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Game on August 1, 2024 at 09:43, 8 players
1. 351 pts SQUAW1
2. 170 pts LongJump22
3. 161 pts Xuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aenoow   H4    24    24   weason
 2. abdefgl   G3    33    57   fabled
 3. ?aciosx  10C    39    96   coaxes
 4. acdeghr   E5    48   144   raghead
 5. aefinrv   C7    34   178   fancier
 6. bglnouv   D1    28   206   vulgo
 7. ailmnuy   1A    42   248   mayvin
 8. bdeestu  14A    39   287   bested
 9. aeimoty  15D    43   330   amity
10. joopprs  A12    63   393   jobs
11. aeikoqr   B6    36   429   qi
12. aceloos  12A    37   466   jeels
13. adinopr   A7    28   494   dorp
14. ehilruv   4G    24   518   awhile
15. aaenort   2B    29   547   route
16. eeikprz   3L    34   581   pize
17. eiinrtu   O2    24   605   reunite
18. einotuv   N6    21   626   outvie
19. aiknntw  O11    50   676   twank
20. acgnoru   N1    32   708   cuz

Remaining tiles: aginor

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7791 FileSQUAW1      8  7:51  -357  351     1.8513 LongJump22  3  3:45  -538  170 
  2.8513 FileLongJump22  3  3:45  -538  170     2.8639 Xuincunx    4  4:13  -547  161 
  3.8639 FileXuincunx    4  4:13  -547  161     3.8736 Zuincunx    1  1:00  -645   63 
  4.  -  FileJKQXZ1      2  3:53  -595  113     4.8662 Wuincunx    1  1:20  -645   63 
  5.8736 FileZuincunx    1  1:00  -645   63     5.8623 Vuincunx    0  1:42  -686   22 
  6.8662 FileWuincunx    1  1:20  -645   63            Group: advanced
  7.  -  Filehhhh2246    1  1:56  -660   48     1.7791 SQUAW1      8  7:51  -357  351 
  8.8623 FileVuincunx    0  1:42  -686   22            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  JKQXZ1      2  3:53  -595  113 
                                             2.  -  hhhh2246    1  1:56  -660   48 

On 1st draw, WEA(S)ON H4 24 --- WEASON the throat [n]
Other tops: AWO(K)EN H3 24, WAN(D)OO H4 24, WEA(K)ON H4 24, WEA(P)ON H4 24, WOONE(D) H4 24, WOO(D)EN H4 24, WOO(L)EN H4 24
Other moves: EN(D)OW H8 22, NA(V)EW H8 22, NO(H)OW H8 22, WANE(D) H4 22, WANE(S) H4 22

On 2nd draw, FABLED G3 33 --- FABLE to compose or tell fictitious tales [v]
Other moves: GABLED G3 29, FABLE G3 28, FEEDBAG 5F 28, FEEDBAG 5G 28, FEELBAD 5F 26

On 3rd draw, COAX(E)S 10C 39 --- COAX to cajole [v]
Other moves: AXIS F1 38, COX(E)S 10D 38, O(R)IXAS 10C 37, XIS F2 37, (A)XIS F1 37

On 4th draw, RAGHEAD E5 48 --- RAGHEAD an Arab [n]
Other moves: ACHED 11A 37, RAHED 11A 33, BERDACHE 5G 32, CHORDAE D8 32, AHED 11B 31
RAGHEAD E5 48 hhhh2246

On 5th draw, FANCIER C7 34 --- FANCIER one that has a special liking for something [n]
Other moves: AVER F1 26, FAINE D1 26, FAWNIER 4F 26, FERIA D1 26, FRENA D1 26

On 6th draw, VULGO D1 28 --- VULGO commonly [adv]
Other moves: GOV F2 25, VOL F2 25, LOU F4 23, BEBUNG 5G 22, BON F2 22

On 7th draw, MAYVIN 1A 42 --- MAYVIN an expert [n]
Other moves: VAINLY 1D 36, MAUVIN 1A 33, VINYL 1D 33, MAINLY I1 29, MANY I3 29

On 8th draw, BESTED 14A 39 --- BEST to outdo [v]
Other tops: BESTUD 14A 39, BUSTED 14A 39
Other moves: BEATH 8A 33, BEETS 12A 33, BUSTEE 14A 33, DEASH 8A 30, DEATH 8A 30

On 9th draw, AMITY 15D 43 --- AMITY friendship [n]
Other moves: MOBY A12 42, ATIMY 15D 41, ATOMY 15D 41, MOIETY 15E 40, MAYBE A11 39

On 10th draw, JOBS A12 63 --- JOB to work by the piece [v]
Other moves: JOES 12A 38, P**PS 12A 37, PREPS 12A 37, JO B6 30, PROBS A11 30
JOBS A12 63 LongJump22, SQUAW1, Xuincunx, Zuincunx, Wuincunx, JKQXZ1

On 11th draw, QI B6 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: BEAKIER 5G 26, NAIK F1 25, OAKIER 14H 25, BEAKER 5G 24, BERAKE 5G 24
JEER 12A 22 Vuincunx

On 12th draw, JEELS 12A 37 --- JEEL to congeal [v]
Other moves: LOUSE 2B 29, ALECS I3 28, SECO A7 24, SOCA A7 24, AESC I3 23
LOUSE 2B 29 LongJump22

On 13th draw, DORP A7 28 --- DORP a village [n]
Other tops: DOPA A7 28, DRAP A7 28, DRIP A7 28, DROP A7 28
Other moves: DAP A7 25, DIP A7 25, DOP A7 25, PAND I3 25, DOUN 2B 23
DRIP A7 28 LongJump22

On 14th draw, AWHILE 4G 24 --- AWHILE for a short time [adv]
Other tops: AWHIRL 4G 24, EH 2A 24, UH 2A 24
Other moves: LEV I4 23, RIVEL I1 23, VILER I2 23, BELIVE 5G 22, BEVEL 5G 20
EH 2A 24 SQUAW1, Xuincunx

On 15th draw, ROUTE 2B 29 --- ROUTE to send on a particular course [v]
Other moves: BEANO 5G 25, TORANA 5J 20, NOUT 2B 19, RAUN 2B 19, ROUT 2B 19

On 16th draw, PIZE 3L 34 --- PIZE a pest\v (Yorkshire) to strike somebody [n]
Other tops: PREZ 3L 34
Other moves: KEPI 3J 32, KEEP 3J 30, PEEK 3J 28, PERK 3J 28, REZ 3L 26

On 17th draw, REUNITE O2 24 --- REUNITE to come together again [v] --- UNITE to bring together so as to form a whole [v]
Other tops: ERINITE O3 24, NEURITE O2 24, RETINUE O2 24, REZ N1 24, RIZ N1 24, UTERINE O1 24
Other moves: TINIER 5J 23, ENTIRE O3 21, NITER 5J 21, NITRE 5J 21, INERT 5K 19
RIZ N1 24 Xuincunx

On 18th draw, OUTVIE N6 21 --- OUTVIE to surpass in a competition [v]
Other moves: NEVI 14H 20, NITE 5J 19, NOTE 5J 19, OINT 5J 19, TINE 5J 19

On 19th draw, TWANK O11 50 --- TWANK a slap [n]
Other tops: TWINK O11 50
Other moves: TWAIN O11 38, TAKIN O11 32, TWANK M10 31, TWINK M10 31, KAW 14H 27
TWINK O11 50 SQUAW1, LongJump22, Xuincunx, JKQXZ1

On 20th draw, CUZ N1 32 --- CUZ a cousin [n]
Other tops: CAZ N1 32, COZ N1 32
Other moves: AZO N2 30, COUGAN 14J 30, GARCON 14J 26, BEANO 5G 25, NARC 5J 23

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