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Game on July 27, 2024 at 00:51, 1 player
1. 74 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. afhnort   H8    30    30   forth
 2. aeinopv   G9    27    57   paeon
 3. aeflnsx   I7    50   107   fax
 4. ?eeinpr   J2    77   184   pioneer
 5. chinort   3G    80   264   ornithic
 6. degmssu   K7    87   351   smudges
 7. aejlovy   H1    69   420   jarvey
 8. aegkosu   L1    36   456   kehuas
 9. aarstuw   N2    36   492   scraw
10. abdeely   O5    98   590   belayed
11. ?bddioz  N10    55   645   bizzo
12. aeirttw  O13    24   669   awe
13. delmnot  L12    28   697   mold
14. egiinot   5D    36   733   neoteinia
15. degirrt  15G    27   760   ridged
16. acgiiov   4A    32   792   vigia
17. alnnort   A4    27   819   volant
18. ceilnqt   O1    35   854   qi
19. cenottu   B9    30   884   econut

Remaining tiles: lrtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7228 Filesunshine12  1  1:56  -810   74     1.7228 sunshine12  1  1:56  -810   74 

On 1st draw, FORTH H8 30 --- FORTH onward in time, place, or order [adv]
Other tops: FORTH H4 30, FROTH H4 30, FROTH H8 30
Other moves: AFRONT H3 26, FRONT H4 24, NORTH H8 24, TORAH H8 24, FORTH H5 22

On 2nd draw, PAEON G9 27 --- PAEON a metrical foot of four syllables [n]
Other moves: PAVONE G5 26, NAPE I7 24, NIPA G7 24, NOPE G7 24, PAREV 10F 24
NAPE I7 24 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, FAX I7 50 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other moves: FLAX I6 48, FLEX I6 48, SAXE I7 48, AXE I8 46, FLAXES 14B 44
FAX I7 50 sunshine12

On 4th draw, PI(O)NEER J2 77 --- PIONEER to be first in a new field of enterprise [v]
Other tops: REPINE(S) 14A 77
Other moves: PERINE(A) J2 76, REPINE(D) J2 72, REPINE(R) J2 72, REPINE(S) J2 72, RIPENE(D) J2 72

On 5th draw, ORNITHIC 3G 80 --- ORNITHIC pertaining to birds [adj]
Other moves: ORTHIC(O)N 4D 76, ORNITHIC 3D 68, CHOIR F10 43, RHOTIC K6 40, THORIC K6 40

On 6th draw, SMUDGES K7 87 --- SMUDGE to smear or dirty [v]
Other moves: SMUDGES 14A 84, SMUDGES K8 79, SMUDGES 2A 78, SMUDGES 4A 76, SMUDGES 14G 73

On 7th draw, JARVEY H1 69 --- JARVEY the driver of a carriage for hire [n]
Other moves: JASEY 13I 46, VEEJAY 12J 46, VARY H1 42, VERY H1 42, JOEY F11 40

On 8th draw, KEHUAS L1 36 --- KEHUA (Maori) a ghost or spirit [n]
Other moves: KEHUA L1 34, KOHAS L1 34, GOUKS F11 32, KOHA L1 32, SOAK L12 32

On 9th draw, SCRAW N2 36 --- SCRAW thin turf [n]
Other moves: KAWA 1L 33, KAWS 1L 33, STAW L12 28, SKART 1K 27, KAAS 1L 24

On 10th draw, BELAYED O5 98 --- BELAY to fasten a rope [v]
Other moves: BELAYED M5 79, BELAYED 14C 76, FARMABLE 8H 48, BELADY O5 45, BELADY 14B 43

On 11th draw, BIZ(Z)O N10 55 --- BIZZO (Australian slang) irrelevant talk [n]
Other tops: BI(Z)ZO N10 55
Other moves: DI(T)Z L12 54, DOZ(E)D N10 48, ZOB(O) N8 48, Z(O)BO N8 48, DI(A)ZO N10 46

On 12th draw, AWE O13 24 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other moves: AREW J11 22, WATERPOX 9B 21, AIRT L10 20, ARIETTA 2B 20, RAIT L9 20

On 13th draw, MOLD L12 28 --- MOLD to work into a particular shape [v]
Other moves: OLDEN F10 27, MODE L12 26, DOME L12 24, LOMENTA 2B 24, MOLE L12 24

On 14th draw, NEOTEINIA 5D 36 --- NEOTEINIA
Other moves: IGNITED 15F 27, INGOTED 15F 27, TENIOID 15F 24, TINGED 15G 24, TONGED 15G 24

On 15th draw, RIDGED 15G 27 --- RIDGE to form into ridges (long, narrow elevations) [v]
Other tops: GIRDED 15G 27, GRIDED 15G 27
Other moves: DIRTED 15G 24, GIRTED 15G 24, DIRER 4A 22, DRIER 4A 22, DITED 15H 21

On 16th draw, VIGIA 4A 32 --- VIGIA a warning on a navigational chart [n]
Other tops: VICING D1 32
Other moves: CAVING D1 30, COVING D1 30, INCAVI D4 30, INCAVO D4 30, VAGI 4A 28

On 17th draw, VOLANT A4 27 --- VOLANT flying or capable of flying [adj]
Other tops: VORANT A4 27
Other moves: VALOR A4 24, VOLAR A4 24, VOLTA A4 24, LARN 3B 22, TARN 3B 22

On 18th draw, QI O1 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 14H 25, ETIC 10A 18, ELINT 10A 17, ENLIT 10A 17, QINTAR 10C 17

On 19th draw, ECONUT B9 30 --- ECONUT an environmentalist [n]
Other moves: ECO 10A 21, ECU 10A 21, CON M9 17, COT M9 17, NOUT F11 17

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