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Game on July 19, 2024 at 16:34, 11 players
1. 171 pts Pacific
2. 142 pts Inkey
3. 122 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdghiov   H4    28    28   bovid
 2. ?adfilo   8H    89   117   daffodil
 3. aeeelry   K5    52   169   leafery
 4. deloprr   J2    27   196   pored
 5. adilssw   1J    39   235   swails
 6. ?aeehit   9C    76   311   atheise
 7. cdeosty   E5    64   375   scythed
 8. aghimov   8A    40   415   vomit
 9. aaeirtu   C7    20   435   amateur
10. gilnotu  13B    62   497   trouling
11. aemnnot   N5    64   561   antinome
12. aeinops  14D    80   641   epinaos
13. enortux  O11    81   722   oxter
14. achinuw  15H    45   767   wain
15. aegkruz  M10    60   827   zerk
16. bcegqru   3I    30   857   roque
17. abfgiju   D2    30   887   fuji
18. abcgghn   F6    33   920   ha

Remaining tiles: bcggn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9785 FilePacific     1  4:24  -749  171     1.9785 Pacific     1  4:24  -749  171 
  2.7930 FileInkey       2  6:51  -778  142            Group: expert
  3.8720 FileLongJump22  2  1:54  -798  122     1.8720 LongJump22  2  1:54  -798  122 
  4.7084 FileArcticFox   0  5:18  -802  118     2.8729 Wuincunx    0  1:03  -873   47 
  5.8729 FileWuincunx    0  1:03  -873   47     3.8648 Vuincunx    0  1:20  -873   47 
  6.8648 FileVuincunx    0  1:20  -873   47     4.8827 Quincunx    0  1:39  -873   47 
  7.8827 FileQuincunx    0  1:39  -873   47     5.8714 Zuincunx    1  1:46  -875   45 
  8.8714 FileZuincunx    1  1:46  -875   45            Group: advanced
  9.7692 Filequeen66     1  1:11  -890   30     1.7930 Inkey       2  6:51  -778  142 
 10.7811 Filesicilianc5  1  1:31  -890   30     2.7084 ArcticFox   0  5:18  -802  118 
 11.7694 FileMycophot    1  1:48  -890   30     3.7692 queen66     1  1:11  -890   30 
                                             4.7811 sicilianc5  1  1:31  -890   30 
                                             5.7694 Mycophot    1  1:48  -890   30 

On 1st draw, BOVID H4 28 --- BOVID an animal of the cattle family [n]
Other moves: BOVID H8 26, DHOBI H4 26, DHOBI H8 24, BOVID H5 22, BOVID H6 22

On 2nd draw, DA(F)FODIL 8H 89 --- DAFFODIL a tall yellow flower [n]
Other tops: DAF(F)ODIL 8H 89
Other moves: FO(R)BIDAL 4E 76, DAF(F)ODIL 8C 63, DA(F)FODIL 8C 63, FADO I7 26, FADO(S) I7 26

On 3rd draw, LEAFERY K5 52 --- LEAFERY foliage [n]
Other moves: EELFARE K5 40, YEAR 9I 28, YAE 9I 25, YEA 9I 25, BELAYER 4H 24

On 4th draw, PORED J2 27 --- PORE to gaze intently [v]
Other tops: POLED J2 27
Other moves: PEDRO L1 24, PROLED J1 24, LEP J4 23, LOPED J2 23, REP J4 23

On 5th draw, SWAILS 1J 39 --- SWAIL a tract of low, marshy ground [n]
Other moves: AWDLS 1F 36, SWADS 1F 36, SWAILS 1E 36, WADIS 1F 36, WALDS 1F 36
DAWS 9E 24 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, ATHEI(S)E 9C 76 --- ATHEISE to talk as an atheist [v]
Other moves: DEATHIE(R) M8 74, HETAERI(C) 10F 70, AETHERI(C) 10F 64, ATHERI(N)E 10G 64, HEARTIE(R) 10H 64
HA I3 23 ArcticFox

On 7th draw, SCYTHED E5 64 --- SCYTHE to cut with a scythe (a single-bladed cutting implement) [v]
Other moves: COYEST 8A 51, CYTES 8A 43, CODES 8A 38, COYS 8A 38, SCYE 8A 38
COYS 8A 38 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, VOMIT 8A 40 --- VOMIT to eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth [v]
Other moves: MIHA F4 39, HA F6 33, HO F6 33, OGHAM L11 33, HAEM 10C 32
HO F6 33 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, AMATEUR C7 20 --- AMATEUR one that engages in an activity for pleasure [n]
Other moves: AURATE L1 19, AARTI J10 18, AARTI L11 17, ATRIA L11 17, AURAE L11 17

On 10th draw, TROULING 13B 62 --- TROULE to trundle [v]
Other tops: OUTLYING 11G 62
Other moves: INGOT B10 27, UNGOT B10 27, LOUING N1 22, LUTING N1 22, AGOUTI L1 21
TROULING 13B 62 Pacific

On 11th draw, ANTINOME N5 64 --- ANTINOME one that is opposite to another [n]
Other tops: NOMINATE N5 64
Other moves: OMENTA 14I 31, PENNA 2J 27, EME F9 24, EMO F9 24, MANET H11 24

On 12th draw, EPINAOS 14D 80 --- EPINAOS a rear vestibule [n]
Other moves: PAEONS O10 38, PEASON O10 38, PIANOS O10 38, PONIES O10 38, SOAPIE O10 36

On 13th draw, OXTER O11 81 --- OXTER the armpit [n] --- OXTER to take under the arm [v]
Other moves: NEXT 15G 58, EXON 15H 55, EXO F9 54, EXO 10E 53, EXO 15H 52
EXO F9 54 Pacific

On 14th draw, WAIN 15H 45 --- WAIN a large, open wagon [n] --- WAIN to convey [v]
Other tops: HAIN 15H 45
Other moves: WAI 15H 42, HA 15H 37, WICH M12 37, NAH 15H 36, HA F6 33
WAIN 15H 45 LongJump22, Zuincunx
HA F6 33 Pacific

On 15th draw, ZERK M10 60 --- ZERK a grease fitting [n]
Other moves: ZERK M12 53, ZEK M12 51, ZA I3 47, ZEK M10 46, DAZER M8 45
ZEK M12 51 Inkey
ZA I3 47 LongJump22, Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Quincunx

On 16th draw, ROQUE 3I 30 --- ROQUE a form of croquet [n]
Other moves: COBURG 3I 28, CORBE 3I 24, COURB 3I 24, GREX 12L 24, BOUGE 3I 22
ROQUE 3I 30 queen66, sicilianc5, Mycophot, Inkey

On 17th draw, FUJI D2 30 --- FUJI a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: BAJU D2 28, JAB G3 28, JUBA D2 28, JIG 7G 27, AUF 12B 26
FUJI D2 30 LongJump22
JAB G3 28 Inkey
JA 14A 22 Pacific

On 18th draw, HA F6 33 --- HA a sound of surprise [n] --- HA expressing surprise [interj]
Other moves: BUNCH 3C 32, GAUNCH 3B 32, EH 10E 26, EH F9 26, GREX 12L 24
HA F6 33 Inkey

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