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Game on July 25, 2024 at 14:45, 5 players
1. 318 pts LongJump22
2. 112 pts Vuincunx
3. 64 pts Quincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeinos   H7    64    64   anodise
 2. ehoopuw   I6    40   104   phew
 3. eeeirtu   G7    24   128   rete
 4. aaborrs  14B    87   215   arrobas
 5. afinost   J2    32   247   fitnas
 6. ?aehnwy   D8    86   333   anywhere
 7. acdeotu   4H    78   411   outacted
 8. eilrsty  12H    80   491   sisterly
 9. adeilmp   M8    82   573   imparled
10. aefgklm   8L    48   621   kief
11. gimnoru   3B    75   696   rouming
12. deinqtv   2F    64   760   qi
13. acgijnu   1G    43   803   jig
14. eelnotu   5B    68   871   toluene
15. bdeiouv  15J    36   907   voided
16. aalnouz  F10    63   970   zoa
17. bilnotu   O1    27   997   boudin
18. acdlrtx   2A    41  1038   calx

Remaining tiles: dgrtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8540 FileLongJump22  3  5:23  -720  318     1.8540 LongJump22  3  5:23  -720  318 
  2.8791 FileVuincunx    2  1:50  -926  112     2.8791 Vuincunx    2  1:50  -926  112 
  3.8200 FileQuincunx    1  0:20  -974   64     3.8200 Quincunx    1  0:20  -974   64 
  4.8698 FileZuincunx    1  0:38  -974   64     4.8698 Zuincunx    1  0:38  -974   64 
  5.8473 FileWuincunx    1  0:56  -974   64     5.8473 Wuincunx    1  0:56  -974   64 

On 1st draw, ANO(D)ISE H7 64 --- ANODISE to give a protective coat [v]
Other tops: ANISO(L)E H2 64, ANISO(L)E H3 64, ANISO(L)E H4 64, ANISO(L)E H6 64, ANISO(L)E H8 64, ANOESI(S) H2 64, ANOESI(S) H3 64, ANOESI(S) H4 64, ANOESI(S) H7 64, ANOESI(S) H8 64, ANOE(S)IS H2 64, ANOE(S)IS H3 64, ANOE(S)IS H4 64, ANOE(S)IS H6 64, ANOE(S)IS H7 64, ANO(D)ISE H2 64, ANO(D)ISE H3 64, ANO(D)ISE H4 64, ANO(D)ISE H6 64, ANO(D)ISE H8 64, ANO(M)IES H2 64, ANO(M)IES H3 64, ANO(M)IES H4 64, ANO(M)IES H6 64, ANO(M)IES H7 64, ANO(M)IES H8 64, A(C)INOSE H2 64, A(C)INOSE H4 64, A(C)INOSE H6 64, A(C)INOSE H7 64, A(C)INOSE H8 64, A(D)ONISE H2 64, A(D)ONISE H4 64, A(D)ONISE H6 64, A(D)ONISE H7 64, A(D)ONISE H8 64, A(G)ONIES H2 64, A(G)ONIES H4 64, A(G)ONIES H6 64, A(G)ONIES H7 64, A(G)ONIES H8 64, A(G)ONISE H2 64, A(G)ONISE H4 64, A(G)ONISE H6 64, A(G)ONISE H7 64, A(G)ONISE H8 64, A(T)ONIES H2 64, A(T)ONIES H4 64, A(T)ONIES H6 64, A(T)ONIES H7 64, A(T)ONIES H8 64, A(Z)IONES H2 64, A(Z)IONES H4 64, A(Z)IONES H6 64, A(Z)IONES H7 64, A(Z)IONES H8 64, E(P)INAOS H2 64, E(P)INAOS H4 64, E(P)INAOS H6 64, E(P)INAOS H7 64, E(P)INAOS H8 64, E(R)ASION H2 64, E(R)ASION H4 64, E(R)ASION H6 64, E(R)ASION H7 64, E(R)ASION H8 64, E(V)ASION H2 64, E(V)ASION H4 64, E(V)ASION H6 64, E(V)ASION H7 64, E(V)ASION H8 64, SENO(P)IA H2 64, SENO(P)IA H3 64, SENO(P)IA H4 64, SENO(P)IA H6 64, SENO(P)IA H7 64, SO(D)AINE H3 64, SO(D)AINE H4 64, SO(D)AINE H6 64, SO(D)AINE H7 64, SO(D)AINE H8 64
Other moves: ANISO(L)E H5 62, ANISO(L)E H7 62, ANOESI(S) H5 62, ANOESI(S) H6 62, ANOE(S)IS H5 62

On 2nd draw, PHEW I6 40 --- PHEW used to express relief, fatigue, or disgust [interj]
Other tops: PHEW G6 40
Other moves: HOWE G7 39, HOWE I7 39, WHOOPEE 13C 38, HEW G7 37, HEW I7 37

On 3rd draw, RETE G7 24 --- RETE an anatomical mesh or network [n]
Other moves: RET G7 22, RETIE G9 22, REI J5 17, RETE G9 17, RITE G9 17

On 4th draw, ARROBAS 14B 87 --- ARROBA a Spanish unit of weight [n]
Other moves: ARROBAS J1 76, RASBORAS 12A 72, RASBORA 14F 70, RASBORAS 12F 70, RASBORA 6A 68

On 5th draw, FITNAS J2 32 --- FITNA a state of trouble or chaos [n]
Other moves: FAITORS C9 28, FAN F10 27, FAS F10 27, FAT F10 27, FIN F10 27

On 6th draw, ANYWH(E)RE D8 86 --- ANYWHERE any place at all [n]
Other moves: ANYWHER(E) C8 84, ANYWHER(E) D8 84, ANYWH(E)RE C8 84, WH(E)EN 15A 44, WANEY K1 41
ANYWH(E)RE D8 86 LongJump22

On 7th draw, OUTACTED 4H 78 --- OUTACT to surpass in acting [v]
Other tops: OUTFACED 2G 78
Other moves: OUTACTED 4E 74, DOUC K3 30, ACER C11 26, CARD C12 26, CORD C12 26
OUTFACED 2G 78 LongJump22

On 8th draw, SISTERLY 12H 80 --- SISTERLY of or resembling a sister [adj]
Other moves: STYLISER 12H 74, SISTERLY 12F 72, STYLIER 5B 72, STYLIER E2 72, STYLIER J9 71
STYLIER E2 72 LongJump22

On 9th draw, IMPARLED M8 82 --- IMPARL to talk over [v]
Other moves: IMPALED 3B 79, IMPALED C2 79, IMPLEAD 3B 79, IMPLEAD C2 79, IMPALED 5B 77
IMPARLED M8 82 LongJump22

On 10th draw, KIEF 8L 48 --- KIEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other tops: FLAKEY O7 48
Other moves: FAKEY O8 45, FIKE 8L 45, FLAKY O8 45, GLEEK N2 40, FILM 8L 39
FLAKEY O7 48 Vuincunx

On 11th draw, ROUMING 3B 75 --- ROUMING the ratio of cattle to pasture [n]
Other moves: ROUMING E2 73, MUREIN 14J 28, GLIM N11 27, GLOM N11 27, GUIDON 15J 27

On 12th draw, QI 2F 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 15A 35, VINED 14J 34, EQUID D1 32, QIS J10 32, QI F2 31
QI 2F 64 Quincunx, Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx

On 13th draw, JIG 1G 43 --- JIG to bob [v]
Other tops: JAG 1G 43, JUG 1G 43
Other moves: JAI 1G 40, JIN 1G 40, JUN 1G 40, GJU 1G 37, JA 1G 37

On 14th draw, TOLUENE 5B 68 --- TOLUENE a solvent derived from coal tar [n]
Other moves: LENTO 4A 24, LEONE 4A 24, LOUDEN 15J 24, OUTRE C11 24, ENDUE 15K 21

On 15th draw, VOIDED 15J 36 --- VOID to make void (of no legal force or effect) [v]
Other moves: VIDEO 14J 34, VOIDED O1 33, BIDED 15K 30, BODED 15K 30, EUOI E9 30

On 16th draw, ZOA F10 63 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other tops: ZOL F10 63
Other moves: ZA F10 62, ZO F10 62, OZA(E)NA 13A 49, ZONDA O1 45, LAZO 2A 43

On 17th draw, BOUDIN O1 27 --- BOUDIN a spicy Cajun sausage [n]
Other moves: BENTO 13G 25, BLITE N11 24, BUNDT O1 24, BENI 14L 23, BENI 13G 22

On 18th draw, CALX 2A 41 --- CALX a mineral residue [n]
Other moves: TIX I11 37, AX 15A 36, TAXA 8A 33, CARD C12 26, EX F5 25

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