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Game on July 25, 2024 at 08:41, 6 players
1. 394 pts vendanges
2. 216 pts LongJump22
3. 33 pts Quincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eefrwy   H8    88    88   freeway
 2. efilosv  15D    93   181   fives
 3. abiilop  14B    25   206   blip
 4. adeeort   8H    92   298   foredate
 5. deiintv   M7    84   382   vanitied
 6. ?einrss  11E    82   464   sneeriest
 7. dhioqtx  N12    41   505   oxid
 8. dehmrtu  10J    32   537   hm
 9. aemootw  O14    27   564   me
10. aeegnpw   7I    27   591   wap
11. aeeghsy   6J    36   627   yah
12. eegostu   5K    31   658   geste
13. abioruu   4I    32   690   boar
14. lnoortu  O12    21   711   nome
15. adeinor   E4    68   779   aneroids
16. iiklntu   8A    45   824   ulikon
17. aacglru   O1    33   857   glace
18. aeottuu   D1    22   879   outeat
19. ailnort   2H    70   949   antiroll
20. acgjoqu   1F    65  1014   gajo

Remaining tiles: cquuz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6875 Filevendanges   3 13:03  -620  394     1.8540 LongJump22  4  2:35  -798  216 
  2.8540 FileLongJump22  4  2:35  -798  216     2.8255 Quincunx    1  0:42  -981   33 
  3.8255 FileQuincunx    1  0:42  -981   33     3.8760 Vuincunx    1  1:00  -981   33 
  4.8760 FileVuincunx    1  1:00  -981   33     4.8473 Wuincunx    1  1:24  -981   33 
  5.8473 FileWuincunx    1  1:24  -981   33     5.8698 Zuincunx    1  1:41  -981   33 
  6.8698 FileZuincunx    1  1:41  -981   33            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6875 vendanges   3 13:03  -620  394 

On 1st draw, FREEW(A)Y H8 88 --- FREEWAY an express highway [n]
Other tops: FREEW(A)Y H4 88, FREEW(A)Y H6 88
Other moves: FREEW(A)Y H2 82, FREEW(A)Y H3 82, FREEW(A)Y H5 80, FREEW(A)Y H7 80, W(A)FERY H4 36

On 2nd draw, FIVES 15D 93 --- FIVE a number [n]
Other moves: FILOSE 15D 87, SOLIVE 15H 87, FILES 15D 84, FILOS 15D 84, FLIES 15D 84
FIVES 15D 93 vendanges

On 3rd draw, BLIP 14B 25 --- BLIP to remove sound from a recording [v]
Other tops: BAP G11 25, BOP G11 25
Other moves: OBA I12 24, ABOIL 14A 21, ALBE G12 21, APIOL 14A 21, LOB I11 21
OBA I12 24 vendanges

On 4th draw, FOREDATE 8H 92 --- FOREDATE to antedate [v]
Other moves: AREDE I10 26, ERODE I10 26, TRODE I10 26, EARED I9 25, OREAD G9 25
DOTE I11 21 vendanges

On 5th draw, VANITIED M7 84 --- VANITIED full of vanity [adj] --- VANITY inflated pride in oneself [adj]
Other moves: V(A)NITIED 13G 82, AVIDIN M8 28, VENTIL C9 26, (A)VIDIN 13H 26, ADVENT M8 24

On 6th draw, SN(E)ERIEST 11E 82 --- SNEERY marked by sneering [adj]
Other tops: SNEERI(E)ST 11E 82
Other moves: EN(U)RESIS 11D 78, EN(U)RESIS K4 78, IN(T)ERESS K5 78, IN(V)ERSES K5 78, RI(F)ENESS K5 78

On 7th draw, OXID N12 41 --- OXID oxide [n]
Other moves: HOX N13 37, QI 15A 37, OXHIDE K3 34, XI N13 33, HOXED K5 32
QI 15A 37 vendanges

On 8th draw, HM 10J 32 --- HM used to express thoughtful consideration [interj]
Other moves: HE 10J 28, DEEM 10G 27, DERTH 12A 27, HEM 7I 27, HUM 7I 27
HE 10J 28 vendanges

On 9th draw, ME O14 27 --- ME the objective case of the pronoun I [pron] --- ME the third note of the scale [n]
Other tops: MA O14 27, MO O14 27, WEM 7I 27
Other moves: MAW 7I 25, MEW 7I 25, MOW 7I 25, ROMA I11 25, AMOWT 12A 24
WET 7I 23 vendanges

On 10th draw, WAP 7I 27 --- WAP to wrap [v]
Other moves: GENEVA 7I 26, WEANEL C9 26, PAW 7I 25, PEW 7I 25, PAWNEES E5 24
WAP 7I 27 vendanges

On 11th draw, YAH 6J 36 --- YAH an affirmative vote [n] --- YAH used as an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other moves: YAG 6J 34, YAE 6J 33, HAYSEL C9 32, YA 6J 32, Y(E)AH G10 31

On 12th draw, GESTE 5K 31 --- GESTE a feat [n]
Other tops: GEEST 5K 31, GOUTS 5K 31, GUEST 5K 31, GUSTO 5K 31
Other moves: GEES 5K 29, GEOS 5K 29, GEST 5K 29, GETS 5K 29, GOES 5K 29

On 13th draw, BOAR 4I 32 --- BOAR a male pig [n]
Other moves: BAR 4J 30, BOAR 13A 26, OAR 4J 26, ABORE O1 24, AR 4K 24

On 14th draw, NOME O12 21 --- NOME a province of modern Greece [n]
Other tops: LOOTEN O1 21, LOOTER O1 21, OUTLER O1 21, RUNLET O1 21, TOOLER O1 21
Other moves: LOURE O1 18, NOULE O1 18, OUTRE O1 18, RONTE O1 18, ROULE O1 18

On 15th draw, ANEROIDS E4 68 --- ANEROID a type of barometer [n]
Other tops: DONARIES E4 68
Other moves: ORDAINER 9A 62, ROAD 13A 25, ROED 13A 25, AERIED O1 24, AIRNED O1 24
DONARIES E4 68 LongJump22
RAINED O1 24 vendanges

On 16th draw, ULIKON 8A 45 --- ULIKON the candlefish [n]
Other moves: LIKIN D2 34, INKLE O1 30, KILN D1 30, KILT D1 30, KIN D4 30
ULIKON 8A 45 LongJump22
KI 15A 22 vendanges

On 17th draw, GLACE O1 33 --- GLACE to cover with icing [v]
Other tops: GRACE O1 33
Other moves: LAAGER O1 27, CARLE O1 24, LARGE O1 24, LUCRE O1 24, CRAAL F2 23
GRACE O1 33 vendanges, Wuincunx, Zuincunx
GLACE O1 33 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx

On 18th draw, OUTEAT D1 22 --- OUTEAT to surpass in eating [v]
Other moves: OUTEAT F1 18, TAUTEN F3 18, ETATS M1 17, OUTDATE 10B 17, ROTA I11 17

On 19th draw, ANTIROLL 2H 70 --- ANTIROLL designed to reduce roll [adj]
Other tops: ANTIROLL B1 70, ANTIROLL B2 70
Other moves: ORATION 1D 21, ORTOLAN 1A 21, ORTOLAN 1D 21, TRINAL F1 21, LORAN F2 20
ANTIROLL B1 70 LongJump22

On 20th draw, GAJO 1F 65 --- GAJO a non-gypsy [n]
Other moves: GJU 1G 62, JA 1H 56, JO 1H 56, QUA 1F 42, JOCO 1A 39
GJU 1G 62 vendanges

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