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Game on July 22, 2024 at 02:20, 1 player
1. 24 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abhijn   H4    50    50   jibbah
 2. ?anotwx   4H    44    94   jawbox
 3. ddeenrw   L3    64   158   wondered
 4. abdeinr   3B    91   249   brained
 5. cekootu   3L    44   293   wock
 6. adeegir   O3    42   335   kedgier
 7. almrrtu   B1    32   367   labrum
 8. aehiluz   A6    58   425   hazel
 9. eoopqst  10F    35   460   pesto
10. aiioost  11A    28   488   stoai
11. efmnttu   1A    39   527   flume
12. aegnuuy   4A    32   559   grey
13. gilnouy  12D    34   593   young
14. efinqst   M9    38   631   fients
15. eilnoot  14G    70   701   looniest
16. aailntv  15D    35   736   avian
17. aioqstu   6F    38   774   qubit
18. acelopt  N10    31   805   ploat
19. ceirstv  13A    29   834   cives

Remaining tiles: rrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7229 Filesunshine12  0  1:56  -810   24     1.7229 sunshine12  0  1:56  -810   24 

On 1st draw, JIB(B)AH H4 50 --- JIBBAH a type of Muslim outer garment [n]
Other tops: JI(B)BAH H4 50
Other moves: JIHA(D) H4 44, BHAJI(S) H3 42, BHAJ(A)N H3 42, BH(A)JAN H3 42, HIJAB H4 42

On 2nd draw, JAW(B)OX 4H 44 --- JAWBOX a sink [n]
Other moves: (S)AX 10H 42, (S)OX 10H 42, (J)AWBOX 6E 35, AXON(E) I2 33, XOAN(A) G5 33

On 3rd draw, WONDERED L3 64 --- WONDER to have a feeling of curiosity or doubt [v]
Other tops: DAWNERED 8G 64, WANDERED 8G 64, WARDENED 8G 64
Other moves: WENDED 3C 43, WEED 3L 39, WEND 3L 39, RENDED 3C 37, WED 3L 37

On 4th draw, BRAINED 3B 91 --- BRAIN to hit on the head [v]
Other moves: BANDIER K9 77, BANDIER G8 72, BANDIER I8 72, BARNED 3C 39, BRINED 3C 39

On 5th draw, WOCK 3L 44 --- WOCK a pan used in Chinese cookery [n]
Other moves: EBOOK B2 42, WOKE 3L 40, KEX M2 38, WOK 3L 38, COOK 2A 36

On 6th draw, KEDGIER O3 42 --- KEDGY brisk [adj]
Other moves: KEDGER O3 39, DEKARE O1 36, ARKED O1 33, DAKER O1 33, DIKER O1 33

On 7th draw, LABRUM B1 32 --- LABRUM a lip or liplike structure [n]
Other moves: MURAL K7 25, RUMAL K7 25, MAUL 2A 24, MAUT 2A 24, UMBRAL B1 24

On 8th draw, HAZEL A6 58 --- HAZEL a shrub [n]
Other moves: HAZE A6 55, HAZEL M9 54, AIZLE A6 46, ULZIE A6 46, ZEAL D1 46

On 9th draw, PESTO 10F 35 --- PESTO a sauce of basil, garlic, and olive oil [n]
Other moves: STOOPE 11A 34, TOPES 10D 33, TOPOS 10D 33, EPOS 10E 32, OPES 10E 32
PLOTS 1A 24 sunshine12

On 10th draw, STOAI 11A 28 --- STOA an ancient Greek covered walkway [n]
Other moves: SATI 11A 22, SOOT 11A 22, STOA 11A 22, SAI 11A 21, SAT 11A 21

On 11th draw, FLUME 1A 39 --- FLUME to convey by means of an artificial water channel [v]
Other moves: FEM M7 33, FLUENT 1A 30, FRET 4A 28, FLUTE 1A 27, EF A1 26

On 12th draw, GREY 4A 32 --- GREY a colour between black and white [adj] --- GREY to make grey [v]
Other moves: ANY 5K 27, GUY 5A 27, YANG 12C 27, ANY 12B 26, GUAN 5A 25

On 13th draw, YOUNG 12D 34 --- YOUNG being in the early period of life or growth [adj] --- YOUNG the offspring [n]
Other moves: YOGIN 12D 32, LOUNGY 12D 30, NOILY 12D 30, GAINLY D10 28, LOUNGY M9 28

On 14th draw, FIENTS M9 38 --- FIENT a fiend [n]
Other tops: FEINTS M9 38, FINEST M9 38
Other moves: FEINT M9 36, FEIST M9 36, FENIS M9 36, FENTS M9 36, FIENT M9 36

On 15th draw, LOONIEST 14G 70 --- LOONEY crazy [adj] --- LOONIE crazy [adj]
Other moves: LENTO 13C 26, ENTOIL 13D 25, LITTEN B9 22, LOTION B9 22, OOLITE I6 22

On 16th draw, AVIAN 15D 35 --- AVIAN a bird [n]
Other moves: VAIN 15F 31, VAIN 15E 29, LANAI 15D 26, VAN 15F 26, VIN 15F 26

On 17th draw, QUBIT 6F 38 --- QUBIT in computing, a quantum bit [n]
Other moves: ASQUAT 7A 36, QADI 6J 34, QATS 13A 32, QUANTS 12J 32, QUINAS 12J 32

On 18th draw, PLOAT N10 31 --- PLOAT to scald [v]
Other tops: PLEAT N10 31
Other moves: TOPHE 9E 28, PEA N10 27, CATNEP 12J 26, PELOTA 13I 26, OPAL 13H 25

On 19th draw, CIVES 13A 29 --- CIVE a chive [n]
Other tops: VICES 13A 29
Other moves: CREST 13B 25, RIVES 13A 25, VEST 13C 25, VIRES 13A 25, CIVE 13A 24

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