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Game on July 26, 2024 at 08:56, 12 players
1. 420 pts Chelsea
2. 307 pts vendanges
3. 287 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acmrstu   H7    26    26   sacrum
 2. degiorx  12H    30    56   mixed
 3. aaegoru  11G    28    84   auger
 4. dlnoptu  13I    32   116   pod
 5. aaioprt   I2    66   182   atropia
 6. eegiint  14J    24   206   nete
 7. ?eeotvy   4F    78   284   overtype
 8. elnoors  15E    30   314   loners
 9. beiltuw  14F    35   349   web
10. aegnouy   J2    32   381   yate
11. deiknnu  10A    71   452   unkinder
12. ?cfimot   N8    96   548   comfits
13. aefhlos   O4    66   614   flash
14. dginoqt   A9    54   668   quoting
15. aeiortw   A7    57   725   requoting
16. bgiorst   E5    40   765   sorbing
17. aehiint  13C    40   805   neath
18. adillou   M7    25   830   lido
19. aaijluv   D1    34   864   ajiva

Remaining tiles: iluuwz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7196 FileChelsea     5 11:07  -444  420     1.8588 LongJump22  4  2:33  -577  287 
  2.6890 Filevendanges   2  7:48  -557  307     2.8033 Quincunx    1  1:49  -752  112 
  3.8588 FileLongJump22  4  2:33  -577  287     3.8751 Vuincunx    1  2:35  -752  112 
  4.8033 FileQuincunx    1  1:49  -752  112     4.8476 Wuincunx    1  1:35  -798   66 
  5.8751 FileVuincunx    1  2:35  -752  112     5.8689 Zuincunx    0  1:45  -818   46 
  6.8476 FileWuincunx    1  1:35  -798   66            Group: advanced
  7.6920 FileJavelin22   1  0:30  -807   57     1.7196 Chelsea     5 11:07  -444  420 
  8.6759 FileShotPut22   1  0:45  -807   57            Group: intermediate
  9.6882 FileHammer22    1  0:58  -807   57     1.6890 vendanges   2  7:48  -557  307 
 10.6848 FileDiscus22    1  1:13  -807   57     2.6920 Javelin22   1  0:30  -807   57 
 11.  -  FileALPHABET25  1  1:55  -810   54     3.6759 ShotPut22   1  0:45  -807   57 
 12.8689 FileZuincunx    0  1:45  -818   46     4.6882 Hammer22    1  0:58  -807   57 
                                             5.6848 Discus22    1  1:13  -807   57 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  ALPHABET25  1  1:55  -810   54 

On 1st draw, SACRUM H7 26 --- SACRUM a bone of the pelvis [n]
Other tops: MUSCAT H4 26
Other moves: CAMUS H4 24, CAUMS H4 24, CRAMS H4 24, MARCS H4 24, MUSCA H4 24

On 2nd draw, MIXED 12H 30 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v]
Other moves: GREX 10G 28, MIREX 12H 28, MIXER 12H 28, MOXIE 12H 28, OXER 10E 27

On 3rd draw, AUGER 11G 28 --- AUGER a tool for boring [n]
Other tops: RUGAE 11G 28
Other moves: AERUGO 11E 26, AREG 11J 26, AREA 11J 24, ARE 11J 22, ERA 11J 22

On 4th draw, POD 13I 32 --- POD to produce seed coverings [v]
Other moves: DONUT 10J 30, DOP 13I 30, POT 13I 30, DOUP 10J 29, DOP 10J 28

On 5th draw, ATROPIA I2 66 --- ATROPIA a medicine derived from the deadly nightshade [n]
Other tops: ATROPIA G2 66
Other moves: ATROPIA G1 64, ATROPIAS 7A 62, PODIA 13I 19, ATAP 10K 17, ATOP 10K 17

On 6th draw, NETE 14J 24 --- NETE the highest note of the lyre [n]
Other tops: NEG 14J 24
Other moves: NEE 14J 23, NET 14J 23, GIEN J2 22, NE 14J 22, PODITE 13I 21

On 7th draw, OVERTY(P)E 4F 78 --- OVERTYPE to type over the top of [v]
Other moves: YEVE(S) N10 44, OVE(R)MIXED 12D 43, YEVE(S) 15F 41, AVOYE(R) 2I 38, VOTE(S) N10 38
YE(S) 15H 26 Chelsea

On 8th draw, LONERS 15E 30 --- LONER one that avoids others [n]
Other tops: ENROLS 15E 30, LOOSEN N1 30, LOOSER N1 30, NEROLS 15E 30, NOOSER N1 30, NORSEL N1 30, ORLONS 15E 30, RONEOS 15E 30
Other moves: SENOR 15K 29, SERON 15K 29, SOLER 15K 29, SOLON 15K 29, SOREL 15K 29
LONERS 15E 30 Chelsea
LOSER N2 28 vendanges

On 9th draw, WEB 14F 35 --- WEB to provide with a web (an interlaced fabric or structure) [v]
Other moves: TWITE J1 33, BLEW 14C 32, WITE J2 32, WET 14F 31, WIT 14F 31
TWITE J1 33 Chelsea
PODITE 13I 26 vendanges

On 10th draw, YATE J2 32 --- YATE a gate [n]
Other tops: NOYAU 3K 32
Other moves: EYOT J1 30, YET J2 29, NOY 3K 28, AY J1 26, NY J1 26
YET J2 29 Chelsea
AY J1 26 vendanges

On 11th draw, UNKINDER 10A 71 --- UNKIND lacking in kindness [adj]
Other moves: UN(P)INKED L2 63, KNEED H1 43, NUDNIK N2 41, DIKE N4 34, DUKE N4 34
UNKINDER 10A 71 LongJump22
IDEE H1 25 Chelsea
UNMIXED 12F 19 vendanges

On 12th draw, COMFIT(S) N8 96 --- COMFIT a candy [n]
Other moves: COMFIT(S) 13A 84, MO(R)TIFIC D4 80, MO(R)TIFIC D6 78, FICO(S) N10 42, C(H)IEF H1 41
COMFIT(S) N8 96 LongJump22
COMFIT(S) N8 46 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Zuincunx
COM(S) N1 27 Chelsea

On 13th draw, FLASH O4 66 --- FLASH showy [adj] --- FLASH to send forth a sudden burst of light [v]
Other tops: FLESH O4 66, FLOSH O4 66
Other moves: FAHS O6 53, FEHS O6 53, FOHS O6 53, FASH O5 51, FAH O6 48
FLASH O4 66 LongJump22, Chelsea, vendanges
FLESH O4 66 Quincunx, Wuincunx
FLOSH O4 66 Vuincunx

On 14th draw, QUOTING A9 54 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other moves: DOUTING A8 30, QI M7 29, QI 5E 24, QI 9D 24, TOKING C8 24
QUOTING A9 54 Chelsea, LongJump22, ALPHABET25
QI 9D 24 vendanges

On 15th draw, REQUOTING A7 57 --- REQUOTE to quote again [v]
Other moves: TWEER H1 39, TWIER H1 39, AWEE H1 33, TWEE H1 33, AWE M8 31
REQUOTING A7 57 vendanges, Javelin22, ShotPut22, Hammer22, Discus22, Chelsea

On 16th draw, SORBING E5 40 --- SORB to take up and hold by absorption or adsorption [v]
Other moves: ROSTING E5 32, SORTING E5 32, STORING E5 32, TRIGONS E5 32, TABORS 3I 28
SORBING E5 40 Chelsea

On 17th draw, NEATH 13C 40 --- NEATH beneath [prep]
Other moves: INNATE B9 33, THEE H1 33, AH N5 28, EH N5 28, HAE M9 28
THEE H1 33 Chelsea, vendanges

On 18th draw, LIDO M7 25 --- LIDO a fashionable beach resort [n]
Other moves: IDOLA M6 24, ADO M8 23, ODA M8 23, ALOD M6 21, DINO B8 21

On 19th draw, AJIVA D1 34 --- AJIVA inanimate matter [n]
Other moves: JAVA D2 30, JAVEL M1 30, JIVE M1 28, JUVE M1 28, JIAO 6B 27
JIVE M1 28 vendanges

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