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Game on August 1, 2024 at 07:27, 8 players
1. 536 pts vendanges
2. 399 pts babsbedi
3. 190 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beeostu   H4    22    22   bustee
 2. ?deiosy   4D    76    98   disobeys
 3. ?eejprt   K4   110   208   superjet
 4. agirrst  12K    32   240   staig
 5. lnnoruw  O10    30   270   ungown
 6. ailmnoq   F2    32   302   qis
 7. eegilor  14J    24   326   reglow
 8. acdehlm   8J    45   371   arched
 9. aceiort   O1    86   457   ceratoid
10. eelnouv   6B    71   528   venulose
11. deilmpt   9B    69   597   impleted
12. binrstu   N2    34   631   rubin
13. aknostw   M2    34   665   anow
14. aefghio   8A    36   701   fah
15. adginox  10E    52   753   ax
16. amnoort  11D    34   787   amort
17. adegikr  12A    44   831   kidge
18. afinorz  A12    51   882   kazi
19. afilnos  B11    42   924   filos

Remaining tiles: ainrvy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6917 Filevendanges   4 16:25  -388  536     1.8513 LongJump22  3  3:25  -734  190 
  2.6881 Filebabsbedi    3 12:07  -525  399     2.8639 Xuincunx    1  3:15  -810  114 
  3.8513 FileLongJump22  3  3:25  -734  190     3.8649 Wuincunx    0  0:48  -893   31 
  4.8639 FileXuincunx    1  3:15  -810  114     4.8623 Vuincunx    0  1:09  -893   31 
  5.  -  FileAAAAAA1144  1  1:58  -873   51     5.8736 Zuincunx    0  1:49  -898   26 
  6.8649 FileWuincunx    0  0:48  -893   31            Group: intermediate
  7.8623 FileVuincunx    0  1:09  -893   31     1.6917 vendanges   4 16:25  -388  536 
  8.8736 FileZuincunx    0  1:49  -898   26     2.6881 babsbedi    3 12:07  -525  399 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  AAAAAA1144  1  1:58  -873   51 

On 1st draw, BUSTEE H4 22 --- BUSTEE a settlement in India [n]
Other tops: BUTEOS H4 22, OBTUSE H3 22
Other moves: BEETS H4 20, BESET H4 20, BESOT H4 20, BETES H4 20, BOETS H4 20

On 2nd draw, DISOBEY(S) 4D 76 --- DISOBEY to refuse to follow instruction [v]
Other tops: DI(S)OBEYS 4D 76
Other moves: DISYO(K)E 10F 75, DOY(L)IES 10B 75, DISO(B)EY 10F 73, DISYO(K)E G9 68, DISYO(K)E I9 68
S(A)YID 10H 25 vendanges

On 3rd draw, (S)(U)PERJET K4 110 --- SUPERJET a type of jet airplane [n]
Other moves: S(U)PERJET 6H 74, S(U)PERJET F4 74, JE(S)TER 10F 38, T(A)J 3E 37, JE(S)T 10F 34
J(A)PE 3C 32 vendanges

On 4th draw, STAIG 12K 32 --- STAIG a colt [n]
Other tops: GRIST 12H 32, STRAG 12K 32, STRIG 12K 32
Other moves: AGIST 12H 30, RISTRA 12I 28, SIRRA 12K 28, SITAR 12K 28, STAIR 12K 28
GRIST 12H 32 vendanges

On 5th draw, UNGOWN O10 30 --- UNGOWN to unfrock [v]
Other moves: UNWORN G7 28, UNWON G7 27, WRONG O8 27, WRUNG O8 27, OWN 13L 26
WRONG O8 27 vendanges

On 6th draw, QIS F2 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QIS 6F 32
Other moves: LIMAN 3C 28, MAIL N10 26, MAIN N10 26, MOIL N10 26, OILMAN I6 26
QIS 6F 32 babsbedi
QI 3E 24 vendanges

On 7th draw, REGLOW 14J 24 --- GLOW to emit light and heat [v] --- REGLOW to glow again [v]
Other moves: REGIE 8K 21, RERIG 8K 21, RIGOL 8K 21, RIGOR 8K 21, ROGER 8K 21
ROGER 8K 21 babsbedi
RERIG 8K 21 vendanges

On 8th draw, ARCHED 8J 45 --- ARCH to bend like an arch (a curved structure spanning an opening) [v]
Other tops: DRACHM 8J 45
Other moves: ACHED 15G 38, CALMED 15F 38, CAMELID 3A 38, HAMED 15G 38, MACHE 15F 38
HAMED 15G 38 babsbedi
MACHE 15F 38 vendanges

On 9th draw, CERATOID O1 86 --- CERATOID hornlike [adj]
Other moves: EROTICA G7 70, EROTICA G8 68, EROTICA 13D 65, EROTICA G9 64, COATER 15F 28
COATER 15F 28 vendanges
CRATE 15F 23 babsbedi

On 10th draw, VENULOSE 6B 71 --- VENULE a small vein [adj] --- VENULOSE resembling a venule [adj]
Other moves: VENULE 2J 34, EVOLUE 15E 29, UNLOVE 15E 29, VENULE 15E 29, NEVEL 15G 28
VENULE 15E 29 vendanges
VENUE 15F 26 babsbedi

On 11th draw, IMPLETED 9B 69 --- IMPLETE to fill [v]
Other moves: TEPID N2 43, DEMIT N2 38, IMPLED 15F 38, LIMPED 15F 38, DIMPLE 15E 35
IMPLETED 9B 69 LongJump22
LIMPED 15F 38 babsbedi

On 12th draw, RUBIN N2 34 --- RUBIN a ruby, a precious stone [n]
Other moves: BISTRE 2J 28, BRUISE 2J 28, BURITIS 3A 28, BURNIE 2J 28, RUTIN N2 28
BRUTISH M2 26 Xuincunx, Zuincunx
TIS 10F 20 vendanges
QUINTS 2F 17 babsbedi

On 13th draw, ANOW M2 34 --- ANOW enough [adj]
Other moves: OAK M3 32, TAKIN 3C 32, TAKIS 3C 32, OKA 8A 31, SKA 8A 31
OKA 8A 31 vendanges, Wuincunx, Vuincunx
WO 3I 23 babsbedi

On 14th draw, FAH 8A 36 --- FAH a musical note [n]
Other tops: FOH 8A 36
Other moves: FAE 10B 35, FIE 10B 35, FOE 10B 35, OAF 10D 33, HOAGIE 15E 32
FIE 10B 35 LongJump22
HE J10 28 babsbedi
AH 8A 20 vendanges

On 15th draw, AX 10E 52 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: OX 10E 52, XI 10F 52
Other moves: DIGOXIN 3A 49, DIOXIN 3B 45, DIXI 3C 36, POXING D9 32, AXED 10I 31
AX 10E 52 vendanges, LongJump22
OX 10E 52 babsbedi

On 16th draw, AMORT 11D 34 --- AMORT being without life [adj]
Other tops: MORAT 11E 34, MORON 11E 34, MOTOR 11E 34
Other moves: MAROON 11C 32, MATRON 11B 32, MOAN 11E 32, MOAT 11E 32, MONA 11E 32
MORON 11E 34 babsbedi, LongJump22
AMORT 11D 34 vendanges

On 17th draw, KIDGE 12A 44 --- KIDGE brisk [adj]
Other moves: RAIKED 15F 38, DAIKER 15F 37, ARKED 15G 35, D*RK** 15E 35, IRKED 15G 35
DAIKER 15F 37 Xuincunx
KIDGE 15F 35 vendanges
TAKER H11 30 babsbedi

On 18th draw, KAZI A12 51 --- KAZI a lavatory [n]
Other moves: FIAR 13B 36, KAIF A12 33, ZEIN 10J 33, ZERO 10J 33, ZEA 10J 32
KAZI A12 51 vendanges, Xuincunx, AAAAAA1144

On 19th draw, FILOS B11 42 --- FILO very thin pastry dough [n]
Other tops: FINOS B11 42
Other moves: FILA B11 38, FILO B11 38, FINO B11 38, OF B14 37, LINOS B11 36
OF B14 37 vendanges, babsbedi

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