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Game on July 25, 2024 at 22:22, 1 player
1. 36 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ainprt   H8    72    72   atropin
 2. ainorsz  15D    99   171   zoris
 3. ?adittx  G11    40   211   dux
 4. eilruwy  11G    24   235   dowery
 5. aeefnor  10J    38   273   feare
 6. acdeptt   O6    40   313   paced
 7. abcilnu  12K    35   348   aulic
 8. aellnou   N2    20   368   llano
 9. aenoorv   O1    31   399   voar
10. deginot   G2    64   463   ingoted
11. aegrstv   5E    44   507   grovets
12. enoqswy  O12    36   543   cowy
13. eejkotu  D12    40   583   jeez
14. abeessu   M3    36   619   abuses
15. aeiilnt   E8    23   642   tineal
16. adinooq   F2    64   706   qi
17. aefhoot   8A    45   751   thoft
18. aeiimnu   J1    64   815   minutiae
19. bdegino   1H    39   854   demob
20. ghikmtu   3B    30   884   kithing

Remaining tiles: mnou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7195 Filesunshine12  1  0:59  -848   36     1.7195 sunshine12  1  0:59  -848   36 

On 1st draw, ATR(O)PIN H8 72 --- ATROPIN a medicine derived from the deadly nightshade [n]
Other tops: PAINT(E)R H4 72, PARTIN(G) H4 72, PRATIN(G) H4 72, P(E)RTAIN H4 72, P(U)RITAN H4 72, R(E)PAINT H2 72, (C)ANTRIP H6 72, (S)PIRANT H3 72, (S)PRAINT H3 72, (U)PTRAIN H3 72
Other moves: ATR(O)PIN H2 68, ATR(O)PIN H3 68, ATR(O)PIN H4 68, ATR(O)PIN H6 68, ATR(O)PIN H7 68

On 2nd draw, ZORIS 15D 99 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other moves: NAZIRS 15C 75, AZONS 15D 72, IZARS 15D 72, NAZIS 15D 72, RIZAS 15D 72

On 3rd draw, D(U)X G11 40 --- DUX the best academic performer in a class [n]
Other moves: T(U)X G11 38, (O)X G12 36, (E)XTRAIT 10E 31, TAXI(E)D I6 30, (M)ATRIX 10E 30

On 4th draw, D(O)WERY 11G 24 --- DOWERY assets a wife brings to marriage [n]
Other moves: D(O)WLY 11G 22, D(O)WRY 11G 22, WURLEY G3 22, WURLEY I3 22, WYE G7 22

On 5th draw, FEARE 10J 38 --- FEARE a companion [n]
Other moves: FANE 10J 35, FANO 10J 35, FEAR 10J 35, FONE 10J 35, FAN 10J 34

On 6th draw, PACED O6 40 --- PACE to walk with a regular step [v]
Other tops: CAPED O6 40
Other moves: CADET O8 37, CATTED O5 37, PATTED O5 37, ACTED O6 34, APTED O6 34

On 7th draw, AULIC 12K 35 --- AULIC pertaining to a royal court [adj]
Other moves: NUBIA 12K 31, UNCI 12L 26, NUB 12K 25, CUBE 9L 24, CALIBER K5 22

On 8th draw, LLANO N2 20 --- LLANO an open, grassy plain [n]
Other moves: CALL O12 18, CALO O12 18, CANE O12 18, CAUL O12 18, CELL O12 18

On 9th draw, VOAR O1 31 --- VOAR springtime [n]
Other moves: CAVE O12 27, COVE O12 27, VERNAL 3I 26, EOAN O1 22, ROAN O1 22

On 10th draw, INGOTED G2 64 --- INGOT to shape into a convenient form for storage [v]
Other tops: INGOTED I2 64
Other moves: DETOXING 13C 36, DIGOXIN 13C 34, DITZ D12 28, CEDI O12 21, CIDE O12 21

On 11th draw, GROVETS 5E 44 --- GROVET a wrestling hold [n]
Other moves: AVES M3 33, STORAGE 5E 32, ERSATZ D10 30, GEATS F2 30, AGES M3 27

On 12th draw, COWY O12 36 --- COWY suggestive of a cow [adj]
Other moves: OYEZ D12 32, QIS 2F 32, QI 2F 31, YOWES M4 28, CONY O12 27
COWY O12 36 sunshine12

On 13th draw, JEEZ D12 40 --- JEEZ used as a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: JOKE M4 37, JUKE M4 37, EKE F1 35, OKE F1 35, UKE F1 35

On 14th draw, ABUSES M3 36 --- ABUSE to use wrongly or improperly [v]
Other moves: ABUSE M3 34, BAURS F2 34, BEARE F2 34, BEARS F2 34, BASSO E11 27

On 15th draw, TINEAL E8 23 --- TINEA a fungous skin disease [adj] --- TINEAL relating to tinea [adj]
Other moves: ANELE 14B 20, AN N14 19, ELAN E10 19, ENTIA E8 19, LEAN E10 19

On 16th draw, QI F2 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QADI 6B 37, QI 2F 31, QAID 9C 24, QI D9 24, QADI D7 23

On 17th draw, THOFT 8A 45 --- THOFT a rowing-bench [n]
Other tops: THEFT 8A 45
Other moves: OF N14 28, AFOOT 8A 27, FAH 6I 25, FEH 6I 25, FOH 6I 25

On 18th draw, MINUTIAE J1 64 --- MINUTIA a small detail [n]
Other moves: MINUTIAE A4 63, AM N14 25, AMI 7B 25, MINUET 6B 23, AIM 9A 22

On 19th draw, DEMOB 1H 39 --- DEMOB to discharge from military service [v]
Other moves: NIMBED 1H 36, DOMING 1H 33, DOMINE 1H 30, HONGIED B8 28, DEMON 1H 27

On 20th draw, KITHING 3B 30 --- KITHE to make known [v]
Other moves: HIKING 3C 28, METH I4 28, HM I7 27, KI 7C 27, MIKING 3C 26

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