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Game on July 30, 2024 at 16:14, 11 players
1. 233 pts LongJump22
2. 117 pts Zuincunx
3. 102 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eimnow   H4    80    80   winsome
 2. deefooq   4H    26   106   woofed
 3. aenrtvz   3J    50   156   zeta
 4. acenrtu  11E    98   254   uncrate
 5. bemnosu   5G    40   294   minos
 6. adgirst   F6    64   358   tradings
 7. cefirst  L11    34   392   serif
 8. deiinrw  14J    34   426   weird
 9. hijlotu  O11    46   472   thiol
10. cdeenpv  15F    32   504   pence
11. eglrtuy   2K    33   537   tuyer
12. abeeklq   O1    48   585   brake
13. ahlnors  12C    27   612   sangh
14. ?aegitx   C5    66   678   geotaxis
15. aabioru  13I    32   710   barro
16. dijloqy   8A    36   746   doty
17. egilouv   D1    29   775   vulgo
18. aiilnqv  N10    33   808   qi
19. aeiiiln   1A    27   835   alevin
20. aijlpuv   B4    32   867   jap

Remaining tiles: iiluv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8582 FileLongJump22  2  2:49  -634  233     1.8582 LongJump22  2  2:49  -634  233 
  2.8781 FileZuincunx    2  3:42  -750  117     2.8781 Zuincunx    2  3:42  -750  117 
  3.7052 FileArcticFox   1  3:35  -765  102     3.8564 Quincunx    1  2:42  -779   88 
  4.8564 FileQuincunx    1  2:42  -779   88     4.8805 Wuincunx    0  2:11  -785   82 
  5.8805 FileWuincunx    0  2:11  -785   82     5.8797 Vuincunx    0  2:59  -785   82 
  6.8797 FileVuincunx    0  2:59  -785   82            Group: advanced
  7.  -  FileJKQXZ1      1  1:57  -819   48     1.7052 ArcticFox   1  3:35  -765  102 
  8.7680 Filesicilianc5  1  0:33  -834   33     2.7680 sicilianc5  1  0:33  -834   33 
  9.7606 Filemoonmonkey  1  0:48  -834   33     3.7606 moonmonkey  1  0:48  -834   33 
 10.7732 FileMycophot    1  1:11  -834   33     4.7732 Mycophot    1  1:11  -834   33 
 11.7641 Filequeen66     0  1:49  -844   23     5.7641 queen66     0  1:49  -844   23 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  JKQXZ1      1  1:57  -819   48 

On 1st draw, WIN(S)OME H4 80 --- WINSOME charming [adj]
Other moves: MEOWIN(G) H4 78, WIN(S)OME H7 78, MEOWIN(G) H2 74, MEOWIN(G) H3 74, MEOWIN(G) H7 74
WIN(S)OME H4 80 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, WOOFED 4H 26 --- WOOF to utter a gruff barking sound [v]
Other moves: DEF G8 21, DEF I8 21, DOF G8 21, DOF I8 21, FED I8 21
FOOD I5 21 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, ZETA 3J 50 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: RAZE 11H 38, TZAR 11E 38, VEZIR 5E 36, ZANTE 6F 36, NAZE 3L 34
RAZEE 10D 34 LongJump22, Wuincunx, Vuincunx

On 4th draw, UNCRATE 11E 98 --- UNCRATE to remove from a crate [v]
Other tops: UNTRACE 11E 98
Other moves: OUTRANCE 8H 83, CENTAUR 11B 80, UNCRATE G9 68, UNCRATE I9 68, UNCREATE 10D 68
UNTRACE 11E 98 LongJump22
UNTRACE 11E 48 Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Quincunx

On 5th draw, MINOS 5G 40 --- MINO a raincoat of hemp [n]
Other moves: MOBIES 5E 34, SEBUM L11 34, NUMBS 2K 33, OSE 5J 33, NUMB 2K 31
MINOS 5G 40 Quincunx, Zuincunx

On 6th draw, TRADINGS F6 64 --- TRADING the act of trading [n]
Other moves: GORDITAS 8G 61, GAINST 6E 33, GAIDS L8 29, GIRDS L8 29, GRADS L8 29

On 7th draw, SERIF L11 34 --- SERIF a fine line used to finish off the main stroke of a letter [n]
Other tops: FEIST L8 34, FIEST L8 34, FIRST L8 34, FRISE L8 34, FRIST L8 34
Other moves: CREST L8 30, CRISE L8 30, FIESTA 8A 30, RIFEST L7 30, SERIC L11 30

On 8th draw, WEIRD 14J 34 --- WEIRD destiny [n] --- WEIRD mysteriously strange [adj] --- WEIRD to cause to experience a strange sensation [v]
Other tops: WRIED 14J 34
Other moves: REFIND 15J 30, WIRING 12A 30, DEWING 12A 28, DWINE 14J 26, WEIRD 13I 26

On 9th draw, THIOL O11 46 --- THIOL a sulphur compound [n]
Other moves: JOL O13 40, JOT O13 40, THOU O12 34, THULIA 8A 30, LITHO 15F 29
LITHO 15F 29 Zuincunx

On 10th draw, PENCE 15F 32 --- PENCE in the United Kingdom, a new penny [n] --- PENNY a coin of the United Kingdom [n]
Other moves: CEPE 15G 29, CEDE 15G 26, NEVE 15G 26, VEEP E5 26, EVE 15H 23

On 11th draw, TUYER 2K 33 --- TUYER a pipe through which air is forced into a blast furnace [n]
Other moves: ELYTRA 8A 30, RULY 2K 28, GLUEY E4 27, EYRA I8 26, GUTSY 13C 26

On 12th draw, BRAKE O1 48 --- BRAKE to slow down or stop [v]
Other moves: BRAK O1 45, KRAB O1 39, BREAK O1 36, BEARE 13I 32, BLEAK E4 32
BRAKE O1 48 Zuincunx, JKQXZ1

On 13th draw, SANGH 12C 27 --- SANGH an association promoting unity between the different groups in Hinduism [n]
Other tops: LAHS 6L 27, RAHS 6L 27
Other moves: AHS 6M 26, ASLOSH 13B 26, HOA I7 26, OHS 6M 26, SLASH 13C 24

On 14th draw, GE(O)TAXIS C5 66 --- GEOTAXIS the movement of an organism in response to gravity [n]
Other moves: AT(A)XIA 8A 60, A(L)EXIA 8A 60, (A)TAXIA 8A 60, BRAKEAGE O1 45, BRAKEAGE(S) O1 45

On 15th draw, BARRO 13I 32 --- BARRO (Australian slang) embarrassing [adj]
Other tops: BARRA 13I 32
Other moves: BIRCH G8 28, RABI B4 26, SAUBA 13F 26, *B* B5 25, BRAAI 13K 25

On 16th draw, DOTY 8A 36 --- DOTY stained by decay [adj]
Other moves: JOL B9 34, QI N10 33, JO B9 31, JOT 8A 30, YOD B9 28
JOT 8A 30 ArcticFox

On 17th draw, VULGO D1 29 --- VULGO commonly [adv]
Other tops: VOGUE B2 29
Other moves: EVO G7 24, VOULGE N6 24, VOGIE D2 23, VOGUE D2 23, GOLE B7 22
VOGUE D2 23 queen66
VEX 10A 15 ArcticFox

On 18th draw, QI N10 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: VIA E5 30, VINAL 1D 24, INIA E4 23, VILLAIN 3A 22, VIA N10 21
QI N10 33 sicilianc5, moonmonkey, ArcticFox, Mycophot

On 19th draw, ALEVIN 1A 27 --- ALEVIN a young fish [n]
Other tops: ALONE B6 27, ANOLE B6 27, VALINE 1D 27, VEINAL 1D 27, VENIAL 1D 27, VINEAL 1D 27
Other moves: ALIVE 1A 24, NAEVI 1A 24, NAIVE 1A 24, VENAL 1D 24, VINAL 1D 24
ALIVE 1A 24 ArcticFox

On 20th draw, JAP B4 32 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other moves: UVA E4 31, APIOL B5 30, VAU E5 30, VIA E5 30, LAP B4 25

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