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Game on July 30, 2024 at 03:24, 1 player
1. 356 pts Papa_Sloth

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceinoz   H4    54    54   zoecia
 2. ?giiorx   I7    39    93   hox
 3. abdfhis   4D    40   133   hafiz
 4. ?ahnoqs   3A    42   175   quash
 5. eeimrsu   A1   230   405   requiems
 6. acorstu   G9    74   479   turacos
 7. aadetvw   5D    47   526   aweto
 8. aglopty  15C    42   568   yplast
 9. adeirtu  11E    32   600   tarried
10. eiklnot  14F    39   639   koine
11. aeglovy  15J    44   683   lovage
12. aennort   J3    77   760   nortena
13. eilmnor   B6    32   792   moiler
14. bdeoruy  A10    49   841   rebody
15. bdeentw   C6    30   871   ewt
16. bdiosuv  13J    29   900   bovids
17. eiilnnp   O7    30   930   pinnies
18. dfglnuu  C11    30   960   fugly

Remaining tiles: dgjnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6972 FilePapa_Sloth  2 13:55  -604  356     1.6972 Papa_Sloth  2 13:55  -604  356 

On 1st draw, ZOECIA H4 54 --- ZOECIUM a sac lived in by an aquatic organism [n]
Other tops: AZONIC H3 54
Other moves: ZINCO H4 52, AZIONE H3 50, ZONAE H4 48, AZONIC H7 40, AZOIC H8 38
ZINCO H4 52 Papa_Sloth

On 2nd draw, (H)OX I7 39 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other moves: OXI(D) I8 37, OXI(M) I8 37, OX(E)R I8 37, OX I8 36, OX(O) I8 36
(H)OX I7 39 Papa_Sloth

On 3rd draw, HAFIZ 4D 40 --- HAFIZ a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart [n]
Other moves: FABS G6 37, FIBS G6 37, DABS G6 33, DIBS G6 33, FAHS G9 31
FASH G9 31 Papa_Sloth

On 4th draw, Q(U)ASH 3A 42 --- QUASH to suppress completely [v]
Other moves: Q(I)S J6 37, AN(C)HOS 3B 35, NA(C)HOS 3B 35, Q(I) J6 33, Q(U)ASH E2 32

On 5th draw, REQUIEMS A1 230 --- REQUIEM a musical composition for the dead [n]
Other moves: REQUIEM A1 57, QUEMES A3 54, ESQUIRE A1 51, QUERIES A3 51, QUEERS A3 48
QUEERS A3 48 Papa_Sloth

On 6th draw, TURACOS G9 74 --- TURACO an African bird [n]
Other tops: TURACOS B8 74
Other moves: SURCOAT G9 72, TOURACOS 5G 72, CUATROS 2E 71, SURCOAT 2E 69, ATROCIOUS 8C 62
TAS 5C 24 Papa_Sloth

On 7th draw, AWETO 5D 47 --- AWETO a wormlike fungus [n]
Other tops: AWATO 5D 47
Other moves: TAWA 5C 43, VAW 5C 42, WADSET 15D 42, AWA 5D 41, AWE 5D 41
SWEAT 15G 24 Papa_Sloth

On 8th draw, YPLAST 15C 42 --- PLACE to set in a particular position [v]
Other moves: PALSY 15D 39, PATSY 15D 39, POTSY 15D 39, YAP F10 35, YAE 6F 34
SPAY 15G 27 Papa_Sloth

On 9th draw, TARRIED 11E 32 --- TARRY to delay or be slow in acting or doing [v]
Other tops: TARDIER 11E 32
Other moves: DIETARY C9 26, DATER B6 25, AIRTED J9 24, DAUTIE B5 24, AUREITY C9 22
IDEA J9 20 Papa_Sloth

On 10th draw, KOINE 14F 39 --- KOINE a type of dialect [n]
Other moves: KOEL 14F 36, LEKU 10D 36, KOI 14F 35, KA F14 32, KO 14F 32
KOINE 14F 39 Papa_Sloth

On 11th draw, LOVAGE 15J 44 --- LOVAGE a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: YAE 6F 34, YOGA 10J 32, YAG 10J 31, YALE 10J 31, VOYAGED K5 30

On 12th draw, NORTENA J3 77 --- NORTENA a female norteno [n]
Other moves: NONRATED K4 68, NORTENA J1 65, ENATE J7 25, TANNERY C9 22, NACRE 13E 21

On 13th draw, MOILER B6 32 --- MOILER one that moils [n]
Other moves: MOIRE B6 31, MERING N10 30, MEIN B6 28, MINEOLA 12A 28, MOIL B6 28
LIMO 14A 23 Papa_Sloth

On 14th draw, REBODY A10 49 --- BODY to give form to [v] --- REBODY to renew the body of [v]
Other moves: BUOYED A10 45, YBORE C7 39, REBODY 12J 37, BEDRUG N10 32, BYDE K2 32

On 15th draw, EWT C6 30 --- EWT a small salamander [n]
Other moves: ENDEW 12K 29, BEDEW 13J 27, BEWENT 13J 27, TWEED 2E 27, DWEEB 13J 26

On 16th draw, BOVIDS 13J 29 --- BOVID an animal of the cattle family [n]
Other moves: BOVID 13J 27, BUD 14M 25, DUB 14M 25, OVIBOS 4J 24, DIVS 12J 22
DUO 14A 13 Papa_Sloth

On 17th draw, PINNIES O7 30 --- PINNY a pinafore [n]
Other moves: LIPINS O8 27, PENNIS O8 27, PINIES O8 27, LINNIES O7 24, LINENS O8 21
PE K4 16 Papa_Sloth

On 18th draw, FUGLY C11 30 --- FUGLY an offensive word for very ugly, FUGLIER, FUGLIEST [n]
Other tops: FUNDY C11 30
Other moves: GULFY C11 28, FUGU N6 25, F(U)G B2 25, GUNDY C11 24, FUD N6 22

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