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Game on July 22, 2024 at 17:33, 5 players
1. 194 pts LongJump22
2. 87 pts Zuincunx
3. 46 pts Vuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeiopry   H8    28    28   repay
 2. aaeotwy   G6    29    57   away
 3. cemortt   F6    39    96   motte
 4. aefmnos   H1    47   143   foeman
 5. ?aaipqv   I7    36   179   qadi
 6. dlorstu  13H    27   206   stroud
 7. aeinopr   1D    66   272   pinafore
 8. adeiluz   L1   105   377   dualize
 9. eikorsu   3B    78   455   eurokies
10. ?adeghi   N7    70   525   hidages
11. egijnns   O6    41   566   jin
12. elnorsv  12A    80   646   slovenry
13. aensttx   A5    95   741   sextants
14. ceeinrt   C6    78   819   erection
15. cefgllo   2B    29   848   foe
16. bgilouv   J4    23   871   lobi
17. dgiluvw   8K    26   897   id
18. cghluvw  J10    31   928   churl

Remaining tiles: bggvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8739 FileLongJump22  3  3:31  -734  194     1.8739 LongJump22  3  3:31  -734  194 
  2.  -  FileZuincunx    1  3:09  -841   87     2.8801 Vuincunx    0  0:38  -882   46 
  3.8801 FileVuincunx    0  0:38  -882   46     3.8448 Quincunx    0  0:58  -882   46 
  4.8448 FileQuincunx    0  0:58  -882   46     4.8669 Wuincunx    0  1:21  -882   46 
  5.8669 FileWuincunx    0  1:21  -882   46            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Zuincunx    1  3:09  -841   87 

On 1st draw, REPAY H8 28 --- REPAY to pay back [v]
Other tops: APERY H8 28, ROPEY H8 28
Other moves: PAYER H4 26, PAYOR H4 26, PIOYE H4 26, AIERY H8 24, APERY H4 22
ROPEY H8 28 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, AWAY G6 29 --- AWAY a game won on the opponent's territory [n] --- AWAY from a certain place [adv]
Other tops: TWAY G6 29
Other moves: AWAY I10 28, EYOT G8 28, WAY G7 28, WEY G7 28, YAW G7 28
AWAY G6 29 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, MOTTE F6 39 --- MOTTE a small growth of trees on a prairie [n]
Other tops: MOTET F6 39
Other moves: MOER F6 36, MOTE F6 36, MOTT F6 36, MOC F6 33, TOTEM F6 33

On 4th draw, FOEMAN H1 47 --- FOEMAN an enemy in war [n]
Other moves: FOAMS E4 37, FOEMAN E2 33, FOAM E4 31, SAMEN I9 30, SOMAN I9 30

On 5th draw, QA(D)I I7 36 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: Q(U)OP 2F 34, MAQ(U)I 4H 30, QI(S) 11D 29, I(M)PAVE 3C 28, AQ(U)A G12 27

On 6th draw, STROUD 13H 27 --- STROUD a coarse woollen blanket [n]
Other moves: STROUD E9 23, DETOURS 3G 22, DRYLOTS 12F 22, LUSTRED 3C 22, REDOUTS 3G 22

On 7th draw, PINAFORE 1D 66 --- PINAFORE a child's apron [n]
Other moves: PAIRER J10 29, PERRON J10 29, PAIRE J10 28, PRORE J10 28, APRON I1 26
PINAFORE 1D 66 LongJump22

On 8th draw, DUALIZE L1 105 --- DUALIZE to make twofold [v]
Other moves: DUALIZED M6 71, DUALIZE 3B 54, DAZE L1 49, AZIDE 2B 45, LAZED 2A 37
DUALIZED M6 71 LongJump22

On 9th draw, EUROKIES 3B 78 --- EUROKY the ability of an organism to live under variable conditions [n]
Other moves: SEIK 8L 46, SERK 8L 46, SIKE 8L 46, SKEO 8L 46, SKER 8L 46
SOKE 8L 46 Vuincunx, Quincunx, Zuincunx
SKIO 8L 46 Wuincunx

On 10th draw, HIDAGE(S) N7 70 --- HIDAGE a type of land tax [n]
Other moves: DAH(L) 8L 48, DAH(S) 8L 48, DA(S)H 8L 48, DHA(K) 8L 48, DHA(L) 8L 48

On 11th draw, JIN O6 41 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: SNIG 8L 37, JEEING B1 36, JIZ 6J 35, JIG 8M 33, JEEING B2 32
JIN O6 41 Zuincunx

On 12th draw, SLOVENRY 12A 80 --- SLOVENRY slovenliness [n]
Other moves: SOLVE M5 41, LENVOYS 12C 28, RENVOYS 12C 28, SOLVER E9 27, ENVOYS 12D 26

On 13th draw, SEXTANTS A5 95 --- SEXTANT an instrument for measuring angular distances [n]
Other moves: EXALTS B9 58, TAXES 2A 45, TEXAS 2A 45, AXES 2B 43, SEXTANS A6 42

On 14th draw, ERECTION C6 78 --- ERECTION the act of erecting [n]
Other moves: ERECTION K7 72, TRIENE B5 33, CRETIN B1 26, RECTION C7 26, ERUCT 2J 24

On 15th draw, FOE 2B 29 --- FOE an enemy [n]
Other moves: CEORL J10 28, FEG K3 27, CLEF D5 26, GULF L12 24, FEZ 6J 23

On 16th draw, LOBI J4 23 --- LOBUS a small lobe [n]
Other moves: BIO M3 22, GUIRO J10 22, OBI J5 22, BI J6 21, GOEL 12L 21

On 17th draw, ID 8K 26 --- ID a part of the psyche [n]
Other moves: GIED 12L 25, GLID M2 24, WIELD E10 23, DI 4C 22, WUD O10 22

On 18th draw, CHURL J10 31 --- CHURL a rude person [n]
Other moves: VUGH L12 30, CH J10 26, VAUCH 3K 26, WELCH E11 26, CHOW K11 24

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