Game on July 21, 2024 at 14:13, 9 players
1. 515 pts vendanges
2. 274 pts Javelin22
3. 274 pts ShotPut22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 28 28
2. 5E 78 106
3. 8E 63 169
4. 4J 40 209
5. 4C 36 245
6. M6 73 318
7. 12F 76 394
8. 11A 78 472
9. A9 60 532
10. C2 32 564
11. 8A 85 649
12. O1 24 673
13. 11I 56 729
14. B10 38 767
15. 1H 89 856
16. 2A 38 894
17. 9C 30 924
18. 13J 31 955
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.6916 vendanges 3 22:52 -440 515 1.8677 LongJump22 3 4:40 -742 213
2. - Javelin22 3 8:04 -681 274 2.8482 Quincunx 1 1:35 -915 40
3. - ShotPut22 3 8:30 -681 274 3.8724 Vuincunx 0 0:44 -925 30
4.8677 LongJump22 3 4:40 -742 213 4.8682 Wuincunx 0 1:20 -925 30
5. - ALPHABET23 1 1:56 -895 60 5.8886 Zuincunx 0 1:42 -925 30
6.8482 Quincunx 1 1:35 -915 40 Group: intermediate
7.8724 Vuincunx 0 0:44 -925 30 1.6916 vendanges 3 22:52 -440 515
8.8682 Wuincunx 0 1:20 -925 30 Group: not rated
9.8886 Zuincunx 0 1:42 -925 30 1. - Javelin22 3 8:04 -681 274
2. - ShotPut22 3 8:30 -681 274
3. - ALPHABET23 1 1:56 -895 60
On 1st draw, WAILED H4 28 --- WAIL to utter a long, mournful cry [v]
Other moves: WAIDE H4 26, WALDO H4 26, WALED H4 26, WEALD H4 26, WIELD H4 26
WAILED H4 28 vendanges
On 2nd draw, SA(F)ARIST 5E 78 --- SAFARIST a person who goes on safari [n]
Other moves: SATIR(I)SE 8A 74, WAIST(E)RS 4H 72, WAITR(E)SS 4H 72, WASTRI(E)S 4H 72, SAT(I)RISE 8A 71
SA(F)ARIST 5E 78 LongJump22
WRASTS 4H 18 vendanges
On 3rd draw, SYNEDRIA 8E 63 --- SYNEDRIUM a judicial assembly [n]
Other moves: DIARY 6J 32, WADIS 4H 29, ADRY 4L 28, DAIRY 4J 27, DAISY 4J 27
SYNEDRIA 8E 63 LongJump22
DIARY 6J 32 vendanges
On 4th draw, BEAKED 4J 40 --- BEAK a bird's bill [adj] --- BEAKED having a beak [adj]
Other moves: DEBEAK 4A 38, BEAKED 4A 37, KEEF 4J 34, FAKED 4B 31, BEAK 4J 30
BEAKED 4J 40 LongJump22, Quincunx
KALE 7F 26 vendanges
On 5th draw, QUEP 4C 36 --- QUEP expressing derision [interj]
Other moves: BARQUE L7 34, FIQUE K7 34, PIQUE K7 32, QUEER N2 32, QUEP N2 30
QUEER N2 32 LongJump22
FEUD O1 24 vendanges
On 6th draw, C(O)LOGNE M6 73 --- COLOGNE a scented liquid [n]
Other tops: COL(O)GNE M6 73
Other moves: AGL(Y)CONE L8 72, CLOQ(U)E C1 32, CODL(I)NG O2 30, DEC(A)GON O4 30, DEC(A)LOG O4 30
DEC(A)GON O4 30 Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx
COLD O1 21 vendanges
On 7th draw, RUMINATE 12F 76 --- RUMINATE to chew again [v]
Other moves: RUMINANT 11G 70, MAQUI C2 32, AMAIN L8 27, AMAUT L8 27, MANDIR O1 27
MAQUI C2 32 vendanges
MANDIR O1 27 Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 8th draw, FOOTMAN 11A 78 --- FOOTMAN a male servant [n]
Other moves: MOFO 13G 38, FANDOM O1 36, ATOM 11H 28, FANON 11K 28, FANTOM 11B 28
FONDA O1 27 vendanges
On 9th draw, COFFING A9 60 --- COFF to buy [v]
Other moves: COIFFE A8 54, OFFICE A10 54, COFFING A8 51, *FF*NGEFFING A10 51, GONIFF A7 51
COFFING A9 60 ShotPut22, Javelin22, ALPHABET23
FEIGN A11 30 vendanges
On 10th draw, REQUIT C2 32 --- REQUIT to repay (pa p REQUITTED) [v]
Other moves: ROATE B10 29, TRITE 13F 23, FIRE 12A 22, TATER 13G 22, TITER 13G 22
REQUIT C2 32 Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 11th draw, SHE 8A 85 --- SHE a female person [n]
Other moves: SAE 8A 76, SH 8A 66, SCOFFING A8 51, SAZ 11I 50, SEZ 11I 50
SHE 8A 85 vendanges
On 12th draw, GOODIE O1 24 --- GOODIE a desirable thing [n]
Other tops: TEEING 11I 24, TOEING 11I 24
Other moves: DOGIE O4 21, GEODE O1 21, GEED O1 18, GEEK M1 18, GIED O1 18
GOODIE O1 24 vendanges, ShotPut22, Javelin22
On 13th draw, BEZ 11I 56 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other moves: OX B5 52, ZEROTH 2A 52, MOZE H12 45, THEBE N2 44, BETH N3 39
OX B5 52 Javelin22, ShotPut22
PAX F4 28 vendanges
On 14th draw, HOY B10 38 --- HOY a heavy barge or scow [n] --- HOY to incite [v]
Other moves: EERILY 2A 34, ELHI N4 34, HYE N2 33, HEH B6 32, HOE B10 32
MIRY H12 27 vendanges
YERK M1 22 ShotPut22
YELK M1 22 Javelin22
On 15th draw, LOWERING 1H 89 --- LOWER to appear dark and threatening [v] --- LOWERING the act of bringing low [n]
Other tops: ROWELING 1H 89
Other moves: OW 10I 32, OW 10E 31, WIEL N2 28, MEOW H12 27, MEWL H12 27
MEWL H12 27 vendanges
WOK M2 20 Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 16th draw, TARDIVE 2A 38 --- TARDIVE having symptoms that develop slowly [adj]
Other moves: DEV 13M 36, DIV 13M 36, ADIT 13L 34, DATE 9C 34, DITA 9C 34
ADIT 13L 34 vendanges
VADE 2G 22 ShotPut22, Javelin22
On 17th draw, ROTA 9C 30 --- ROTA a list of names [n]
Other tops: RATE 9C 30, RATO 9C 30, ROTE 9C 30
Other moves: MOVE H12 27, LAVER 13C 25, LOVER 13C 25, TAVER 13C 25, VALET 13C 25
MOVE H12 27 vendanges
EVIL 6A 15 Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 18th draw, EX 13J 31 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: EAUX N4 30, PAX F4 28, AXIL 6A 27, EX 2J 27, EXP(O) 7J 27
XI 6B 25 vendanges
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