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Game on July 22, 2024 at 09:58, 7 players
1. 257 pts Chelsea
2. 206 pts LongJump22
3. 72 pts Vuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?einrww   H4    24    24   winter
 2. aeforsv   9B    67    91   favorers
 3. ?acesuz   5E   122   213   caziques
 4. imnortu   6F    32   245   mon
 5. deilnty   F8    66   311   trendily
 6. begilox  15A    57   368   boxily
 7. eikmnrt  14B    37   405   ket
 8. deinptu   3C    29   434   dipnet
 9. cdeioru   L3    74   508   discoure
10. aeefost   4A    38   546   fease
11. abegtuy  10A    34   580   tyg
12. aehiqrt   A4    51   631   faqir
13. belostw   2A    48   679   blowse
14. aaelorv   8J    27   706   louvar
15. adegnou  11F    31   737   nonaged
16. aghjnot   1F    45   782   haj
17. aemnptu   6J    32   814   pactum
18. egiinrt   O8    80   894   retiring

Remaining tiles: ahinou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7121 FileChelsea     3  6:28  -637  257     1.8739 LongJump22  3  5:01  -688  206 
  2.8739 FileLongJump22  3  5:01  -688  206     2.8801 Vuincunx    2  2:20  -822   72 
  3.8801 FileVuincunx    2  2:20  -822   72     3.8448 Quincunx    1  2:16  -822   72 
  4.8448 FileQuincunx    1  2:16  -822   72     4.8523 Xuincunx    1  0:58  -849   45 
  5.  -  FileALPHABET24  1  1:57  -843   51     5.8950 Zuincunx    1  1:16  -849   45 
  6.8523 FileXuincunx    1  0:58  -849   45            Group: advanced
  7.8950 FileZuincunx    1  1:16  -849   45     1.7121 Chelsea     3  6:28  -637  257 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  ALPHABET24  1  1:57  -843   51 

On 1st draw, WIN(T)ER H4 24 --- WINTER to pass the winter (the coldest season of the year) [v]
Other tops: WEIN(E)R H4 24, WIEN(E)R H4 24, WINER(Y) H4 24, WIN(C)ER H4 24, WIN(D)ER H4 24, WIN(G)ER H4 24, WIN(I)ER H4 24, WIN(K)ER H4 24, WIN(N)ER H4 24, WI(E)NER H4 24, WI(N)NER H4 24, WI(V)ERN H4 24, W(A)NIER H4 24, W(E)INER H4 24, W(H)INER H4 24, W(I)NIER H4 24, (A)WNIER H3 24, (T)WINER H3 24
Other moves: IN(D)EW H8 22, REN(E)W H8 22, R(E)NEW H8 22, WEIR(D) H4 22, WEIR(S) H4 22

On 2nd draw, FAVORERS 9B 67 --- FAVORER one that favors [n]
Other moves: FAVORERS 9D 66, OVERFAS(T) 7A 65, FAVOSE 10D 29, FAVES 10D 28, FORESAW 4B 26

On 3rd draw, CAZI(Q)UES 5E 122 --- CAZIQUE a tropical oriole [n]
Other moves: CAZI(Q)UE 5E 68, CA(P)IZES 5E 68, A(G)UIZES 5E 60, ZEA(L)OUS E5 60, C(O)Z 8A 54

On 4th draw, MON 6F 32 --- MON man [n]
Other moves: RONIN 6F 29, NOTUM 4K 26, MINOR 4K 24, MOUNT 4J 24, MOUNT 4K 24

On 5th draw, TRENDILY F8 66 --- TRENDILY in a trendy manner [adv] --- TRENDY very fashionable [adv]
Other moves: DEITY 4K 33, DYE 10A 33, FETIDLY B9 32, LYE 10A 32, NYE 10A 32

On 6th draw, BOXILY 15A 57 --- BOXILY resembling boxes [adv] --- BOXY resembling a box [adv]
Other moves: BOLIX 4K 52, IBEX 4L 46, BOLIX 13C 44, ILEX 4L 42, INGLOBE 11E 40

On 7th draw, KET 14B 37 --- KET carrion [n]
Other moves: REINK 4K 34, NEK 14B 33, EIK 8A 32, KINRED 12A 32, KIRNED 12A 32

On 8th draw, DIPNET 3C 29 --- DIPNET to scoop fish with a type of net [v]
Other tops: PUDENT 3C 29, PUNDIT 3C 29
Other moves: PIEND 4K 28, PINED 4K 28, PUTID 4K 28, DIP 8A 27, INDEX C11 26

On 9th draw, DISCOURE L3 74 --- DISCOURE to find out [v]
Other moves: INDUCER 11E 40, CEDI 4B 30, CIDE 4B 30, CODE 4B 30, CODEX C11 30

On 10th draw, FEASE 4A 38 --- FEASE to unsettle [v]
Other moves: SAFE 4B 34, SOFA 4B 34, DEFASTE 12F 30, DEFEATS 12F 30, FEAT 4A 29
FEAST 11I 28 Chelsea

On 11th draw, TYG 10A 34 --- TYG an old drinking-cup [n]
Other tops: BEY 8A 34, BYE 10A 34
Other moves: AYE 10A 32, TYE 10A 32, BY 10A 31, GEY 8A 31, YA 10B 31
BYE 10A 34 Chelsea

On 12th draw, FAQIR A4 51 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: QUAIR 8K 42, QUARE 8K 42, QUART 8K 42, QUATE 8K 42, QUIET 8K 42
FAQIR A4 51 LongJump22, ALPHABET24
QUIRE 8K 42 Chelsea

On 13th draw, BLOWSE 2A 48 --- BLOWSE a beggar girl [n]
Other moves: BOWSE 2B 46, LOWSE 2B 42, TOWSE 2B 42, BLOWS 2A 38, BOWS 2B 36
BLOWSE 2A 48 LongJump22
LOWEST 11H 30 Chelsea

On 14th draw, LOUVAR 8J 27 --- LOUVAR a large silvery whalelike scombroid fish [n]
Other tops: LOUVER 8J 27, LOUVRE 8J 27, OVULAR 8J 27, RAVEL 1F 27
Other moves: VEX C13 26, LURVE 8K 24, RAVE 1F 24, ROVE 1F 24, AVALED 12A 22
RAVEL 1F 27 Chelsea, Vuincunx

On 15th draw, NONAGED 11F 31 --- NONAGED pertaining to nonage [adj]
Other moves: AGUED 11H 27, GONAD 11H 27, NUDGE 11J 27, UNGOD 11H 27, AGED 11I 25
AGUED 11H 27 LongJump22, Quincunx
DONGA 1F 25 Chelsea

On 16th draw, HAJ 1F 45 --- HAJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: GAJO 1F 40, GANJAH N7 33, HOGAN 1F 33, TAJ 1F 33, HODJA 3J 32
HAJ 1F 45 Quincunx, Chelsea, Vuincunx, Xuincunx, Zuincunx

On 17th draw, PACTUM 6J 32 --- PACTUM a pact [n]
Other moves: NEMPT H11 30, PECAN 6J 29, APEX C12 26, MACE 6J 26, PACE 6J 26
PACE 6J 26 Chelsea

On 18th draw, RETIRING O8 80 --- RETIRE to go away or withdraw [v] --- RETIRING shy [adj]
Other moves: GREX C12 24, TIDIER 12D 23, NIGER H11 21, AIRTING N8 20, GIRNED 12A 20
RETIRING O8 80 LongJump22

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