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Game on July 23, 2024 at 05:52, 11 players
1. 394 pts fatcat
2. 111 pts LongJump22
3. 107 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeeklx   H3    48    48   axlike
 2. cenorty   3F    84   132   enactory
 3. deilosu   J3    63   195   toluides
 4. adgioor   2B    29   224   agood
 5. begiopr   4C    44   268   pegbox
 6. adeelou   L1    74   342   aureoled
 7. eelnrst   M7    74   416   nestler
 8. aefimty   1A    46   462   meaty
 9. ahiintt   5D    30   492   hit
10. ahiimrs  14J    42   534   mahsir
11. einnrvw  O10    48   582   wivern
12. aeinqru  15H    57   639   quare
13. ?abiino   8A    77   716   ibogaine
14. ennstuz   1J    45   761   stanze
15. fgiprtu  12H    28   789   figure
16. adijrvw   7C    35   824   ja
17. aciinrt   2N    28   852   ar
18. dfinotv   9A    27   879   fit
19. cdinopv   E7    34   913   pavid

Remaining tiles: cnow

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6446 Filefatcat      2 13:05  -519  394     1.8708 LongJump22  2  3:52  -802  111 
  2.8708 FileLongJump22  2  3:52  -802  111     2.8801 Vuincunx    1  0:46  -878   35 
  3.7804 FileSQUAW1      2  2:20  -806  107     3.8375 Quincunx    1  1:05  -878   35 
  4.8801 FileVuincunx    1  0:46  -878   35     4.8827 Zuincunx    1  1:24  -878   35 
  5.8375 FileQuincunx    1  1:05  -878   35     5.8669 Wuincunx    1  1:51  -878   35 
  6.8827 FileZuincunx    1  1:24  -878   35            Group: advanced
  7.8669 FileWuincunx    1  1:51  -878   35     1.7804 SQUAW1      2  2:20  -806  107 
  8.7779 Filemoonmonkey  1  0:29  -885   28     2.7779 moonmonkey  1  0:29  -885   28 
  9.7671 Filequeen66     1  0:42  -885   28     3.7671 queen66     1  0:42  -885   28 
 10.7689 FileMycophot    1  1:00  -885   28     4.7689 Mycophot    1  1:00  -885   28 
 11.7836 Filesicilianc5  1  1:16  -885   28     5.7836 sicilianc5  1  1:16  -885   28 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6446 fatcat      2 13:05  -519  394 

On 1st draw, AXL(I)KE H3 48 --- AXLIKE resembling an ax [adj]
Other moves: AXL(I)KE H8 42, EX(H)ALE H3 40, KEXE(S) H4 40, LA(T)EX H8 38, (R)ELAX H8 38

On 2nd draw, ENACTORY 3F 84 --- ENACTORY pertaining to the enactment of law [adj]
Other moves: CORTEX 4C 30, TRYE G1 29, NYE G2 28, OYE G2 28, OYER I6 28

On 3rd draw, TOLUIDES J3 63 --- TOLUIDE a derivative of glycocoll [n]
Other moves: DOLLIES 5E 32, DUELLOS 5E 32, SULLIED 5E 32, ISOLEX 4C 30, LOUSED 2A 29

On 4th draw, AGOOD 2B 29 --- AGOOD heartily [adv]
Other tops: AGOOD K5 29
Other moves: AROID 2B 27, DORADO 8J 27, AROID K5 26, GOAD 2K 22, GOOD 2K 22

On 5th draw, PEGBOX 4C 44 --- PEGBOX a part of a stringed instrument [n]
Other moves: DOPIER 8J 36, GOIER 1D 35, PORGIE 1E 35, BOEP 1E 32, BOGIE 1E 32
POOR D1 18 fatcat

On 6th draw, AUREOLED L1 74 --- AUREOLE to surround with a halo [v]
Other moves: LAUD 1A 31, LEAD 1A 31, LEUD 1A 31, LAUD 3A 28, LEAD 3A 28
LEAD 1A 31 fatcat

On 7th draw, NESTLER M7 74 --- NESTLER one that nestles [n]
Other tops: ETERNALS 1G 74, RELENTS M7 74, TELERANS 1G 74
Other moves: NESTLER I9 64, RELENTS I9 64, NESTLER G8 61, RELENTS G8 61, NESTLERS 10C 60
RATES 1K 15 fatcat

On 8th draw, MEATY 1A 46 --- MEATY full of meat [adj]
Other moves: TEAM 1A 39, FAY 3A 38, FEY 3A 38, MAY 3B 38, MATY L12 36
FAME L12 32 fatcat

On 9th draw, HIT 5D 30 --- HIT to strike forcibly [v]
Other moves: HAIN L12 28, HANT L12 28, TANH L12 28, TATH L12 28, AHI 5C 27
HAT L12 24 fatcat

On 10th draw, MAHSIR 14J 42 --- MAHSIR a large freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: MARSH 14J 40, HARM L12 36, MASH L12 36, MARISH 14I 34, AHIMSA 1G 33
HAMS L12 32 fatcat

On 11th draw, WIVERN O10 48 --- WIVERN in heraldry, a dragon with wings, the tail of a snake and two legs [n]
Other moves: VINEW 15G 42, VIEW 15H 39, WIVER 15G 39, WIVE 15G 34, NAVEW 1K 33
WIRE O12 33 fatcat

On 12th draw, QUARE 15H 57 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other tops: QUENA 15H 57, QUINA 15H 57, QUINE 15H 57, QUIRE 15H 57
Other moves: REQUIN 15F 51, QUAERE 12H 50, QUAIR 15G 48, QUEAN 15G 48, QUARE 15F 46
QUIRE 15F 46 fatcat

On 13th draw, IBO(G)AINE 8A 77 --- IBOGAINE an alkaloid used as an antidepressant [n]
Other moves: IBO(G)AINE 12F 70, ANOBII(D)S 10C 65, (R)OBINIA 13D 65, ANOBII(D) G8 62, (R)OBINIA G8 61
BUN(S) 2K 19 fatcat

On 14th draw, STANZE 1J 45 --- STANZE a pattern of verse [n]
Other moves: ZEST 6B 43, NAZES 1K 42, SENZA 1H 42, ZANTE 1K 42, ZEBUS B6 38
ZEE 12K 24 fatcat

On 15th draw, FIGURE 12H 28 --- FIGURE to compute [v]
Other moves: DEFI 8L 24, DEFT 8L 24, DEIF 8L 24, FIG 9C 24, FUG 9C 24
FIG 9C 24 fatcat, LongJump22

On 16th draw, JA 7C 35 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JAWARI E7 32, AD 2N 31, AJIVA E8 30, BAJRI B8 30, JIRDS 10F 29
JA 7C 35 LongJump22, fatcat, Vuincunx, Quincunx, Zuincunx, Wuincunx

On 17th draw, AR 2N 28 --- AR the letter R [n]
Other tops: AN 2N 28, AT 2N 28
Other moves: IATRIC E7 26, RAIN 9C 22, RAIT 9C 22, RANT 9C 22, TAIN 9C 22
AR 2N 28 LongJump22, fatcat, Mycophot
AT 2N 28 SQUAW1, sicilianc5
AN 2N 28 moonmonkey, queen66

On 18th draw, FIT 9A 27 --- FIT in a good healthy condition [adj] --- FIT to bring to a required form and size [v]
Other moves: DIVOT 11E 25, DEFI 8L 24, DEFT 8L 24, DEIF 8L 24, DIT 9A 23
DEIF 8L 24 LongJump22
DENT 8L 15 fatcat

On 19th draw, PAVID E7 34 --- PAVID timid [adj]
Other moves: PAVIN E7 32, PANIC E7 30, DECO 8L 21, DINIC I9 20, PACO E7 20
AVOID E8 18 fatcat

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