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Game on July 26, 2024 at 22:33, 1 player
1. 109 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaglrr   H8    68    68   realgar
 2. agijnos  15D    87   155   jongs
 3. ?eerrty  13F    72   227   teaberry
 4. adenrvy  12L    37   264   envy
 5. eeeilor   O7    27   291   oilery
 6. aaegmtw   F6    78   369   megawatt
 7. abekpqt   E9    43   412   bake
 8. defilou  D10    40   452   dof
 9. aeinoux   6A    83   535   exonumia
10. ahorttz   A5    54   589   zeroth
11. eilmosu  B10    41   630   mousie
12. ainqtuw   H1    48   678   quanta
13. dhiinpt   7A    24   702   rip
14. acdeios   2B    76   778   edacious
15. dehiios   1A    43   821   ohed
16. aeilntv   N2    78   899   ventail
17. defltuw  A13    37   936   elf
18. bcdiptu   4J    26   962   upbind
19. ciinstw   3F    29   991   twain

Remaining tiles: cis

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7244 Filesunshine12  1  2:03  -882  109     1.7244 sunshine12  1  2:03  -882  109 

On 1st draw, R(E)ALGAR H8 68 --- REALGAR a mineral [n]
Other moves: R(E)ALGAR H2 66, R(E)ALGAR H4 66, R(E)ALGAR H6 66, R(E)ALGAR H7 66, R(E)ALGAR H3 64

On 2nd draw, JONGS 15D 87 --- JONG friend (Afrikaans) [n]
Other moves: JIAOS 15D 84, JOINS 15D 84, GAJOS 15D 69, JAGS 15E 60, JIGS 15E 60
JONGS 15D 87 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, TEA(B)ERRY 13F 72 --- TEABERRY a North American shrub [n]
Other moves: RE(T)TERY G4 70, RE(T)TERY I4 70, (F)ERRETY G4 70, (F)ERRETY I4 70, RET(T)ERY G4 69
EYE G8 22 sunshine12

On 4th draw, ENVY 12L 37 --- ENVY to covet others' possessions,looks etc. [v]
Other moves: VARDY L11 32, NERVY L11 30, VERRY L11 30, YEAN 12J 30, YARDER L8 28

On 5th draw, OILERY O7 27 --- OILERY the oil industry [n]
Other tops: EERILY O7 27
Other moves: EYRIE O11 24, LEERY O8 24, RILEY O8 24, ROILY O8 24, LERE 14J 21

On 6th draw, MEGAWATT F6 78 --- MEGAWATT a unit of power [n]
Other moves: MAW N8 35, MEW N8 35, GRAME 14G 32, TAW N8 31, TEW N8 31

On 7th draw, BAKE E9 43 --- BAKE to prepare food in an oven [v]
Other moves: KAB E9 37, TAKE E9 37, AKE E10 33, KAB N8 33, KEB N8 33

On 8th draw, DOF D10 40 --- DOF stupid (South African slang) [adj]
Other moves: FOLD D10 38, FILED N6 34, FUD G7 34, DEF N8 33, RIFE 14H 31

On 9th draw, EXONUMIA 6A 83 --- EXONUMIA numismatic items other than coins or paper money [n]
Other moves: RAX 14H 52, REX 14H 52, AXON G6 51, EXON G6 51, EXO G6 43

On 10th draw, ZEROTH A5 54 --- ZEROTH being numbered zero in a series [adj]
Other moves: HERTZ A5 51, TROOZ C3 48, AZOTH 5G 47, ZHO 11K 42, ZHO N6 42

On 11th draw, MOUSIE B10 41 --- MOUSIE a young mouse [n]
Other tops: MOLIES B10 41, MOUSLE B10 41, MUESLI B10 41
Other moves: MEOUS B10 39, MILES B10 39, MILOS B10 39, MOILS B10 39, MOLES B10 39

On 12th draw, QUANTA H1 48 --- QUANTUM a fundamental unit of energy [n]
Other tops: QUINTA H1 48
Other moves: QUINTE 10J 37, QUAINT N2 36, QUIET J10 36, UNTAX B2 35, QUINNAT D2 34

On 13th draw, RIP 7A 24 --- RIP to tear or cut apart roughly [v]
Other tops: NINTH D4 24, PITHOI C2 24
Other moves: HIN 5C 23, HIP N6 22, HIP 11J 21, PHT N6 21, PUH E5 21

On 14th draw, EDACIOUS 2B 76 --- EDACIOUS gluttonous [adj]
Other tops: CODEIAS N1 76
Other moves: CODEINAS 4C 72, OCEANIDS 4D 72, CODEINS D1 32, COSED N6 31, DEACONS D1 30

On 15th draw, OHED 1A 43 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other tops: SHED 1A 43, SHOD 1A 43
Other moves: EDH A13 41, DOSEH N6 40, HEID 1A 40, HOED 1A 40, ISH A13 37

On 16th draw, VENTAIL N2 78 --- VENTAIL the adjustable front of a medieval helmet [n]
Other moves: VENTAIL N1 76, VENTAILE J6 71, ELVANITE J6 65, NEAT A12 28, NITE A12 28

On 17th draw, ELF A13 37 --- ELF a small, often mischievous fairy [n] --- ELF to entangle (hair) [v]
Other moves: FEUD M3 33, FEW 14L 30, FUEL M3 30, WEFT I7 30, FE 14J 28

On 18th draw, UPBIND 4J 26 --- UPBIND to bind completely [v]
Other moves: BICEP J10 23, BICEP 3K 22, DUIT M3 22, PIU M3 22, UPBIND 4D 22

On 19th draw, TWAIN 3F 29 --- TWAIN a set of two [n]
Other tops: SWAIN 3F 29
Other moves: WIST M3 28, SWAT 3F 26, WAIN 3G 26, WIN 5C 26, WIS M3 24

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