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Game on August 2, 2024 at 18:54, 7 players
1. 498 pts Muincunx
2. 476 pts ArcticFox
3. 122 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. celorty   H4    28    28   cotyle
 2. adeintt   4F    72   100   nictated
 3. demosuw   G6    39   139   smew
 4. aaaenrs   3I    27   166   ansae
 5. ddeenrs  10A    73   239   reddens
 6. ceelort   I9    68   307   elector
 7. abgirvz  H14    50   357   za
 8. ?eeituv  12F    76   433   eductive
 9. abfiino   A7    39   472   fibroin
10. aamotux  11D    39   511   ax
11. abeegin   B2    27   538   beigne
12. adlosuu   A1    32   570   load
13. inoqrsu  15F    69   639   quarrions
14. ?aikmpr   M6    88   727   rampikes
15. agilrty   8J    39   766   grimly
16. fhioptu   C4    31   797   fouth
17. aghjorv  D10    30   827   dargah
18. aijoopv   2F    30   857   jiao

Remaining tiles: opuvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7763 FileMuincunx    4 14:43  -359  498     1.8522 LongJump22  2  1:26  -735  122 
  2.7011 FileArcticFox   2 21:18  -381  476     2.8746 Vuincunx    1  1:44  -807   50 
  3.8522 FileLongJump22  2  1:26  -735  122     3.8735 Wuincunx    1  1:57  -807   50 
  4.8746 FileVuincunx    1  1:44  -807   50     4.8676 Quincunx    1  1:08  -818   39 
  5.8735 FileWuincunx    1  1:57  -807   50     5.8666 Xuincunx    0  1:54  -830   27 
  6.8676 FileQuincunx    1  1:08  -818   39            Group: advanced
  7.8666 FileXuincunx    0  1:54  -830   27     1.7763 Muincunx    4 14:43  -359  498 
                                             2.7011 ArcticFox   2 21:18  -381  476 

On 1st draw, COTYLE H4 28 --- COTYLE an ancient Greek cup [n]
Other tops: COLEY H8 28, COREY H8 28
Other moves: CETYL H4 26, CLOYE H4 26, COLEY H4 26, COREY H4 26, COYER H4 26
CORY H6 18 Muincunx

On 2nd draw, NICTATED 4F 72 --- NICTATE to wink NICTATED [v]
Other moves: ANTIDOTE 5C 68, TETANOID 5C 68, TAINTED G9 63, TAINTED I9 63, TINED G5 26
NICTATED 4F 72 LongJump22
CANTED 4H 18 ArcticFox

On 3rd draw, SMEW G6 39 --- SMEW an Eurasian duck [n]
Other moves: MEWS G7 37, MEW G7 36, SOWMED 3B 35, DUMOSE 3J 33, MOWED 3C 33
MEW G7 36 ArcticFox
MOWED 3C 33 Muincunx

On 4th draw, ANSAE 3I 27 --- ANSA the projecting part of Saturn's rings [n]
Other tops: SNARE 3I 27
Other moves: NARAS 3J 22, NARES 3J 22, NARAS 5J 21, NARES 5J 21, RANAS 5J 21
SANER 5J 21 Muincunx
ARENAS 10B 20 ArcticFox

On 5th draw, REDDENS 10A 73 --- REDDEN to make or become red [v]
Other moves: REDDENS 2C 66, RENDED 3B 27, SENDED 3B 27, DERED 3C 25, DREED 3C 25
RENDED 3B 27 Muincunx, Xuincunx
REDDENS 10A 23 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, ELECTOR I9 68 --- ELECTOR one that elects [n]
Other tops: ELECTOR 2C 68, ELECTRO 2C 68, ELECTRO I9 68
Other moves: ERECTOR A9 36, RECTOR A10 33, ELECTOR A4 30, ERECTOR A4 30, ELECTRO A5 27
ERECTOR A9 36 Muincunx

On 7th draw, ZA H14 50 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: IZAR 15F 39, IZAR A7 39, ZAG 2M 39, ZIG 2M 39, ZA 2M 35
ZA H14 50 LongJump22, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
ZIG 2M 39 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, E(D)UCTIVE 12F 76 --- EDUCTION the act of educing [adj] --- EDUCTIVE drawn out [adj]
Other moves: VESTITU(R)E K1 72, VESTITU(R)E 6E 65, U(N)RIVET A8 39, VETI(V)ER A4 39, VUT(T)IER A4 39
REVI(S)E A10 36 Muincunx
RIVET(S) A10 36 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, FIBROIN A7 39 --- FIBROIN an insoluble protein [n]
Other moves: FIBRIN A7 36, NAIF 11B 32, FIBRO A7 30, FIORIN A7 30, FAIN 11B 29
FIBROIN A7 39 Muincunx, Quincunx
AB J14 25 ArcticFox

On 10th draw, AX 11D 39 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: MAX 3E 39, MUX 3E 39, OX 11D 39
Other moves: TAX 3E 37, TUX 3E 37, AX 3F 36, OX 3F 36, XU 13M 36
AX 11D 39 Muincunx
MAX 3E 39 ArcticFox

On 11th draw, BEIGNE B2 27 --- BEIGNE a fritter [n]
Other moves: AB J14 25, BEANIE B2 25, BIZONE 14F 25, BANDAGE D7 24, BIGAE 13C 22
AB J14 25 ArcticFox
TEA J12 21 Muincunx

On 12th draw, LOAD A1 32 --- LOAD to place goods or cargo on transportation [v]
Other moves: ALTOS J10 31, DAUDS C7 29, DUADS C7 29, LADS A1 28, LODS A1 28
LOAD A1 32 Muincunx
SOLD 14A 23 ArcticFox

On 13th draw, QUARRIONS 15F 69 --- QUARRION a kind of cockatiel [n]
Other moves: SQUIER M8 50, QUINO J6 47, SUQ 3E 45, QUIN J6 40, SUQ 14A 37
SUQ 3E 45 Muincunx, ArcticFox

On 14th draw, RAMPIKE(S) M6 88 --- RAMPIKE a standing dead tree [n]
Other tops: IMPARKE(D) M6 88
Other moves: K(E)MPIER M7 44, PIKEMAN M9 36, (S)KIMP 14A 36, KI(P)PA J6 35, K(A)RMA J6 35
(S)PARK 14A 32 Muincunx
PAIK 14L 30 ArcticFox

On 15th draw, GRIMLY 8J 39 --- GRIMLY in a grim manner [adv]
Other moves: TRIMLY 8J 36, LAITY N7 33, AMYL 8L 30, DATARY D10 28, DRILY C10 28
GRIMLY 8J 39 ArcticFox, Muincunx

On 16th draw, FOUTH C4 31 --- FOUTH abundance [n]
Other moves: TOPHI 13C 29, FOH 2M 25, FOH B12 25, HOUF 13C 25, POUT C4 25
FOH B12 25 Muincunx
UH 12C 24 ArcticFox

On 17th draw, DARGAH D10 30 --- DARGAH the tomb of a Muslim saint [n]
Other moves: JONG F2 28, JAG J6 27, JOG J6 27, AH 12C 24, GRAV 2L 24
JONG F2 28 Muincunx
JAG J6 27 ArcticFox

On 18th draw, JIAO 2F 30 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: JAG J6 27, JIG J6 27, JOG J6 27, OPAH 15A 27, POOH 15A 27
POOH 15A 27 Muincunx, ArcticFox

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