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Game on July 30, 2024 at 02:35, 2 players
1. 189 pts Papa_Sloth
2. 122 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eflnnor   H4    24    24   felon
 2. abdekos   5E    56    80   debeaks
 3. adeilrr   J2    69   149   darklier
 4. ?ceimpr   K8    80   229   meropic
 5. aeimtvy   H1    39   268   matfelon
 6. cdeltuw   8J    30   298   emuled
 7. acegosv  14H    36   334   soccage
 8. anooosz   G5    53   387   bazoos
 9. abenrrx   6E    55   442   axal
10. aeinors  15C    82   524   erasion
11. ?eeituv  12H    78   602   eruptive
12. dilnntu  15L    31   633   dint
13. ajlnruw  14A    31   664   jaw
14. efgiinr  13B    35   699   feign
15. eehnopr   4B    34   733   ephor
16. noortuw   C3    30   763   uptown
17. beilruv   N2    28   791   verbile
18. aghiotu   B6    35   826   hout
19. aiinqty   8A    33   859   tuny
20. agiinqy  A14    27   886   ja

Remaining tiles: giinqy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6957 FilePapa_Sloth  2  5:45  -697  189     1.7192 sunshine12  3  5:37  -764  122 
  2.7192 Filesunshine12  3  5:37  -764  122            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6957 Papa_Sloth  2  5:45  -697  189 

On 1st draw, FELON H4 24 --- FELON a person who has committed a felony [n]
Other tops: FOREL H4 24, FREON H4 24
Other moves: FELON H8 18, FOREL H8 18, FREON H8 18, FELON H5 16, FELON H6 16

On 2nd draw, DEBEAKS 5E 56 --- DEBEAK to remove the tip of the upper beak of [v]
Other moves: BAKED G5 38, BAKES G5 36, BAKE G5 34, OAKED G5 34, ADOBES I4 32

On 3rd draw, DARKLIER J2 69 --- DARKLY in a dark manner [adv]
Other moves: LARDIER G7 66, DERAILER F4 63, RERAILED F4 63, ARILED 6A 23, DIALER 4A 23

On 4th draw, MER(O)PIC K8 80 --- MEROPIA partial blindness [adj] --- MEROPIC pertaining to meropia [adj]
Other moves: MER(O)PIC G7 78, P(U)MICER G7 77, (S)CRIMPER 9H 77, EMPIR(I)C K9 76, EMP(I)RIC K9 76

On 5th draw, MATFELON H1 39 --- MATFELON the greater knapweed [n]
Other moves: VAMPY 12H 38, VIBEY G3 37, AMYL 6E 35, PEAVY 12K 34, MAVIE 4A 29

On 6th draw, EMULED 8J 30 --- EMULE to emulate [v]
Other tops: DUCTILE 13G 30
Other moves: WED L11 29, CLUED 6B 28, DULCET 4A 27, CLEW 4C 26, DULCITE 13G 26

On 7th draw, SOCCAGE 14H 36 --- SOCCAGE a form of feudal land tenure [n]
Other moves: ALCOVES M7 32, VOICES 13I 30, COEVALS M3 28, SOCCAGE 14I 28, VESPA 12H 28

On 8th draw, BAZOOS G5 53 --- BAZOO the mouth [n]
Other moves: BAZOO G5 52, ZOONS G7 48, AZON 15F 47, ZONA G7 47, ZOON 15F 47

On 9th draw, AXAL 6E 55 --- AXAL pertaining to an axis [adj]
Other moves: AX 15N 29, EX 15N 29, BARREN 4A 27, BASE H12 27, APEX 12J 26

On 10th draw, ERASION 15C 82 --- ERASION the act of rubbing out [n]
Other moves: ERASION 13C 73, ANEROIDS O2 60, ARIOSE O10 34, ANISE O11 31, ARISE O11 31

On 11th draw, E(R)UPTIVE 12H 78 --- ERUPTIVE a type of rock [n]
Other moves: VEI(N)ULET M3 74, E(X)UDATIVE E2 62, VE(S)T O12 42, VI(S)E O12 42, EVE(C)TION 8A 30

On 12th draw, DINT 15L 31 --- DINT to dent [v]
Other tops: DUNT 15L 31
Other moves: LIND 15L 26, TIND 15L 26, TUND 15L 26, ILLUDING M7 24, LINN 15L 23
DINT 15L 31 Papa_Sloth

On 13th draw, JAW 14A 31 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other tops: JARULS 10B 31
Other moves: AJWAN 3J 30, JARUL 14A 30, JURAL 14A 30, JAW 7C 28, JAW F9 28

On 14th draw, FEIGN 13B 35 --- FEIGN to pretend [v]
Other moves: FEG 13B 31, FENI 13B 31, FERN 13B 31, FEN 13B 29, FER 13B 29

On 15th draw, EPHOR 4B 34 --- EPHOR a magistrate of ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: POH 4D 33, NOH 4D 29, JO A14 27, EPHORI D8 24, PHENOL M3 24
JO A14 27 Papa_Sloth

On 16th draw, UPTOWN C3 30 --- UPTOWN the upper part of a city [n]
Other tops: WOO 3B 30
Other moves: JO A14 27, TWO 3A 25, OUTWORE N2 24, UNWROTE N2 24, WO 3B 23
WOO 3B 30 Papa_Sloth

On 17th draw, VERBILE N2 28 --- VERBILE one whose mental imagery consists of words [n]
Other moves: VINER 8A 27, BINER 8A 24, VINE 8A 24, BENI 8A 21, BINE 8A 21
VINER 8A 27 Papa_Sloth, sunshine12

On 18th draw, HOUT B6 35 --- HOUT to hoot [v]
Other tops: HAUT B6 35
Other moves: HAO B6 34, HOA B6 34, HOI B6 34, HANGI 8A 33, HONGI 8A 33
HOUT B6 35 sunshine12
HANG 8A 30 Papa_Sloth

On 19th draw, TUNY 8A 33 --- TUNY tuneful [adj]
Other moves: TINY A8 32, NAY A8 29, TAY A8 29, AUNTY 8A 27, JA A14 27
TUNY 8A 33 sunshine12
QI D12 22 Papa_Sloth

On 20th draw, JA A14 27 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: AIRY 4L 22, NARY 4L 22, QI D12 22, YA M3 22, GYRI 4L 18
JA A14 27 sunshine12
QI D12 22 Papa_Sloth

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