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Game on July 20, 2024 at 10:47, 1 player
1. 115 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aabdeh   H8    82    82   abashed
 2. eiilnst   8H    77   159   alienist
 3. ?ahoouz  12C    40   199   huzzah
 4. afnoprt  13A    32   231   frap
 5. aeenosu   I8    40   271   lanose
 6. eoqrstw  A10    39   310   twofer
 7. efkortx   7K    45   355   fox
 8. deginor   M3    34   389   digoxin
 9. deijlno  F10    35   424   jiz
10. cdekloo   L1    41   465   cook
11. eerrstv  10K    26   491   vest
12. aenotuy   N4    37   528   noy
13. adiiouw   O1    41   569   waid
14. aceipru  O10    41   610   apercu
15. aiinstu   1G    27   637   nautics
16. egilnrt   2B    74   711   ringlet
17. adegimo   1A    38   749   media
18. eeeimry   5L    31   780   ygoe
19. egilrtu   C1    22   802   digitule
20. belmorv   8A    42   844   breve

Remaining tiles: elmoqr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7184 FileChelsea     1  3:10  -729  115     1.7184 Chelsea     1  3:10  -729  115 

On 1st draw, ABA(S)HED H8 82 --- ABASH to make ashamed or embarrassed [v]
Other moves: ABA(S)HED H3 80, ABA(S)HED H6 78, ABA(S)HED H2 76, ABA(S)HED H4 76, ABA(S)HED H7 76

On 2nd draw, ALIENIST 8H 77 --- ALIENIST a physician who treats mental disorders [n]
Other moves: LENITIES 13B 70, LENITIES 13G 70, LINIEST I5 69, LINTIES I4 68, ALIENIST 10H 62

On 3rd draw, HU(Z)ZAH 12C 40 --- HUZZAH to cheer [v]
Other tops: HUZOO(R)S N2 40, HUZ(Z)AH 12C 40, HUZ(Z)AH 12H 40, HU(Z)ZAH 12H 40
Other moves: HAZ(E)D 14D 37, HU(Z)ZAS N3 37, (V)OZHD 14D 37, HAZ(E)S N4 36, HA(M)ZA 10G 36

On 4th draw, FRAP 13A 32 --- FRAP in sailing, to bind well [v]
Other moves: FAP 13B 30, FOP 13B 30, FANO 13B 27, FARO 13B 27, FORA 13B 27

On 5th draw, LANOSE I8 40 --- LANOSE covered with wool [adj]
Other moves: LENOS I8 35, NOSE I10 32, SEAN I12 32, SEEN I12 32, SNEE I12 32

On 6th draw, TWOFER A10 39 --- TWOFER something that is sold at the rate of two for the price of one [n]
Other moves: TRANQS 10F 37, SOWTERS N8 36, TRANQ 10F 36, WEFTS A11 36, WRITES J6 31

On 7th draw, FOX 7K 45 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other moves: EXO 7L 39, REX 7K 39, TEX 7K 39, EX 7L 36, OX 7L 36

On 8th draw, DIGOXIN M3 34 --- DIGOXIN a drug to improve heart function [n]
Other moves: DONGED 14C 25, FEEDING K7 24, FEIGNED K7 24, SIGNORE N8 24, DOZING F10 23

On 9th draw, JIZ F10 35 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other moves: JOINED 14C 34, JEDI N2 33, DOJO 6L 32, JOIN 14C 31, JOLE 14C 31

On 10th draw, COOK L1 41 --- COOK to prepare food by heating [v]
Other moves: DOEK L1 37, DOOK L1 37, DOCKED 14C 36, DOOKED 14C 34, DOCK 14C 33

On 11th draw, VEST 10K 26 --- VEST to place in the control of [v]
Other tops: SERVERS N8 26
Other moves: ANTRES 10H 25, EVER N1 25, EVES N1 25, EVET N1 25, VEER N1 25
VET N2 23 Chelsea

On 12th draw, NOY N4 37 --- NOY to vex [v]
Other tops: TOY N4 37
Other moves: UEYS N5 33, NYS N6 29, OY N5 29, OYS N6 29, TYG 5K 28
CONY 1L 27 Chelsea

On 13th draw, WAID O1 41 --- WEIGH to determine the weight of [v]
Other tops: WOAD O1 41
Other moves: DAW K3 27, WOAD 14C 26, IODIC 1H 24, AWA G12 23, WOAD O2 23
WOAD O1 41 Chelsea

On 14th draw, APERCU O10 41 --- APERCU a brief outline [n]
Other moves: CAPRICE 1G 39, CAPRIC 1G 36, CUPRIC 1G 36, IPECAC 1G 36, APERCU 1H 30

On 15th draw, NAUTICS 1G 27 --- NAUTICS water sports [n]
Other moves: ANISIC 1G 24, ANTICS 1H 24, NASTIC 1G 24, NAUTIC 1G 24, TUNICA 1H 24
TUNICS 1H 24 Chelsea

On 16th draw, RINGLET 2B 74 --- RINGLET a small ring [n]
Other tops: TINGLER 2B 74
Other moves: TRINGLE 2A 72, TRINGLE B4 66, FERVENT K7 26, LEERING 13G 21, REELING 13G 21

On 17th draw, MEDIA 1A 38 --- MEDIA the middle layer of a blood or lymph vessel [n] --- MEDIA a channel of communication [n]
Other moves: DAME 1A 33, DEMO 1A 33, DOME 1A 33, GAME 1A 33, MADE 1A 32

On 18th draw, YGOE 5L 31 --- GO to move along [v]
Other moves: M(Z)EE E11 28, REM 3A 25, EREMIC 14J 24, EM 3B 23, VEERY K10 22

On 19th draw, DIGITULE C1 22 --- DIGITULE in zoology, a finger or toe or something resembling one [n]
Other moves: ERG 3A 21, LEG 3A 21, REG 3A 21, TEG 3A 21, INTRIGUE D1 20

On 20th draw, BREVE 8A 42 --- BREVE a symbol used to indicate a short vowel [n]
Other moves: BREME 8A 36, EREV 8A 33, BREEM 8A 30, BLIVE 4A 26, MERL B6 26

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