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Game on July 27, 2024 at 01:37, 1 player
1. 58 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeeiknt   H8    30    30   intake
 2. ?acdilr  11D    90   120   caldaria
 3. ?hiiopr  14B    86   206   pohiris
 4. eelosuy  13B    35   241   oyes
 5. aefilns   J6    71   312   finalise
 6. aadegor  14J    41   353   dogear
 7. emorttx   I6    43   396   exo
 8. aemopst   O9    42   438   tampers
 9. bejnotu  N10    59   497   jeu
10. eimnotu   H1    33   530   minuet
11. aeelttw  15A    32   562   tew
12. agnottv   5B    22   584   gavotte
13. aceinou   A8    35   619   eucain
14. degiors   3H    72   691   negroids
15. afinoor   O1    33   724   insofar
16. abllorv   N5    28   752   oba
17. belnuvy   B2    38   790   bulgy
18. dehnrvw  M11    38   828   wheen

Remaining tiles: dlqrvz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7228 Filesunshine12  1  2:34  -770   58     1.7228 sunshine12  1  2:34  -770   58 

On 1st draw, INTAKE H8 30 --- INTAKE the act of taking in [n]
Other tops: KENTIA H4 30
Other moves: KENTE H4 28, INTAKE H3 22, INTAKE H4 22, INTAKE H7 22, KENTIA H3 22

On 2nd draw, C(A)LDARIA 11D 90 --- CALDARIA rooms for taking hot baths [n] --- CALDARIUM a room for taking hot baths [n]
Other tops: CALDARI(A) 11D 90
Other moves: DECRIAL(S) 13G 80, RADICEL(S) 13C 78, (B)ALDRICK 12A 78, AR(T)ICLED 13B 76, A(U)RICLED 13B 76

On 3rd draw, POHIRI(S) 14B 86 --- POHIRI a Maori ceremony of welcome to a marae [n]
Other moves: PIRO(G)HI G3 73, RHI(Z)OPI G3 71, POHIRI(S) G2 64, POHIRI(S) I2 64, PI(S)H 12A 36

On 4th draw, OYES 13B 35 --- OYES a proclamation [n]
Other moves: CUSHY D11 34, LOYS 13A 33, YULE 13C 33, OYE 13B 31, OYS 13B 31

On 5th draw, FINALISE J6 71 --- FINALISE to completely finish [v]
Other moves: FINALES G2 64, FINALES I2 64, FINALISE 8C 62, FINALISE 8G 62, FENS 15A 42

On 6th draw, DOGEAR 14J 41 --- DOGEAR to turn down a corner of a page [v]
Other moves: DARGA 14J 39, RADGE 14J 32, RAGDE 14J 32, RAGED 14J 32, D*G* 14J 27

On 7th draw, EXO I6 43 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: EXTORT O10 42, MOTTE 15K 42, REX I5 40, TEX I5 40, EX I6 39

On 8th draw, TAMPERS O9 42 --- TAMPER to interfere in a harmful manner [v]
Other tops: MOSTE 15K 42, POTAE 15K 42, STAMPER O8 42, STOMPER O8 42
Other moves: TEMS 15A 41, EMPART O10 39, MOPERS O10 39, SEAPORT O9 36, SPERM O11 36

On 9th draw, JEU N10 59 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: JO N10 54, JEU 15A 41, BUNJEE M9 36, JOTUN N6 36, JUBE N8 35

On 10th draw, MINUET H1 33 --- MINUET a slow, stately dance [n]
Other moves: MEN 15A 26, MEU 15A 26, MOTEN M11 26, MOTE M11 24, MOUE M11 24
MEN 15A 26 sunshine12

On 11th draw, TEW 15A 32 --- TEW to work hard [v]
Other tops: LEW 15A 32
Other moves: RAW I11 27, AW 13L 23, ATWEEN 3C 20, WE 15A 20, TWAITE 2E 19
LEW 15A 32 sunshine12

On 12th draw, GAVOTTE 5B 22 --- GAVOTTE to dance a gavot [v]
Other tops: ANNATTO 9G 22
Other moves: GOANNA 9E 21, GONE M11 21, TONNAG 9F 21, GONNA 9F 20, ANNAT 9G 19

On 13th draw, EUCAIN A8 35 --- EUCAIN an anaesthetic safer than cocaine [n]
Other moves: UNVOICE D3 30, INCAVE D1 24, INCAVO D1 24, NOVICE D3 24, CANGUE B2 22

On 14th draw, NEGROIDS 3H 72 --- NEGROID a member of the black race [n]
Other moves: DEGS 8L 60, DIGS 8L 60, DOGS 8L 60, GEDS 8L 60, GIDS 8L 60

On 15th draw, INSOFAR O1 33 --- INSOFAR to such an extent [adv]
Other moves: FONE M11 27, FORE M11 27, ROOF K3 24, FANGO B2 22, FAVOR D3 22

On 16th draw, OBA N5 28 --- OBA a hereditary chief in Benin and Nigeria [n]
Other moves: BEVEL 13G 26, OB N5 25, LAVABO C2 24, ROVE M11 24, BAL N6 23

On 17th draw, BULGY B2 38 --- BULGY bulging [adj]
Other tops: BUNGY B2 38
Other moves: BEVVY D2 32, BEVVY D3 32, LEAVY C3 30, VEALY C3 30, BEANY C3 28

On 18th draw, WHEEN M11 38 --- WHEEN a fairly large amount [n]
Other moves: WHEE M11 36, WHEN 2L 36, WHORED L1 34, HEWED 13G 32, HE B10 30

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