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Game on July 24, 2024 at 22:02, 1 player
1. 101 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeegnu   H7    20    20   augend
 2. aelnoru  12E    68    88   urodelan
 3. aeestwz  11K    52   140   zetas
 4. ?abforr   O4    98   238   forbears
 5. ?abdijn   9A    77   315   bejading
 6. efgiouy  13I    59   374   fogey
 7. aeilnor   G1    62   436   aileron
 8. cehorsx  10A    63   499   exo
 9. deinstt   5E    86   585   strident
10. aikltuw   1D    51   636   kawau
11. cdehiry  13B    40   676   riched
12. inopstw  14K    46   722   swopt
13. aeiirtv  14F    39   761   vert
14. eimotuv  15M    33   794   moi
15. ahlstuv  11C    40   834   lah
16. eiioqtv   A7    27   861   vibe
17. eilmnos   3B    72   933   semillon
18. eipqtuy   2I    78  1011   equity

Remaining tiles: acegip

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7187 Filesunshine12  0  3:29  -910  101     1.7187 sunshine12  0  3:29  -910  101 

On 1st draw, AUGEND H7 20 --- AUGEND a number to which another is to be added [n]
Other tops: DENGUE H4 20, UNAGED H7 20, UNEDGE H8 20
Other moves: AGUED H8 18, AUGEND H3 18, AUGEND H4 18, AUGEND H8 18, DENGUE H3 18

On 2nd draw, URODELAN 12E 68 --- URODELAN a tailed Amphibia e.g. newts and salamanders [n]
Other tops: UNLOADER 12C 68
Other moves: NEURONAL 11C 66, NEURONAL 11H 66, ALEURON G1 62, ALEURON I1 62, ALEURONE 10A 62

On 3rd draw, ZETAS 11K 52 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: ZEAS 11K 50, ZEES 11K 50, ZEST 11K 50, ZETA 11K 50, ZAS 11K 48

On 4th draw, FORB(E)ARS O4 98 --- FORBEAR to refrain from [v]
Other moves: FORB(E)AR I2 68, FORB(E)AR I1 66, FOR(E)BEAR 10C 64, FORBAR(E) G1 63, FORBAR(E) I1 63
FA(P) 13I 31 sunshine12

On 5th draw, B(E)JADING 9A 77 --- BEJADE to tire out [v]
Other moves: BANJ(O) G4 39, B(E)NJ G4 37, (H)ADJ G4 36, JIB(E)D N1 35, J(O) G7 34
BANJ(O) G4 39 sunshine12

On 6th draw, FOGEY 13I 59 --- FOGEY a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other moves: FOGEY 13C 46, FOY 10B 43, FOG 10B 39, FOE 10B 37, FIG 13I 35
OY 8A 31 sunshine12

On 7th draw, AILERON G1 62 --- AILERON a movable control surface on an airplane wing [n]
Other tops: AILERON I1 62, ALERION G1 62, ALERION I1 62, ALIENOR I1 62
Other moves: LORAN 10B 30, ALONE 10A 28, ANOLE 10A 28, IRONE 10A 28, ABORNE A8 27

On 8th draw, EXO 10A 63 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: HOXES 10B 62, SOREX 13C 61, EXARCHS 1E 57, EXARCH 1E 54, EX 10A 53

On 9th draw, STRIDENT 5E 86 --- STRIDENT shrill [adj]
Other moves: INSTATED 1C 80, STINTED 13A 79, DINETTES 4A 74, INSETTED 4A 74, DENTIST 14D 73

On 10th draw, KAWAU 1D 51 --- KAWAU (Maori) the black shag [n]
Other moves: KATTI F2 45, KIAAT 1D 42, KAWAU 1F 36, WAULK 1F 36, KA F2 34

On 11th draw, RICHED 13B 40 --- RICH to enrich [v]
Other moves: HYED 6J 39, CHIDE N2 38, ICHED 13C 38, RHY 11C 38, HYE 6J 37

On 12th draw, SWOPT 14K 46 --- SWOP to trade [v]
Other moves: W*P 11C 45, SWOP 14K 44, OW 8A 42, TWP 11C 42, TOPI 11C 41

On 13th draw, VERT 14F 39 --- VERT the heraldic color green [n] --- VERT to become a convert [v]
Other moves: VAE 14F 32, VAR 14F 32, VAT 14F 32, VET 14F 32, VIBE A7 27

On 14th draw, MOI 15M 33 --- MOI used to express surprise [interj]
Other tops: MOE 15M 33
Other moves: MOVIE 2A 28, MOVIE 4A 28, VOMIT 2A 28, VOMIT L1 28, TOE 11A 27

On 15th draw, LAH 11C 40 --- LAH the sixth note of the scale [n]
Other moves: VAULTS 15A 37, THALIS F5 35, THALI F5 32, WHA F1 32, AH 6I 29

On 16th draw, VIBE A7 27 --- VIBE a vibration [n]
Other moves: QI 4D 24, VIT(E)X B6 22, VETO 2A 20, VETO N3 20, VITE N3 20

On 17th draw, SEMILLON 3B 72 --- SEMILLON a white grape grown in France [n]
Other tops: SEMILLON 3C 72
Other moves: ELEMIS 4G 34, LEMONS 15A 34, LIMENS 15A 34, MELONS 15A 34, MOLIES 15A 34

On 18th draw, EQUITY 2I 78 --- EQUITY fairness or impartiality [n]
Other moves: QUIET L1 48, EQUITY J5 46, QUITE N2 43, PITY 4A 42, QUEY N2 42

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