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Game on July 23, 2024 at 20:59, 5 players
1. 751 pts LongJump22
2. 97 pts Quincunx
3. 97 pts Vuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abhilns   H7    30    30   banish
 2. ?adkloo   7H    66    96   bookland
 3. alortuw   L2    74   170   ultralow
 4. ?oorrtv   O3    39   209   overdo
 5. aadegsu  11F    70   279   assuaged
 6. eeflrst   F7    65   344   reflates
 7. deimoux  12J    58   402   mixed
 8. aeijott  13I    38   440   jato
 9. aeegnpt   8A    30   470   peenge
10. eeiimns   M7    56   526   amendes
11. beinorr   2J    26   552   bruin
12. deeioru   1F    22   574   uredo
13. eeghlov  14I    39   613   oh
14. acelnty  15G    37   650   cay
15. aeelnuz  12A    50   700   zelant
16. aginrtw   B2    82   782   twangier
17. eepttvy   C3    29   811   eye
18. efiiqtv   D1    40   851   vite
19. cfipqtu   A1    35   886   qi
20. cfiiptu  A12    39   925   ziti

Remaining tiles: cfipu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8618 FileLongJump22 13 16:49  -174  751     1.8618 LongJump22 13 16:49  -174  751 
  2.8449 FileQuincunx    2  2:54  -828   97     2.8449 Quincunx    2  2:54  -828   97 
  3.8802 FileVuincunx    2  3:40  -828   97     3.8802 Vuincunx    2  3:40  -828   97 
  4.8698 FileZuincunx    0  1:44  -880   45     4.8698 Zuincunx    0  1:44  -880   45 
  5.8560 FileWuincunx    0  1:48  -903   22     5.8560 Wuincunx    0  1:48  -903   22 

On 1st draw, BANISH H7 30 --- BANISH to expel [v]
Other moves: BANISH H4 28, BLASH H8 28, BLAHS H4 26, BLASH H4 26, SAHIB H8 26
BANISH H7 30 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, BOOKLA(N)D 7H 66 --- BOOKLAND land transferred from public to private ownership [n]
Other tops: (B)OOKLAND 9B 66
Other moves: KA(G)OOL G8 28, HOLK(E)D 12H 26, HOOK(E)D 12H 26, KHOD(J)A 12G 26, KOLA(S) G8 26
(B)OOKLAND 9B 66 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, ULTRALOW L2 74 --- ULTRALOW extremely low [adj]
Other tops: ULTRALOW L6 74
Other moves: OUTWARD O1 45, WALDO O4 39, OUTDRAW O4 36, OUTWALK K1 28, OW 6I 28
ULTRALOW L2 74 LongJump22
OUTWARD O1 45 Zuincunx

On 4th draw, OV(E)RDO O3 39 --- OVERDO to do to excess [v]
Other moves: DROV(E)R O7 30, DOV(E)R O7 24, DROV(E) O7 24, D(E)VOT O7 24, D(I)VOT O7 24
OV(E)RDO O3 39 LongJump22

On 5th draw, ASSUAGED 11F 70 --- ASSUAGE to make less severe [v]
Other tops: ASSUAGED 11G 70
Other moves: SAUSAGE 11E 32, DEGAS G8 24, AGUED G9 23, EGADS M9 22, GAUDS 2J 22
ASSUAGED 11F 70 LongJump22

On 6th draw, REFLATES F7 65 --- REFLATE to inflate again [v]
Other moves: BANISHERS H7 42, FLUES 2J 32, FLUTE 2J 32, FRUST 2J 32, FEEL 12L 29
REFLATES F7 65 LongJump22

On 7th draw, MIXED 12J 58 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v]
Other tops: MUXED 12J 58
Other moves: MOXIE 12J 56, OXIME 12K 54, DOXIE 12J 53, OXIDE 12K 52, OXIM 12K 50
MUXED 12J 58 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx

On 8th draw, JATO 13I 38 --- JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n]
Other moves: TOEA 13K 33, TAJ N1 29, JAM J10 28, TOE 13K 28, JOTA J6 27
TOEA 13K 33 LongJump22

On 9th draw, PEENGE 8A 30 --- PEENGE to whine [v]
Other moves: ENATE 14K 26, ETAPE E5 25, NEGATE 8A 24, NAPE 14L 23, NEAP 14L 23
PEENGE 8A 30 LongJump22

On 10th draw, AMENDES M7 56 --- AMENDE a fine [n]
Other moves: DESI M11 34, IDES M10 34, SENE 14J 30, SEN 14J 29, MEINIES C7 26
SENE 14J 30 LongJump22

On 11th draw, BRUIN 2J 26 --- BRUIN a bear [n]
Other tops: BOURN 2J 26, ENROBER C3 26
Other moves: ENROBE C3 22, ENROBER B8 22, OB 6I 22, ORB 7A 21, BIRLE 3I 20
OB 6I 22 LongJump22, Wuincunx

On 12th draw, UREDO 1F 22 --- UREDO a skin irritation [n]
Other moves: DEIF 9C 20, EEK K5 20, URDE 7A 20, DERO 1G 19, DURO 1G 19
UREDO 1F 22 LongJump22

On 13th draw, OH 14I 39 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other moves: HE 14J 35, EVOHE 2C 34, GHEE 2E 33, HE 2F 28, HOG 1M 28
OH 14I 39 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx

On 14th draw, CAY 15G 37 --- CAY a small low island [n]
Other tops: CLY 15G 37
Other moves: ALKY K5 36, ENTAYLE B2 36, NY N9 32, ANY 15G 31, LAY 15G 31
CAY 15G 37 LongJump22

On 15th draw, ZELANT 12A 50 --- ZELANT a fanatic [n]
Other moves: L*Z 1M 40, LUZ 1M 40, AZOLE J5 34, LEAZE B7 34, NEEZE B7 34
ZELANT 12A 50 LongJump22

On 16th draw, TWANGIER B2 82 --- TWANGY twanging [adj]
Other moves: TWANGIER C2 78, RAZING A10 48, ZING A12 42, ZATI A12 39, RAWING 2A 35
TWANGIER B2 82 LongJump22

On 17th draw, EYE C3 29 --- EYE the organ of sight [n] --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other moves: TYPE 2D 27, PATTY 4A 26, PAYEE 4A 26, WEEPY 3B 26, PEE 2F 25
EN N1 2 LongJump22

On 18th draw, VITE D1 40 --- VITE quickly [adv]
Other moves: ZITE A12 39, ZITI A12 39, TEF D3 36, QI A1 35, EFT D4 30
EN N1 2 LongJump22

On 19th draw, QI A1 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: CIRQU(E) 5J 32, QUIPS 14B 32, QUIRT 5I 28, QUITS 14B 28, PIC 1M 27

On 20th draw, ZITI A12 39 --- ZITI a type of pasta like macaroni [n]
Other moves: PIC 1M 27, FIT 13B 23, UPLIFT C10 22, FUCI 3G 21, PIT 1M 21

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