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Game on July 19, 2024 at 22:39, 1 player
1. 52 pts Moxie622

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deijlru   H4    44    44   juried
 2. ?ilotuu   6A    61   105   loquitur
 3. aiorssw   A4    36   141   walis
 4. ?aeelpy   9F    69   210   pedately
 5. aeeilpv   8L    32   242   eave
 6. aadoprt   K4   103   345   tapadero
 7. adeegin  10I    28   373   garden
 8. aehorty   L1    36   409   hayer
 9. bcenort   1H    42   451   botcher
10. dioosst   O1    66   517   stood
11. aegiilt   M1    31   548   etage
12. cgostux   5D    38   586   ox
13. efilrsw  12K    42   628   swerf
14. egilnnt  O12    24   652   fleg
15. cfiknot  10B    27   679   confit
16. iilnrsv  14J    34   713   virile
17. bhinoqs   C9    28   741   hobos
18. amnnnuz   7G    34   775   miz
19. eikmnnu  D12    40   815   mink
20. aeinnqu  15A    54   869   quake

Remaining tiles: iinnn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.2855 FileMoxie622    0  6:16  -817   52     1.2855 Moxie622    0  6:16  -817   52 

On 1st draw, JURIED H4 44 --- JURY to select material for exhibition [v]
Other moves: JERID H4 42, JUREL H4 40, JURIED H7 32, JERID H8 30, JURIED H3 30

On 2nd draw, LO(Q)UITUR 6A 61 --- LOQUITUR used with a persons name as a stage direction [coll]
Other moves: OUT(B)UILD 9A 60, JILT(S) 4H 22, JI(G)OT 4H 22, JOI(N)T 4H 22, JOI(S)T 4H 22

On 3rd draw, WALIS A4 36 --- WALI a governor [n]
Other moves: JOWARIS 4H 34, JOWARI 4H 32, JOWARS 4H 32, ASWIRL A1 30, JOWAR 4H 30

On 4th draw, PEDA(T)ELY 9F 69 --- PEDATE resembling a foot [adv] --- PEDATELY in a pedate manner [adv]
Other moves: PE(D)ATELY F2 68, TELEP(L)AY F6 68, TE(L)EPLAY F6 68, PTE(R)YLAE F5 64, TYPEA(B)LE F6 64

On 5th draw, EAVE 8L 32 --- EAVE the lower projecting edge of a roof [n]
Other moves: JAVEL 4H 30, LIEVE 10K 25, VEALE 10B 24, WEEVIL 4A 24, AVE 8M 23

On 6th draw, TAPADERO K4 103 --- TAPADERO a part of a saddle [n]
Other moves: ADAPTOR 10A 74, TAPADERO O3 62, READAPT K8 28, READOPT K8 28, DEPART K8 27

On 7th draw, GARDEN 10I 28 --- GARDEN to cultivate a plot of ground [v]
Other moves: AEDINE L1 26, JANTEE 4H 26, DELEING L7 25, GADE L3 23, GADI L3 23

On 8th draw, HAYER L1 36 --- HAYER one that hays [n]
Other moves: HOYA L3 33, HOYA L1 32, HYTE L1 32, AHOY J4 30, HATER L1 30

On 9th draw, BOTCHER 1H 42 --- BOTCHER one that botches [n]
Other moves: BONCE M2 40, BROCHE 1H 39, BENCH 1H 36, BETHORN 1I 36, BOTCH 1H 36

On 10th draw, STOOD O1 66 --- STAND to assume or maintain an upright position [v]
Other moves: SODS O1 63, SOOTS O1 63, SIST O1 60, SITS O1 60, SOOT O1 60

On 11th draw, ETAGE M1 31 --- ETAGE a floor storey [n]
Other moves: ELATE M1 28, RETIAL N1 27, EGAL M1 26, AGE M3 25, ALE M3 22

On 12th draw, OX 5D 38 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: XU 5E 38
Other moves: SCOUG 12K 32, SOX 12K 32, TOXICS E3 30, COX 10E 29, GOX 10E 28

On 13th draw, SWERF 12K 42 --- SWERF to faint [v]
Other moves: SWILER O10 39, FRISE 12H 36, SERIF 12K 36, SWEIR 12K 30, SWIRE 12K 30

On 14th draw, FLEG O12 24 --- FLEG to frighten [v]
Other moves: FELT O12 21, FENI O12 21, FENT O12 21, FILE O12 21, FINE O12 21

On 15th draw, CONFIT 10B 27 --- CONFIT meat cooked and preserved in its own fat [n]
Other moves: OF 13L 25, OUK G5 25, COIF 2F 24, KNIFE 14K 24, FICO B1 23
WON 4A 6 Moxie622

On 16th draw, VIRILE 14J 34 --- VIRILE having masculine vigour [adj]
Other tops: VISILE 14J 34
Other moves: RIVLIN 2D 23, INVIOUS D1 22, VIOLINS C8 22, CIVIL B10 20, SIRI 7E 20
PINS F9 6 Moxie622

On 17th draw, HOBOS C9 28 --- HOBO to live like a hobo (a vagrant or tramp) [v]
Other moves: BOH J5 27, HOB J5 27, BOHOS C9 26, BOOHS C9 26, BOH I3 25
CHINS B10 20 Moxie622

On 18th draw, MIZ 7G 34 --- MIZ misery [n]
Other moves: ZA I3 30, CAZ B10 29, AZON 12A 28, MOZ 12B 28, ZONA 12B 26

On 19th draw, MINK D12 40 --- MINK a carnivorous mammal [n]
Other moves: MIKE D12 32, MIKE B12 26, MINK B12 26, MIKE B1 25, KINE B12 24
FINE E10 14 Moxie622

On 20th draw, QUAKE 15A 54 --- QUAKE to shake or vibrate [v]
Other moves: QUENA 2F 46, QUINA 2F 46, QUINE 2F 46, QUAI 2F 39, QUIN 2F 39
PINE F9 6 Moxie622

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