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Game on July 24, 2024 at 05:24, 1 player
1. 48 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. afnoorv   H4    30    30   favor
 2. aefrstw   G7    83   113   wafters
 3. aabbdns  11D   102   215   baseband
 4. aegmnor   4H    80   295   forgeman
 5. ?iiinqt   N2    66   361   tranq
 6. aeiilty  12A    34   395   yitie
 7. eegilnr  12I    77   472   reeling
 8. adeoowz  N10    70   542   zonda
 9. dehituy  H13    32   574   hye
10. aiirstx   L3    66   640   sextarii
11. deilpsu   A8   176   816   spulyied
12. ?eegkuw   K4    44   860   geek
13. ?ciijoo   J6    62   922   joco
14. ehlnopt  15D    66   988   phenetol
15. aegrtuw  14H    32  1020   yaw
16. eimtuuv   O6    29  1049   item
17. ?cdinuu   H1    42  1091   disfavor
18. gilnoou  O12    24  1115   gogo
19. acelnru   3A    70  1185   lucarnes

Remaining tiles: iuuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7796 FileSQUAW1      1  2:32 -1137   48     1.7796 SQUAW1      1  2:32 -1137   48 

On 1st draw, FAVOR H4 30 --- FAVOR to regard with approval [v]
Other moves: FAVOR H8 24, FAVOR H5 22, FAVOR H6 22, FAVOR H7 22, AFRO H5 14

On 2nd draw, WAFTERS G7 83 --- WAFTER one that wafts [n]
Other moves: FRETSAW 9D 77, WAFTERS 9B 77, FORWASTE 7G 70, SOFTWARE 7G 70, WAFERS G7 31

On 3rd draw, BASEBAND 11D 102 --- BASEBAND a communication device operating over limited frequencies [n] --- BASEBAND allowing limited communication frequencies [adj]
Other moves: ABDABS 13B 22, ABDABS 5E 22, ABDABS 5H 22, BANDARS 12B 22, DABBAS 13B 22

On 4th draw, FORGEMAN 4H 80 --- FORGEMAN an iron worker [n]
Other moves: VENOGRAM 6H 68, WOOMERANG 7G 67, MANAGER 5E 40, MEGARON 5E 40, REMORA 12C 37

On 5th draw, T(R)ANQ N2 66 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: Q(U)INTIN O1 45, Q(U)ININ O1 42, Q(U)INT O1 39, Q(U)IN O1 36, Q(U)ININ J6 36

On 6th draw, YITIE 12A 34 --- YITIE (Scots) the yellowhammer [n]
Other moves: YALE 12A 30, YATE 12A 30, YETI 12A 30, YITE 12A 30, AYE 12C 28

On 7th draw, REELING 12I 77 --- REEL to wind on a type of rotary device [v] --- REELING the act of reeling [n]
Other tops: LEERING 12I 77
Other moves: LEERING 10I 71, LEGERING K2 70, LINGERIE B6 63, GREENLIT 2G 61, ENGIRDLE K6 60

On 8th draw, ZONDA N10 70 --- ZONDA a hot, dry, dusty wind [n]
Other tops: ZONED N10 70
Other moves: ZONAE N10 68, WOOZY A8 60, DOOZY A8 54, WANZED N10 54, ZOWIE M9 54

On 9th draw, HYE H13 32 --- HYE to hasten [v]
Other tops: HEY H13 32
Other moves: HIED M11 30, TH(R)U 3L 30, THY H13 29, DEITY A8 27, EDIT 13A 27

On 10th draw, SEXTARII L3 66 --- SEXTARII ancient Roman units of liquid measure [n] --- SEXTARIUS an ancient Roman unit of liquid measure [n]
Other moves: STYRAX A10 48, SIXTY A8 45, XYSTI A11 45, IXIA O6 44, IXIA O7 44

On 11th draw, SPULYIED A8 176 --- SPULYIE to plunder [v]
Other moves: SERPULID J2 65, EPULIDES 15B 62, DISFAVOR H1 45, PISE 15L 43, PULSE 15K 40

On 12th draw, GEEK K4 44 --- GEEK a carnival performer [n]
Other moves: GE(E)K K4 41, G(A)WK O12 40, G(E)EK K4 40, G(O)UK K4 40, G(O)WK O12 40

On 13th draw, JOCO J6 62 --- JOCO cheerful [adj]
Other moves: JOC(K) J6 61, JOC(O) J6 61, J(O)CO J6 60, JOI(N) J6 59, JOO(K) J6 59

On 14th draw, PHENETOL 15D 66 --- PHENETOL a volatile liquid [n]
Other moves: PHENETOL 15F 64, POINTE B10 49, POINT B10 44, PLONGE O8 43, THONG O8 40

On 15th draw, YAW 14H 32 --- YAW to deviate from an intended course [v]
Other tops: WETA O7 32, YEW 14H 32
Other moves: AW 14E 31, WAG 14J 30, TWA O8 29, WAE 14J 29, WAR 14J 29

On 16th draw, ITEM O6 29 --- ITEM to set down the particulars of [v]
Other moves: ITEM B7 28, EM 14E 25, UM 14E 25, EM B9 24, VIES F8 24

On 17th draw, DI(S)FAVOR H1 42 --- DISFAVOR to regard with disapproval [v]
Other moves: EUNUC(H) 14A 26, CU(E)D 14C 25, CU(T)IN B6 23, (O)UD 14D 22, GID(S) O12 21

On 18th draw, GOGO O12 24 --- GOGO a discotheque [n]
Other moves: GING O12 23, GONG O12 23, GOOD 13K 23, LOGION B5 21, GOON 14C 20

On 19th draw, LUCARNE(S) 3A 70 --- LUCARNE a type of window [n]
Other moves: RAINE B10 26, LIANE M11 24, LUCE 14C 23, CAUM M1 22, CEAS F8 22

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