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Game on July 26, 2024 at 13:30, 7 players
1. 326 pts Chelsea
2. 242 pts LongJump22
3. 174 pts Zuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeorsxy   H8    40    40   sorex
 2. ahltuwy   I7    34    74   why
 3. ?bilotv  11E    98   172   lovebite
 4. aegmntu   E4    72   244   gunmetal
 5. aeeinos  12H    36   280   xenias
 6. aaaglrt   8A    27   307   laager
 7. addlotz   7A    49   356   adz
 8. ?deeent   J1    66   422   nedette
 9. aeiknop   1J    45   467   napkin
10. dilnrru   4C    20   487   ungird
11. ahmorsw  12A    46   533   hawms
12. deeiort   L1    74   607   peridote
13. eiloory   F6    34   641   yore
14. aciloou  A11    30   671   chiao
15. abeilot  13A    24   695   ilea
16. efjlopt   9A    32   727   lep
17. ceiortv  14D    71   798   evictor
18. bfginot   8K    33   831   befog
19. fijnotu   H1    27   858   fundi
20. ijorstu  10L    29   887   sijo

Remaining tiles: qrtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7250 FileChelsea     1 13:01  -561  326     1.8588 LongJump22  3  2:42  -645  242 
  2.8588 FileLongJump22  3  2:42  -645  242     2.8737 Vuincunx    0  1:05  -839   48 
  3.  -  FileZuincunx    2  5:15  -713  174     3.8485 Wuincunx    0  1:31  -839   48 
  4.8737 FileVuincunx    0  1:05  -839   48     4.8033 Quincunx    0  1:41  -858   29 
  5.8485 FileWuincunx    0  1:31  -839   48     5.8523 Xuincunx    0  0:49  -861   26 
  6.8033 FileQuincunx    0  1:41  -858   29            Group: advanced
  7.8523 FileXuincunx    0  0:49  -861   26     1.7250 Chelsea     1 13:01  -561  326 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Zuincunx    2  5:15  -713  174 

On 1st draw, SOREX H8 40 --- SOREX the common shrew [n]
Other moves: ORYXES H3 34, ORYXES H4 34, ORYXES H7 34, ORYXES H8 34, ORYXES H5 32
SOREX H8 40 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, WHY I7 34 --- WHY the reason or cause of something [n]
Other moves: THUYA G6 32, WEALTHY 11G 32, LATHY I5 30, WHEATY 11F 30, HAW G9 29
WEALTHY 11G 32 LongJump22
HAW G9 29 Chelsea

On 3rd draw, LOVEBIT(E) 11E 98 --- LOVEBITE a mark inflicted by a lover [n]
Other moves: BLOVI(A)TE 11A 74, LOV(E)BITE 11A 74, B(E)TOIL G9 34, BOT(E)L G9 33, VIB(E) G7 33
LOVEBIT(E) 11E 98 LongJump22
LOVEBIT(E) 11E 48 Vuincunx, Wuincunx

On 4th draw, GUNMETAL E4 72 --- GUNMETAL a dark grey colour [n]
Other moves: MAVEN G9 36, GAVE G9 30, MANGE 10J 29, MUNGA 10J 29, UNTEAM G4 29
GUNMETAL E4 72 LongJump22
MAVEN G9 36 Chelsea
MANGE 10J 29 Zuincunx, Quincunx

On 5th draw, XENIAS 12H 36 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n]
Other moves: XENIA 12H 34, NAVES G9 28, NEVES G9 28, NOVAE G9 28, NOVAS G9 28
NAVES G9 28 Chelsea
SAVE G9 26 Xuincunx

On 6th draw, LAAGER 8A 27 --- LAAGER to form a defensive encampment [v]
Other moves: LARGE 8A 24, TARGE 8A 24, TRAGAL G4 23, ARGAL G5 22, LAG G7 22
AGO F9 17 Chelsea

On 7th draw, ADZ 7A 49 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: ZOA J6 43, DZO J5 38, LAZO J4 38, AZO J5 37, ZO J6 36
ZOA J6 43 Chelsea

On 8th draw, NEDE(T)TE J1 66 --- NEDETTE a female ned [n]
Other tops: DE(T)ENTE J1 66
Other moves: DETEN(T)E J1 64, DETEN(U)E J1 64, E(M)ENDATED B3 64, NEDET(T)E J1 64, NEUTE(R)ED 5C 58
DEE(S) J6 24 Chelsea

On 9th draw, NAPKIN 1J 45 --- NAPKIN a piece of material used to wipe the hands and mouth [n]
Other moves: NONPEAK 1H 42, APEAK 10B 39, PINKEN 1H 39, NAPKIN 1E 36, PEAK 10C 36
NAPKIN 1J 45 Zuincunx
APEAK 10B 39 Chelsea

On 10th draw, UNGIRD 4C 20 --- UNGIRD to remove a belt from [v]
Other tops: UNGILD 4C 20
Other moves: ULNAD 10B 19, DUI 13K 18, DUING 4A 18, ID 2M 18, KILD M1 18
ID 2M 18 Chelsea

On 11th draw, HAWMS 12A 46 --- HAWM to lounge about [v]
Other tops: WHAMS 12A 46
Other moves: HARMS 12A 40, HOMAS 12A 40, WARMS 12A 40, WOOSH F10 40, WORMS 12A 40
SHADOW H1 39 Zuincunx
SHAW 10C 31 Chelsea

On 12th draw, PERIDOTE L1 74 --- PERIDOTE a green mineral [n]
Other tops: PROTEIDE L1 74
Other moves: IDEE 13A 32, DEHORT A10 30, OREIDE K3 30, EIDE 2L 28, DHOTI A11 27
THEED A11 27 Chelsea

On 13th draw, YORE F6 34 --- YORE time past [n]
Other moves: OYE 13A 32, LEY 13B 31, LOY 13B 31, RELAY 10B 31, HERY A12 30
YORE F6 34 Chelsea
LEY 13B 31 Zuincunx

On 14th draw, CHIAO A11 30 --- CHIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other tops: CHOLA A11 30, CHOLI A11 30, CHOLO A11 30
Other moves: HUIC A12 27, COALA B10 26, LOO 13B 22, LOU 13B 22, ACID H1 21
CHOLI A11 30 Zuincunx

On 15th draw, ILEA 13A 24 --- ILEUM a part of the small intestine [n]
Other tops: ABIDE H1 24, ABODE H1 24, BLADE H1 24
Other moves: BAWTIE C10 22, BEWAIL C10 22, OBELIA M5 22, OBITAL M5 22, ABED H1 21

On 16th draw, LEP 9A 32 --- LEP to leap [v]
Other tops: POLJE M6 32
Other moves: AFT 14A 30, POTE 9C 29, JOTA 10B 27, APE 14A 26, APT 14A 26

On 17th draw, EVICTOR 14D 71 --- EVICTOR one that evicts [n]
Other moves: ORECTIVE 2C 69, VERDIT H1 30, VOIDER H1 30, COEDIT H1 27, CREDIT H1 27

On 18th draw, BEFOG 8K 33 --- BEFOG to envelop in fog [v]
Other moves: BEFIT 8K 30, FEIGN 8K 27, IF 15H 26, OF 15H 26, BEGIN 8K 24

On 19th draw, FUNDI H1 27 --- FUNDI an expert [n] --- FUNDUS the inner basal surface of a bodily organ [n]
Other tops: FONDU H1 27
Other moves: IF 15H 26, JIN J10 26, OF 15H 26, FIND H1 24, FOID H1 24

On 20th draw, SIJO 10L 29 --- SIJO a Korean verse [n]
Other moves: ROJI 13L 28, SIJO 13L 28, JIN J10 26, JO 3B 22, JOUR C2 22

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