  0:43  -945   21 
 10.6566 FileJavelin22   0  0:21  -959    7     5.6566 Javelin22   0  0:21  -959    7 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Quincunx    4  7:15  -759  207 

On 1st draw, TYCOON H3 30 --- TYCOON a wealthy and powerful business person [n]
Other tops: COONTY H7 30
Other moves: CONEY H8 28, COOEY H8 28, COONTY H4 28, COYOTE H4 28, CONEY H4 26
TYCOON H3 30 LongJump22, Quincunx

On 2nd draw, SAULIE 9H 20 --- SAULIE a hired mourner [n]
Other moves: AISLE 9F 19, ALIAS 9D 18, ASEA 9G 18, AULAS 9D 18, EASILY 4C 18
SAULIE 9H 20 Quincunx, Zuincunx

On 3rd draw, VIRTUE L8 26 --- VIRTUE moral excellence [n]
Other tops: VIRENT L8 26
Other moves: CONVERT 5H 24, COUVERT 5H 24, CUTOVER 5H 24, OVERCUT 5D 24, RENVOY 4C 24
CONVERT 5H 24 Quincunx, Wuincunx

On 4th draw, LON(G)NECK 5B 76 --- LONGNECK a beer bottle with a long neck [n]
Other moves: (S)LOCKEN 5E 48, EVOK(E) 8K 37, (E)VOKE 8K 36, VOLK 8L 35, VO(L)K 8L 32
LON(G)NECK 5B 76 LongJump22

On 5th draw, OAKEN I3 24 --- OAK a hardwood tree or shrub [adj] --- OAKEN like an oak [adj]
Other moves: VAIN 8L 23, VANE 8L 23, VANT 8L 23, VATU 8L 23, VAUT 8L 23

On 6th draw, GRADI(E)NT 11E 86 --- GRADIENT a rate of inclination [n]
Other moves: DRAIN(I)NG D1 76, DRA(I)NING D1 76, GRANNI(E)D D1 76, AD(O)RNING D1 74, A(B)ORDING C3 74
GRADI(E)NT 11E 86 LongJump22
GRADI(E)NT 11E 36 Vuincunx

On 7th draw, JUNTO 12A 43 --- JUNTO a political faction [n]
Other moves: JOTUNN D1 42, JETON D1 40, JOTUN D1 40, JOE J2 35, JEU 4C 34
JUNTO 12A 43 LongJump22, Quincunx

On 8th draw, STROBES 2I 82 --- STROBE a device that produces brief, high-intensity flashes of light [n] --- STROBE to produce vibrating bright light [v]
Other tops: SORBETS 2I 82
Other moves: SORBETS N9 79, STROBES N9 79, SOBEREST 13G 78, BESORTS 14F 77, STROBES 14F 77

On 9th draw, JAMB A12 45 --- JAMB to jam [v]
Other moves: TABI 1L 38, SIMITAR O2 36, BAM 3L 30, AMI 1M 29, MART 3L 28
JAMB A12 45 Quincunx

On 10th draw, REWEAVED 13F 84 --- REWEAVE to weave again [v]
Other moves: REAVOWED C1 82, REWEAVED N1 73, WADE 1L 58, WARE 1L 54, SWARVED O2 45
SWERVED O2 45 Quincunx

On 11th draw, FILIATED B3 68 --- FILIATE to bring into close association [v]
Other moves: DATE 1L 38, DAUTIE B10 36, DAFT 3L 34, DEFI 3L 34, DEFIANT C7 34

On 12th draw, HADE 1L 58 --- HADE to incline [v]
Other moves: HARE 1L 54, YARE 1L 54, HYED A6 52, HIYA A7 49, HYED A1 49

On 13th draw, HYE 3L 47 --- HYE to hasten [v]
Other tops: HOMY 14G 47
Other moves: POEM A1 45, YIPE A7 45, HOY 3L 44, PYE 3L 44, HEY A7 43

On 14th draw, WAE 4K 41 --- WAE woe [n]
Other moves: GAE 4K 37, AE 4L 33, AWE A8 32, AREG A1 31, DEWAR H11 30

On 15th draw, ZIP A7 63 --- ZIP to fasten with a metal fastener with teeth [v]
Other moves: ZOISM N6 49, SPIM A1 45, WIZ H13 45, ZIPS N6 42, SPIM A6 40

On 16th draw, TIX A2 40 --- TIX tickets [n]
Other tops: SIX A2 40, SOX A2 40
Other moves: OX A3 39, WOX H13 39, SIX 14L 33, SOX 14L 33, DOWTS H11 30

On 17th draw, MONGRELS D3 74 --- MONGREL an animal or plant of mixed breed [n]
Other moves: DOWEL H11 30, DOWER H11 30, DOWLE H11 30, DOWLS H11 30, DOWSE H11 30
DOWER H11 30 vendanges

On 18th draw, QUINA F2 36 --- QUINA tree bark [n]
Other moves: QUIN F2 33, MAQUI 14A 32, VAGI 8L 26, WAP H13 24, WAG H13 21
QUINA F2 36 vendanges, Hammer22, Discus22

On 19th draw, VRIL 8L 23 --- VRIL electric fluid represented as the common origin of the forces in matter [n]
Other moves: COR 12G 22, ROC 12G 22, WIG H13 21, W*G H13 21, GOR 12G 20
WIG H13 21 ShotPut22
GI G1 14 vendanges
AG J13 7 Javelin22

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