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Game on July 26, 2024 at 20:19, 5 players
1. 577 pts LongJump22
2. 281 pts Quincunx
3. 70 pts Wuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefginw   H3    28    28   aweing
 2. aehnnou   I3    34    62   henna
 3. eemottu   G7    21    83   mute
 4. addeefr   5E    52   135   defender
 5. ?acenrx   6B    64   199   carex
 6. ?aaeort  11E    81   280   aerobat
 7. ceiikns   M1    96   376   kinesic
 8. ?binuuz  10J    74   450   zineb
 9. degorwy  H10    54   504   dowery
10. agiorsu   O4    96   600   giaours
11. afjoprt   F8    45   645   japer
12. fiosstv   4A    40   685   vistos
13. efgiiln  14H    90   775   refiling
14. aehmopt  O12    39   814   pegh
15. abeoquv  12A    58   872   quaver
16. dilmott  B10    28   900   mould
17. ablottu   1G    36   936   outtalk
18. bilooty  13F    34   970   ybet

Remaining tiles: ilooo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8588 FileLongJump22  6 12:09  -393  577     1.8588 LongJump22  6 12:09  -393  577 
  2.  -  FileQuincunx    3  6:49  -689  281     2.8485 Wuincunx    0  2:22  -900   70 
  3.8485 FileWuincunx    0  2:22  -900   70     3.8750 Vuincunx    0  2:29  -900   70 
  4.8750 FileVuincunx    0  2:29  -900   70            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileALPHABET25  1  1:58  -906   64     1.  -  Quincunx    3  6:49  -689  281 
                                             2.  -  ALPHABET25  1  1:58  -906   64 

On 1st draw, AWEING H3 28 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other moves: FAGIN H4 26, FEIGN H4 26, GANEF H8 26, WIGAN H4 26, WINGE H4 26
AWEING H3 28 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, HENNA I3 34 --- HENNA to dye with a reddish colouring [v]
Other moves: HAE G3 26, HAN G3 26, HAO G3 26, HEN I3 26, HOA G3 26
HENNA I3 34 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, MUTE G7 21 --- MUTE characterized by an absence of speech [adj] --- MUTE to deaden the sound of [v]
Other tops: MUTT G7 21
Other moves: MUT G7 20, MU G7 18, MENTEE 5G 16, TEMENE 5E 16, TUTMEN 5D 16

On 4th draw, DEFENDER 5E 52 --- DEFENDER one that defends [n]
Other tops: DEAFENED 5D 52
Other moves: FARDED H10 41, DEADENER 5D 40, FEARED H10 38, DEFER F8 37, DEAFER H10 36
FARDED H10 41 LongJump22

On 5th draw, CAREX 6B 64 --- CAREX a marsh plant [n]
Other moves: CA(R)EX 6B 63, C(A)REX 6B 63, CAR(E)X 6B 62, AN(N)EX 6B 57, A(N)NEX 6B 57
CAREX 6B 64 LongJump22, ALPHABET25

On 6th draw, AERO(B)AT 11E 81 --- AEROBAT one that performs feats in an aircraft [n]
Other tops: AERATO(R) 11E 81, AERO(S)AT 11E 81
Other moves: AE(R)ATOR 11E 80, AERO(S)AT M1 77, AE(R)ATOR 11A 69, AERATO(R) 11A 68, AERO(S)AT 11C 68
AERATO(R) 11E 31 Wuincunx, Vuincunx

On 7th draw, KINESIC M1 96 --- KINESIC pertaining to kinesics [adj]
Other moves: KINESIC L7 85, KINETICS K7 64, KINDS J2 39, KINES 10J 39, SNECK L11 39
KINES 10J 39 Vuincunx, Wuincunx

On 8th draw, ZIN(E)B 10J 74 --- ZINEB a chemical spray for grass and fruit [n]
Other moves: ZI(M)B 10J 67, BUZUKI(A) 1I 66, BUZUKI(S) 1I 66, Z(E)BU 10J 66, ZIN 10J 65
ZIN(E)B 10J 74 Quincunx, LongJump22

On 9th draw, DOWERY H10 54 --- DOWERY assets a wife brings to marriage [n]
Other moves: RYKED 1K 51, WORKED 1J 45, YORKED 1J 45, WEDGY F10 42, YOKED 1K 42
WORKED 1J 45 LongJump22
YORKED 1J 45 Quincunx

On 10th draw, GIAOURS O4 96 --- GIAOUR a non-Muslim [n]
Other moves: GRACIOUS B3 63, GOURAS O5 37, GUIROS O5 37, ORGIAS O5 37, RUGOSA O6 37
GIAOURS O4 96 LongJump22

On 11th draw, JAPER F8 45 --- JAPER one that japes [n]
Other moves: JAPE F8 44, JOR 4D 34, JOT 4D 34, FETOR F10 33, JAPED 10D 33
JARP 10B 33 LongJump22

On 12th draw, VISTOS 4A 40 --- VISTO a view [n]
Other moves: VISITS 2J 34, FOISTS 13A 33, OVISTS 13A 33, VISTOS 13A 33, VISIT 2J 32
VISTOS 4A 40 LongJump22, Quincunx

On 13th draw, REFILING 14H 90 --- REFILE to file again [v]
Other moves: FINLIKE 1H 45, RIFLING 14H 38, FILING 2J 36, FEELING 13G 32, FEG N2 31
FINLIKE 1H 45 LongJump22, Quincunx

On 14th draw, PEGH O12 39 --- PEGH to pant [v]
Other tops: OPAH 13J 39
Other moves: HAEM 3B 36, HAMPER 12A 36, HOMIE 2J 36, OKEH 1L 36, HAME 13K 35
HOMIE 2J 36 LongJump22

On 15th draw, QUAVER 12A 58 --- QUAVER to tremble [v]
Other moves: QUA 3B 41, QUAI 2J 33, ABOVE A1 30, QUEP 12L 30, QUOP 12L 30
QUA 3B 41 LongJump22, Quincunx

On 16th draw, MOULD B10 28 --- MOULD to work into a particular shape [v]
Other tops: MODII 2J 28
Other moves: DEMIT 13G 27, MOIL 3B 27, MOULT B10 26, DEMO 13G 24, KID 1M 24

On 17th draw, OUTTALK 1G 36 --- OUTTALK to surpass in talking [v]
Other moves: LUBRA L2 28, KAB 1M 27, KOB 1M 27, OKTA 1L 27, BOART L2 26
OUTTALK 1G 36 Quincunx

On 18th draw, YBET 13F 34 --- BEAT to strike repeatedly [v]
Other moves: BY 15A 33, BOYO A7 31, OBIIT 2J 28, YEBO 13G 28, BOIL 3B 27

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