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Game on July 23, 2024 at 01:58, 1 player
1. 63 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. belnrtu   H4    74    74   blunter
 2. ?eehipr   8H    98   172   trephine
 3. aelnott   M3    70   242   tonalite
 4. ?enostu   K4    86   328   outspend
 5. aceioru  N10    22   350   erica
 6. aaegipw   N4    35   385   paw
 7. aadehns  15J    44   429   endash
 8. aceinoq   4D    32   461   niqab
 9. aadelmv   O1    33   494   vade
10. fimosuv   I1    29   523   vims
11. afnoosy   J2    36   559   fy
12. aeikloo  12L    26   585   laik
13. abeilms  14D    79   664   ableism
14. iiortuz  15A    45   709   zori
15. cgiortu  B10    30   739   cogito
16. adeitwx   3A    43   782   dewax
17. djnotuy   A1    57   839   judy
18. egiinou   B1    30   869   ogee
19. enorrtu   E1    26   895   toxine
20. dgiooru  15F    25   920   ord
21. fgiioru   F6    32   952   fugio

Remaining tiles: ir

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7175 Filesunshine12  0  1:58  -889   63     1.7175 sunshine12  0  1:58  -889   63 

On 1st draw, BLUNTER H4 74 --- BLUNT not sharp or pointed [adj]
Other moves: BLUNTER H2 70, BLUNTER H3 70, BLUNTER H6 70, BLUNTER H7 70, BLUNTER H8 70

On 2nd draw, TREPHI(N)E 8H 98 --- TREPHINE to operate on with a surgical saw [v]
Other moves: TEPHRI(T)E 8H 89, THREEPI(T) 8H 89, (T)HREEPIT 8A 89, TREE(S)HIP 8H 86, HE(A)PIER G9 77

On 3rd draw, TONALITE M3 70 --- TONALITE a coarse rock [n]
Other moves: TETRONAL 10E 62, TOLERANT 10D 62, TALLENT 5E 28, OATEN 7K 21, OATEN 9K 21

On 4th draw, OUTSPEN(D) K4 86 --- OUTSPEND to exceed the limits of in spending [v]
Other tops: OUTSPEN(T) K4 86, OU(T)SPENT K4 86, (A)UTOPENS K4 86
Other moves: (Z)ONULETS 5D 78, TU(B)ENOSE O1 74, (V)ENTOUSE O1 74, (N)ON(G)UEST N8 72, TONUSE(S) 11I 71

On 5th draw, ERICA N10 22 --- ERICA a shrub of the heath family [n]
Other tops: AREIC N10 22, AURIC N10 22
Other moves: AREIC L11 21, AURIC L11 21, CARIBE 4D 20, ACERB 4D 18, AUREI N10 18

On 6th draw, PAW N4 35 --- PAW to strike or scrape with a beating motion [v]
Other tops: PEW N4 35
Other moves: AGAPEIC 13H 28, AW N5 28, WA(N) N6 28, WI(N) N6 28, PAWA N2 27

On 7th draw, ENDASH 15J 44 --- ENDASH a mark in writing used to connect elements of a compound [n]
Other moves: DEASH O1 42, HADES O1 39, SHAD O12 39, SHED O12 39, DASH 15L 38

On 8th draw, NIQAB 4D 32 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other moves: OCEANIC 13H 28, QAID L12 28, ACNE O1 27, ANCE O1 27, CANE O1 27

On 9th draw, VADE O1 33 --- VADE to pass away [v]
Other moves: DAME O1 30, LAVE O1 30, MADE O1 30, VALE O1 30, AVALED 14E 29

On 10th draw, VIMS I1 29 --- VIM energy [n]
Other tops: FUMS I1 29, UFO 14I 29, VUMS I1 29
Other moves: SIM I4 28, SOM I4 28, IFS I2 27, SIF 14H 27, IF 14I 26

On 11th draw, FY J2 36 --- FY expressing disapproval [interj]
Other moves: SAVOY 1G 33, YOOF 5B 32, *F*Y 14G 31, *F*YS 5A 31, OOFY 14G 31

On 12th draw, LAIK 12L 26 --- LAIK to play [v]
Other moves: LAIK 3B 24, LEAK 3B 24, LOOK 3B 24, ALECK 13K 22, EIK 3C 22

On 13th draw, ABLEISM 14D 79 --- ABLEISM prejudice or discrimination against disabled people [n]
Other moves: BAILSMEN 7A 64, MESIAL 5C 35, LAMBIE 14G 31, AMIE 14I 27, BLAME 14G 27

On 14th draw, ZORI 15A 45 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other tops: ZITI 15A 45
Other moves: RITZ 13A 37, RIZ H13 36, ZIT H13 36, ZOIC 13K 36, RIZ 13B 35
RIZ H13 36 sunshine12

On 15th draw, COGITO B10 30 --- COGITO a philosophical principle [n]
Other moves: COIR H12 27, COIT H12 27, CRIT H12 27, CUIT H12 27, ROTI 5C 25
CRIT H12 27 sunshine12

On 16th draw, DEWAX 3A 43 --- DEWAX to remove wax from [v]
Other moves: WAXED 5A 40, WAX 3C 37, WAXED 3A 37, WEX 3C 37, EXIT H12 36

On 17th draw, JUDY A1 57 --- JUDY a girl [n]
Other tops: JOIN H12 57
Other moves: DJIN H12 42, JUDO A1 39, NODDY A1 36, NUDDY A1 36, TODDY A1 36

On 18th draw, OGEE B1 30 --- OGEE an S shaped moulding [n]
Other moves: EXING E2 26, NIXIE E1 24, GOV 1G 21, GUV 1G 21, ECO 13M 20

On 19th draw, TOXINE E1 26 --- TOXINE a poisonous substance [n]
Other moves: TOXIN E1 24, EXIT E2 22, ERUV 1F 21, ECO 13M 20, ROUEN 13G 20

On 20th draw, ORD 15F 25 --- ORD a beginning [n]
Other moves: GRID H12 24, GUID H12 24, DROOG F6 22, DIV 1G 21, GOV 1G 21

On 21th draw, FUGIO F6 32 --- FUGIO a former coin of the United States [n]
Other moves: FIGO F6 29, FR*G F6 29, FROG F6 29, FRUG F6 29, FIG F6 28

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