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Game on July 26, 2024 at 00:40, 1 player
1. 60 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ajoortx   H8    26    26   taxor
 2. ?aciopr   8H    86   112   tropical
 3. bdegilt  11E    44   156   bigoted
 4. aghlnor   L2    74   230   longhair
 5. aadeipv   2I    36   266   avaled
 6. aaejnsy  12A    53   319   jasey
 7. ?alrstu   F6    77   396   ruralist
 8. deilouu  A12    36   432   judo
 9. aefistv   1D    50   482   favest
10. deilnqu   J6    39   521   quoined
11. cekmoos   8A    54   575   mocker
12. aehimnp   C3    42   617   impeach
13. inootwz   1M    53   670   wiz
14. eeilstw  15A    86   756   owelties
15. efinory   3L    36   792   oyer
16. eeginor   O7    59   851   eloigner
17. befnotu   B2    59   910   boeuf
18. iilnnno   D1    27   937   filo

Remaining tiles: innnt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7195 Filesunshine12  0  2:08  -877   60     1.7195 sunshine12  0  2:08  -877   60 

On 1st draw, TAXOR H8 26 --- TAXOR one who taxes [n]
Other tops: TAXOR H4 26
Other moves: TAXOR H5 24, TAXOR H6 24, TAXOR H7 24, JATO H5 22, JATO H6 22

On 2nd draw, TROPICA(L) 8H 86 --- TROPIC either of two circles of the celestial sphere on each side of the equator [adj] --- TROPICAL a tropical place [n] --- TROPICAL pertaining to the tropics [adj]
Other moves: PICARO(S) 13B 84, PRO(S)AIC 13E 74, PICAROO(N) 11B 72, PICAROO(N) 11C 72, PICA(D)OR I3 69

On 3rd draw, BIGOTED 11E 44 --- BIGOTED intolerant [adj]
Other moves: BED G9 28, BEG G9 28, BREID I7 27, BEL G9 26, BET G9 26

On 4th draw, LONGHAIR L2 74 --- LONGHAIR an intellectual [n]
Other moves: LONGHAIR F5 66, HOGAN 10J 35, HALON 10J 34, HOGAN G9 34, HORAL 10J 34

On 5th draw, AVALED 2I 36 --- AVALE to doff [v]
Other moves: VALID 2J 34, VILDE 2J 34, PAGED G9 32, PAX 10F 31, VEDALIA 2H 30

On 6th draw, JASEY 12A 53 --- JASEY a wig [n]
Other moves: JAGAS G9 50, JASEY 1E 50, JAGA G9 48, JASY 1F 47, JAG G9 45

On 7th draw, RU(R)ALIST F6 77 --- RURALIST one who lives in the country [n]
Other tops: ALTRUIS(M) F6 77, ALTRUIS(T) F6 77, AL(T)RUIST F6 77, LU(N)ARIST F6 77, SALUT(E)R 13H 77, SUT(U)RAL 13H 77, ULTRAIS(M) F6 77, ULTRAIS(T) F6 77, UL(T)RAIST F6 77, (E)STRUAL 13G 77
Other moves: S(U)TURAL 13H 75, (M)URALIST F6 75, (R)URALIST F6 75, AUSTR(A)L 1C 73, SUT(U)RAL 1C 73

On 8th draw, JUDO A12 36 --- JUDO a form of jujitsu [n]
Other tops: JEDI A12 36
Other moves: JOLE A12 33, OLID 13A 28, LOUDE(R) 8A 24, OULDE(R) 8A 24, LODE 3K 21

On 9th draw, FAVEST 1D 50 --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: FASTIE 10J 48, FASTI 10J 47, FESTA 10J 47, AVIATES B9 46, FAST 10J 44

On 10th draw, QUOINED J6 39 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other tops: QUAILED N6 39
Other moves: QUINELA B6 38, EQUALI N5 37, EQUID 12K 37, QUAIL N6 36, QUALE N6 36

On 11th draw, MOCKE(R) 8A 54 --- MOCKER one that mocks [n] --- MOCKER to clothe [v]
Other moves: COOKE(R) 8A 48, SMOKE(R) 8A 48, DECKOS 14A 40, KEG G9 35, SMOCK 14F 35
MOC 1M 28 sunshine12

On 12th draw, IMPEACH C3 42 --- IMPEACH to charge with misconduct in office [v]
Other moves: EPHA 9A 38, MIHA 9A 38, HOMIE 3K 36, CHIASM C8 34, HAET 13C 34
HIP 1M 32 sunshine12

On 13th draw, WIZ 1M 53 --- WIZ a very clever or skillful person [n]
Other moves: ZATI B11 34, OZONE E4 32, SWIZ C12 32, ZOA B10 32, ZOA N6 32

On 14th draw, OWELTIES 15A 86 --- OWELTY equality [n]
Other moves: WEL(L)SITE O5 61, WE(L)LSITE O6 61, DEWIEST 14A 36, WOES 3K 35, WOTS 3K 35

On 15th draw, OYER 3L 36 --- OYER a type of legal writ [n]
Other tops: OYER D3 36
Other moves: FY D3 35, OYE 3L 34, FIER D3 33, FIFE D1 33, FOEN D3 33

On 16th draw, E(L)OIGNER O7 59 --- ELOIGNER one that eloigns [n]
Other moves: FINEER D1 34, DONEE 14A 28, DOREE 14A 28, DONE 14A 24, DORE 14A 24

On 17th draw, BOEUF B2 59 --- BOEUF as in boeuf bourguignon, a casserole of beef, herbs etc cooked in red wine. [adj]
Other moves: FOUTER 14J 34, FOEN D3 33, FOMENT 4A 30, OF B5 30, DOF 14A 29

On 18th draw, FILO D1 27 --- FILO very thin pastry dough [n]
Other moves: ANOW B12 22, DON 14A 20, LOG G9 19, NOG G9 19, LO D3 17

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