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Game on July 23, 2024 at 14:08, 10 players
1. 211 pts LongJump22
2. 138 pts Quincunx
3. 100 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeilno   H7    64    64   elation
 2. abeetvw   G7    33    97   wab
 3. eiiorrs   I9    22   119   rosier
 4. aaehsuu  15F    31   150   hause
 5. agnstuv  14A    29   179   vaunts
 6. ilnopsy   K9    83   262   ypsilon
 7. ?chijuy  A12    75   337   jivy
 8. ?abcegt   8A    42   379   bracteal
 9. ainrtuv  12A    26   405   jurant
10. degiinr   J3    73   478   dingier
11. adehmrt   C3    30   508   dharma
12. defimot   D1    33   541   idem
13. deioorw   3G    36   577   dowdier
14. aeklotv   H1    42   619   atoke
15. ceooptt   B2    32   651   coop
16. aeegllt   2B    24   675   cadge
17. efinoqx  L12    47   722   fox
18. elnqttu   L1    48   770   queen
19. efglotv  M13    32   802   gov
20. efilltt   6B    29   831   treif

Remaining tiles: elltz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8618 FileLongJump22  4  4:10  -620  211     1.8618 LongJump22  4  4:10  -620  211 
  2.8449 FileQuincunx    3  3:24  -693  138     2.8449 Quincunx    3  3:24  -693  138 
  3.7143 FileChelsea     2  3:17  -731  100     3.8802 Vuincunx    1  1:23  -800   31 
  4.8802 FileVuincunx    1  1:23  -800   31     4.8718 Zuincunx    1  1:44  -800   31 
  5.8718 FileZuincunx    1  1:44  -800   31     5.8560 Wuincunx    0  0:30  -804   27 
  6.8560 FileWuincunx    0  0:30  -804   27            Group: advanced
  7.7671 Filequeen66     0  0:27  -817   14     1.7143 Chelsea     2  3:17  -731  100 
  8.7689 FileMycophot    0  0:44  -817   14     2.7671 queen66     0  0:27  -817   14 
  9.7779 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:01  -817   14     3.7689 Mycophot    0  0:44  -817   14 
 10.7836 Filesicilianc5  0  1:18  -817   14     4.7779 moonmonkey  0  1:01  -817   14 
                                             5.7836 sicilianc5  0  1:18  -817   14 

On 1st draw, ELA(T)ION H7 64 --- ELATION a feeling of great joy [n]
Other tops: AEOLI(A)N H2 64, AEOLI(A)N H3 64, AEOLI(A)N H4 64, AEOLI(A)N H6 64, AEOLI(A)N H8 64, AILE(R)ON H2 64, AILE(R)ON H3 64, AILE(R)ON H4 64, AILE(R)ON H6 64, AILE(R)ON H7 64, ALE(R)ION H2 64, ALE(R)ION H3 64, ALE(R)ION H4 64, ALE(R)ION H6 64, ALE(R)ION H7 64, ALE(R)ION H8 64, ALIENO(R) H2 64, ALIENO(R) H3 64, ALIENO(R) H4 64, ALIENO(R) H7 64, ALIENO(R) H8 64, ANI(S)OLE H2 64, ANI(S)OLE H3 64, ANI(S)OLE H4 64, ANI(S)OLE H6 64, ANI(S)OLE H7 64, ANI(S)OLE H8 64, ELA(T)ION H2 64, ELA(T)ION H3 64, ELA(T)ION H4 64, ELA(T)ION H6 64, ELA(T)ION H8 64, O(P)ALINE H2 64, O(P)ALINE H4 64, O(P)ALINE H6 64, O(P)ALINE H7 64, O(P)ALINE H8 64, (A)EOLIAN H2 64, (A)EOLIAN H3 64, (A)EOLIAN H6 64, (A)EOLIAN H7 64, (A)EOLIAN H8 64, (K)AOLINE H2 64, (K)AOLINE H3 64, (K)AOLINE H6 64, (K)AOLINE H7 64, (K)AOLINE H8 64, (M)INEOLA H2 64, (M)INEOLA H3 64, (M)INEOLA H6 64, (M)INEOLA H7 64, (M)INEOLA H8 64, (T)OENAIL H2 64, (T)OENAIL H3 64, (T)OENAIL H6 64, (T)OENAIL H7 64, (T)OENAIL H8 64
Other moves: AEOLI(A)N H5 62, AEOLI(A)N H7 62, AILE(R)ON H5 62, AILE(R)ON H8 62, ALE(R)ION H5 62
(T)OENAIL H2 64 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, WAB G7 33 --- WAB a web [n]
Other tops: WEB G7 33
Other moves: BEWET G5 29, WATE G7 27, WETA G7 27, AWEE G6 26, TWAE G6 26
WAB G7 33 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, ROSIER I9 22 --- ROSIER a rose bush [n] --- ROSY rose-colored [adj]
Other moves: ROIS(T)ER 10D 19, RORIES(T) 10B 19, SRI 6G 19, ROS(T)ER 10E 18, EROS I8 17

On 4th draw, HAUSE 15F 31 --- HAUSE to embrace [v]
Other tops: HAUSE 15E 31
Other moves: AAHS 15F 28, HAES 15F 28, HAES 15G 28, HAUSE J6 28, HUES 15F 28
HAUSE 15F 31 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx, Zuincunx

On 5th draw, VAUNTS 14A 29 --- VAUNT to brag [v]
Other tops: VAGUS 14B 29, VANGS 14B 29
Other moves: VAUNT J6 28, VAUNTS 6B 28, VAGUS K11 27, VANGS K11 27, VANTS 14B 27
VAGUS K11 27 Wuincunx

On 6th draw, YPSILON K9 83 --- YPSILON the twentieth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: YPSILON I1 71, YPSILON J3 70, POLYNIAS B8 65, PIONY J6 43, SLOPY J6 41
YPSILON K9 83 LongJump22

On 7th draw, JIVY A12 75 --- JIVY lively [adj]
Other moves: J(I)VY A12 72, JIV(E) A12 63, JIV(Y) A12 63, JUV(E) A12 63, CHIVY A11 60
JIVY A12 75 Quincunx

On 8th draw, B(R)ACTEAL 8A 42 --- BRACT a leaf that bears a flower in it's axil [adj] --- BRACTEAL of a bract [adj]
Other moves: BEAT(S) L8 31, B(O)CAGE L4 29, C(U)BAGE L4 29, TAB(S) L12 29, JACE(N)T 12A 28

On 9th draw, JURANT 12A 26 --- JURANT one that takes an oath [n]
Other moves: VAIN J6 25, VAIR J6 25, JAUNT 12A 24, JUNTA 12A 24, JURAT 12A 24

On 10th draw, DINGIER J3 73 --- DINGY grimy [adj]
Other moves: DINGIER 6H 71, DIRIGENT E1 70, DIRIGE L4 25, GENII 11B 25, GRINDE(R) B2 24

On 11th draw, DHARMA C3 30 --- DHARMA conformity to Hindu law [n]
Other tops: THAIRM 4G 30
Other moves: HAIRED 4H 28, REMATCH D3 28, DAH L12 27, HE J14 27, MADE 11B 27

On 12th draw, IDEM D1 33 --- IDEM the same [adj]
Other tops: DIME D2 33, DOME D2 33, FEM D2 33
Other moves: FEHM 4A 32, FEOD D2 32, FOID D2 32, DEIF K4 31, FEOD K4 31

On 13th draw, DOWDIER 3G 36 --- DOWDY lacking in stylishness or neatness [adj]
Other moves: WOODIER 3G 32, WOOD B2 31, DOWIER 1A 30, WEIRDO 4H 28, DOW L12 27

On 14th draw, ATOKE H1 42 --- ATOKE a sexless part of some worms [n]
Other moves: ATOK H1 39, LOOK H1 39, TOOK H1 39, KEVIL 1A 36, VAKIL 1A 36

On 15th draw, COOP B2 32 --- COOP to confine [v]
Other moves: OPTIC 1A 27, TOPIC 1A 27, COOT B2 26, POOT B2 26, OECISTS 11E 24
COOP B2 32 Quincunx

On 16th draw, CADGE 2B 24 --- CADGE to get by begging [v]
Other moves: CADEE 2B 23, CADET 2B 23, AEGISES 11E 22, GALE 11B 21, GATE 11B 21

On 17th draw, FOX L12 47 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other tops: FIX L12 47
Other moves: INFIX 12K 46, NIX L12 35, NOX L12 35, FOX 2L 33, ENFIX L3 30

On 18th draw, QUEEN L1 48 --- QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v]
Other moves: QUINE K1 34, QUITE K1 34, OXEN 14K 22, INLET 4J 18, INTEL 4J 18
QUEEN L1 48 Chelsea

On 19th draw, GOV M13 32 --- GOV a regulator, short for governor [n]
Other moves: LEFT M10 29, LOFT M10 29, EFT M11 27, OFT M11 27, GOE M13 26
GOV M13 32 Chelsea
EF M11 14 queen66, sicilianc5
LOVE 13K 14 Mycophot, moonmonkey

On 20th draw, TREIF 6B 29 --- TREIF not kosher [adj]
Other moves: FIE 11D 23, FEE F6 20, FETISH F10 20, FILE N10 20, TREF 6B 20
FETISH F10 20 Chelsea

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