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Game on July 26, 2024 at 15:05, 11 players
1. 245 pts LongJump22
2. 113 pts Pacific
3. 85 pts Wuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeilpr   H4    72    72   peloria
 2. adeentu   6E    63   135   unelated
 3. anoostw   5J    31   166   swoon
 4. acfgilo   4L    42   208   coif
 5. eilnrsu  10E    62   270   lunaries
 6. ?aelrtx   F1    80   350   external
 7. abfiory   O1    60   410   baffy
 8. aeijknt   1A    42   452   tajine
 9. acegitz   B1    74   526   agatize
10. adkmotu   A7    39   565   dumka
11. egiorst   C7    79   644   goitres
12. aeehlny   2J    40   684   hyaena
13. eehioos  11E    34   718   ohos
14. aceinot   8H    83   801   reaction
15. dimoruv   1H    39   840   ovum
16. degilvw   C1    31   871   jig
17. deelpqr   K8    24   895   creeped
18. bdeilrv   N7    82   977   lovebird

Remaining tiles: qw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8588 FileLongJump22  3  2:46  -732  245     1.8588 LongJump22  3  2:46  -732  245 
  2.  -  FilePacific     0  3:19  -864  113     2.8485 Wuincunx    0  2:39  -892   85 
  3.8485 FileWuincunx    0  2:39  -892   85     3.8737 Vuincunx    0  1:43  -929   48 
  4.7095 FileArcticFox   0  3:46  -902   75     4.8033 Quincunx    1  0:39  -935   42 
  5.8737 FileVuincunx    0  1:43  -929   48     5.8551 Zuincunx    1  1:17  -935   42 
  6.8033 FileQuincunx    1  0:39  -935   42            Group: advanced
  7.8551 FileZuincunx    1  1:17  -935   42     1.7095 ArcticFox   0  3:46  -902   75 
  8.7837 Filesicilianc5  0  1:32  -963   14     2.7837 sicilianc5  0  1:32  -963   14 
  9.7747 Filequeen66     0  0:33  -965   12     3.7747 queen66     0  0:33  -965   12 
 10.7693 FileMycophot    0  0:52  -965   12     4.7693 Mycophot    0  0:52  -965   12 
 11.7796 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:10  -965   12     5.7796 moonmonkey  0  1:10  -965   12 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Pacific     0  3:19  -864  113 

On 1st draw, PEL(O)RIA H4 72 --- PELORIA abnormal regularity of a flower form [n]
Other tops: AP(P)ERIL H3 72, AP(P)LIER H3 72, ARI(P)PLE H8 72, A(P)PERIL H2 72, A(P)PLIER H2 72, I(M)PALER H2 72, I(M)PEARL H2 72, LIPREA(D) H2 72, PAL(L)IER H4 72, PAL(M)IER H4 72, PAL(S)IER H4 72, PARLIE(S) H4 72, PA(L)LIER H4 72, PEARLI(N) H4 72, PERIL(L)A H4 72, PERI(L)LA H4 72, PE(D)RAIL H4 72, PLAI(N)ER H4 72, PLAI(T)ER H4 72, PLA(T)IER H4 72, PRALI(N)E H4 72, PRE(D)IAL H4 72, PRE(V)AIL H4 72, REPLI(C)A H2 72, (C)ALIPER H8 72, (H)ARELIP H6 72
Other moves: AP(P)ERIL H4 68, AP(P)ERIL H6 68, AP(P)ERIL H7 68, AP(P)ERIL H8 68, AP(P)LIER H4 68
PEL(O)RIA H4 72 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, UNELATED 6E 63 --- UNELATED not elated [adj]
Other moves: DENATURE 8B 60, UNDERATE 8D 60, UNDEREAT 8D 60, DETENUE 5E 32, ANTEED 11G 23
UNELATED 6E 63 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, SWOON 5J 31 --- SWOON to faint [v]
Other moves: SWAN 5J 29, SWAT 5J 29, SWOT 5J 29, WANTS 5K 29, WONTS 5K 29

On 4th draw, COIF 4L 42 --- COIF to style the hair [v]
Other moves: GOAF 4L 38, CLAG 4L 34, CLOG 4L 34, LOAF 4L 34, FACING N1 32

On 5th draw, LUNARIES 10E 62 --- LUNARY the moonwort fern [n]
Other moves: LUSTRINES J3 61, LIEFS O1 33, NEIFS O1 33, NIEFS O1 33, REIFS O1 33
LUNARIES 10E 62 LongJump22

On 6th draw, EXT(E)RNAL F1 80 --- EXTERNAL an exterior [n]
Other tops: (E)XTERNAL F1 80
Other moves: L(U)XATE 5C 46, TAXE(M)E 5C 45, TAX(O)L 7E 44, TAX(O)R 7E 44, AX(I)TE 5D 43
LATEX 5A 42 Pacific

On 7th draw, BAFFY O1 60 --- BAFFY a wooden golf club [n]
Other tops: BIFFY O1 60
Other moves: FORBYE 1A 51, FOREBAY 1C 48, FAERY 1D 45, FIERY 1D 45, FOREBY 1C 45
FOREBAY 1C 48 LongJump22, Wuincunx, Vuincunx
FAERY 1D 45 Pacific

On 8th draw, TAJINE 1A 42 --- TAJINE a clay pot [n]
Other tops: JANTEE 1A 42
Other moves: JANTE(E) 4A 40, KENAF 3K 40, KENTIA 2J 40, EEJIT 1E 36, EEJIT 1F 36
JANTEE 1A 42 Quincunx, Zuincunx

On 9th draw, AGATIZE B1 74 --- AGATIZE to cause to resemble agate [v]
Other moves: ZEIN N2 53, JIZ C1 38, ZITE 11D 34, ZAG 11D 33, ZIG 11D 33

On 10th draw, DUMKA A7 39 --- DUMKA a Slavic folk ballad [n]
Other moves: AMOK C6 36, MAKUTA 2J 36, JUDO C1 35, OAKUM A7 35, MAKO A7 34

On 11th draw, GOITRES C7 79 --- GOITRE an enlargement of the thyroid gland [n]
Other tops: GOITERS C7 79, GORIEST C7 79
Other moves: JIGOT C1 39, TRIGOS 11C 32, JIG C1 31, JOG C1 31, TOINGS N2 31

On 12th draw, HYAENA 2J 40 --- HYAENA a wolflike mammal [n]
Other moves: YEH 3K 37, AH(O)Y 7F 35, HYEN 3J 33, YEAH 7J 33, SHALEY L10 32
YEH 3K 37 Wuincunx

On 13th draw, OHOS 11E 34 --- OHO used to express surprise or exultation [interj]
Other moves: SOHO 1J 32, SHOO 1H 31, OOH 1J 29, SOH 1J 29, EISH D12 28

On 14th draw, REACTION 8H 83 --- REACTION the act of reacting [n]
Other moves: SONICATE 13C 64, CLARIONET 8E 62, OCEAN 1H 37, ATONE 1H 31, JIAO C1 31

On 15th draw, OVUM 1H 39 --- OVUM the female reproductive cell of animals [n]
Other moves: MIRV D12 36, JUDO C1 35, DOUM 1H 33, DRUM 1H 33, JUD C1 31

On 16th draw, JIG C1 31 --- JIG to bob [v]
Other moves: SWIVED L10 30, WED C3 29, WIVE B12 27, DIVE D12 26, SWIVEL L10 26
SWIVED L10 30 ArcticFox
SWIVEL L10 26 Pacific

On 17th draw, CREEPED K8 24 --- CREEP to advance stealthily [v]
Other tops: CLEEPED K8 24
Other moves: AGATIZED B1 23, UDO 8A 23, CLEPED K8 22, CREPED K8 22, SPREED L10 22
QI M7 21 ArcticFox

On 18th draw, LOVEBIRD N7 82 --- LOVEBIRD a small parrot [n]
Other moves: BEDRIVEL 13E 67, SLIDER L10 32, OVERBID N8 30, BEDEVIL 13H 28, DIEB D12 28
LIVERED 13H 24 ArcticFox
VEER 13J 14 sicilianc5
PED 12K 12 queen66
PILE 12K 12 Mycophot
BEER 13J 12 moonmonkey

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