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Game on July 23, 2024 at 08:11, 11 players
1. 524 pts fatcat
2. 505 pts Chelsea
3. 267 pts babsbedi

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeimsuu   H4    20    20   maise
 2. deiorst   8H    80   100   erotised
 3. adksttu   M8    30   130   skatts
 4. iorrtuw  N10    28   158   wo
 5. admnoyz  O10    54   212   nomady
 6. aefinor   7B    67   279   farinose
 7. adegnov  13F    68   347   dogvanes
 8. ?acdnov   E5   102   449   voidance
 9. aciijnt   8A    37   486   jai
10. ?eellln  H10    21   507   lungee
11. acghouy  D12    40   547   yuch
12. egilnrx  C10    47   594   grex
13. ioprttu  15A    30   624   tophi
14. eefinst   K4    94   718   feintest
15. abgilpu   L1    36   754   pibal
16. aeghllr   4D    34   788   harem
17. begilou   2I    30   818   oblige
18. elqrtuw   O1    43   861   trew
19. ilqruuz   1F    77   938   quiz

Remaining tiles: ilruu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6446 Filefatcat      2 12:09  -414  524     1.8708 LongJump22  4  2:35  -731  207 
  2.7126 FileChelsea     4 15:02  -433  505     2.8375 Quincunx    4  3:23  -758  180 
  3.6888 Filebabsbedi    2  9:47  -671  267     3.8801 Vuincunx    1  1:46  -908   30 
  4.8708 FileLongJump22  4  2:35  -731  207     4.8827 Zuincunx    0  1:03  -914   24 
  5.8375 FileQuincunx    4  3:23  -758  180     5.8669 Wuincunx    0  1:20  -914   24 
  6.6759 FileShotPut22   1  1:25  -902   36            Group: advanced
  7.6848 FileDiscus22    1  1:45  -902   36     1.7126 Chelsea     4 15:02  -433  505 
  8.8801 FileVuincunx    1  1:46  -908   30            Group: intermediate
  9.8827 FileZuincunx    0  1:03  -914   24     1.6446 fatcat      2 12:09  -414  524 
 10.8669 FileWuincunx    0  1:20  -914   24     2.6888 babsbedi    2  9:47  -671  267 
 11.6920 FileJavelin22   0  1:45  -914   24     3.6759 ShotPut22   1  1:25  -902   36 
                                             4.6848 Discus22    1  1:45  -902   36 
                                             5.6920 Javelin22   0  1:45  -914   24 

On 1st draw, MAISE H4 20 --- MAISE a measure of five `hundreds' of herrings [n]
Other moves: AMIES H4 16, AMIES H8 16, AMUSE H4 16, AMUSE H8 16, MAISE H8 16
AMUSE H4 16 fatcat

On 2nd draw, EROTISED 8H 80 --- EROTISE to give a sexual meaning to [v]
Other moves: MORTISED 4H 76, ROISTED I3 75, SORTIED I3 75, STEROID I2 74, EDITORS G5 70
SORTED 9H 18 fatcat
STORIED 9H 18 babsbedi

On 3rd draw, SKATTS M8 30 --- SKATT a blow [n]
Other moves: DIKTATS L7 24, DUKA 7J 24, DAKS G3 23, DUKA G3 23, KUTA 7L 23
KATS I3 21 babsbedi
TASK K8 16 fatcat

On 4th draw, WO N10 28 --- WO woe [n]
Other moves: WORRIT 12H 26, OUTWRIT 12G 22, OUTWIT 12H 20, OUTWRIT 11G 20, OUTWRIT K2 20
WO N10 28 babsbedi, fatcat, Chelsea

On 5th draw, NOMADY O10 54 --- NOMADY the life of a nomad [n]
Other moves: AZYM I2 39, MADZOON J3 39, DOOZY J7 38, ZONDA G3 38, AZYM 5H 36
ZOOM J6 35 babsbedi, fatcat, Chelsea

On 6th draw, FARINOSE 7B 67 --- FARINOSE resembling farina [adj]
Other moves: FANTOM 12J 28, FORINT 12H 26, EF N14 24, FIREMAN 4D 24, FORAMEN 4D 24
OF N14 24 Chelsea
FRONT 12I 16 fatcat

On 7th draw, DOGVANES 13F 68 --- DOGVANE a small vane [n]
Other moves: VANED 8A 43, VADE 8A 38, VANE 8A 34, GADE 8A 32, VAG 8A 29
VADE 8A 38 Chelsea
GOVERN D3 22 fatcat
MOVED 4H 22 babsbedi

On 8th draw, VOIDANC(E) E5 102 --- VOIDANCE the act or process of voiding [n]
Other moves: CORD(O)VAN D5 80, C(O)RDOVAN D5 80, VO(I)DANCE N1 80, ADVANC(E) 5E 48, VANAD(I)C 5E 48
VAD(E) 8A 30 Chelsea
CAG(E)D H11 27 fatcat
GOV H13 21 babsbedi

On 9th draw, JAI 8A 37 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: JAI 4D 34, TAJ 4D 34, JA 4D 32, JA 8A 32, TINAJA J10 31
JAI 8A 37 babsbedi, Chelsea
TAJ 4D 34 fatcat

On 10th draw, L(U)NGEE H10 21 --- LUNGEE a loincloth worn by men in India [n]
Other tops: LENGE(D) H10 21, LENGE(R) H10 21, LE(G)LEN 14B 21, L(I)NGEL H10 21, L(I)NGLE H10 21, (T)ELLEN 14B 21
Other moves: EL(A)N 4C 19, LE(A)L 4C 19, LE(A)N 4C 19, NELL(I)E 14A 19, NE(A)L 4C 19
LENT 12J 16 Chelsea
EL 9B 13 babsbedi
JELL(O) A8 11 fatcat

On 11th draw, YUCH D12 40 --- YUCH expressing disgust [interj]
Other moves: CHAY 4C 38, GOUACHE N2 38, HUGY D12 38, YOGH D12 38, YAH 14J 37
YAH 14J 37 Chelsea
HOA 14J 31 babsbedi
HO 14J 28 fatcat

On 12th draw, GREX C10 47 --- GREX a group of plants with a common hybrid ancestor [n]
Other moves: ILEX C10 45, LEX C11 43, REX C11 43, EX C12 41, FAIX B7 30
GREX C10 47 LongJump22, Chelsea
REX C11 43 fatcat
EX C12 41 babsbedi

On 13th draw, TOPHI 15A 30 --- TOPHUS a deposit of urates in the tissue around a joint [n]
Other moves: OUPH 15A 27, OUTHIT 15A 27, PITH 15A 27, PRUH 15A 27, TOPH 15A 27
TOPHI 15A 30 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx
PITH 15A 27 fatcat, Chelsea

On 14th draw, FEINTEST K4 94 --- FEINT ruled with faint lines [adj]
Other moves: INFESTED O1 89, FEINTEST K1 72, NETTIES K5 28, TIFT 12J 28, SEIF L12 26
FEINTEST K4 94 LongJump22
FEET 12J 25 Chelsea
EFT 12K 24 Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Javelin22
FINEST K3 18 fatcat

On 15th draw, PIBAL L1 36 --- PIBAL a small balloon for determining the direction and speed of the wind [n]
Other moves: PIBAL 4B 32, BIGA L1 30, BAP 4D 28, BIGA 4B 28, BLAG 4C 28
PIBAL L1 36 LongJump22, ShotPut22, Discus22
PULA L1 28 Chelsea
BA 14J 22 fatcat

On 16th draw, HAREM 4D 34 --- HAREM the section of a Muslim household reserved for women [n]
Other tops: HAILER 2J 34
Other moves: GERAH 4B 32, HAE 14J 31, HER 14J 31, PEGH 1L 30, EH J5 29
HER 14J 31 Chelsea, fatcat

On 17th draw, OBLIGE 2I 30 --- OBLIGE to put in one's debt by a favor or service [v]
Other moves: IGLU M3 28, OBLIGEE N2 28, OGLE M3 28, BEL 14J 25, BEGUILE N2 24
OBLIGE 2I 30 Quincunx
PUBE 1L 24 fatcat
OB M3 24 Chelsea

On 18th draw, TREW O1 43 --- TREW that which is true [n]
Other moves: WELT O1 34, WERT O1 34, QI 6J 31, WET 14J 31, LEW O1 28
TREW O1 43 Quincunx, Chelsea
QI 6J 31 fatcat

On 19th draw, QUIZ 1F 77 --- QUIZ to test the knowledge of by asking questions [v]
Other moves: LUZ 1G 47, RIZ 1G 47, QI 1H 35, QI 6J 31, ZULU 3A 31
QUIZ 1F 77 Quincunx, fatcat
QI 1H 35 Chelsea

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