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Game on August 5, 2024 at 10:44, 12 players
1. 515 pts vendanges
2. 254 pts LongJump22
3. 239 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeinntt   H7    66    66   antient
 2. ?deeilo   8A    77   143   deletion
 3. ehinopx   I1    95   238   phoenix
 4. abiqrst  14F    40   278   qis
 5. aemrrrt   1G    33   311   empart
 6. ?deorrv  11D    94   405   verderor
 7. eegnors   2A    72   477   engores
 8. acehnrs   5E   102   579   channers
 9. aabeklt   1A    73   652   beak
10. adefotw   J4    44   696   defeat
11. imnoopt   B8    34   730   emption
12. aefglow  A11    44   774   aglow
13. aefgilu  C12    30   804   fuel
14. aiiluuw   3C    28   832   aw
15. abgosuy   L8    38   870   bousy
16. adgiijo  10K    30   900   ouija
17. acdiltz   O7    39   939   zila
18. agiirtu  N10    26   965   jirga
19. cdituvy   C7    28   993   vly

Remaining tiles: cdituu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6871 Filevendanges   5 16:27  -478  515     1.8516 LongJump22  3  4:08  -739  254 
  2.8516 FileLongJump22  3  4:08  -739  254     2.8708 Xuincunx    1  3:03  -916   77 
  3.7244 FileChelsea     1  7:25  -754  239     3.8674 Wuincunx    0  1:26  -949   44 
  4.7619 Filemoonmonkey  3  6:00  -757  236     4.8836 Quincunx    1  1:32  -960   33 
  5.8708 FileXuincunx    1  3:03  -916   77     5.8624 Vuincunx    1  1:54  -960   33 
  6.  -  FileBBBBBB1144  1  1:58  -920   73            Group: advanced
  7.7653 Filequeen66     0  0:42  -941   52     1.7244 Chelsea     1  7:25  -754  239 
  8.7767 Filesicilianc5  0  1:03  -941   52     2.7619 moonmonkey  3  6:00  -757  236 
  9.7773 FileMycophot    0  1:23  -941   52     3.7653 queen66     0  0:42  -941   52 
 10.8674 FileWuincunx    0  1:26  -949   44     4.7767 sicilianc5  0  1:03  -941   52 
 11.8836 FileQuincunx    1  1:32  -960   33     5.7773 Mycophot    0  1:23  -941   52 
 12.8624 FileVuincunx    1  1:54  -960   33            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6871 vendanges   5 16:27  -478  515 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  BBBBBB1144  1  1:58  -920   73 

On 1st draw, ANTIENT H7 66 --- ANTIENT an old man [n]
Other tops: ANTIENT H2 66, ANTIENT H3 66, ANTIENT H4 66, ANTIENT H6 66, ANTIENT H8 66
Other moves: ANTIENT H5 64, INNATE H3 14, INNATE H4 14, INNATE H7 14, INNATE H8 14

On 2nd draw, DELE(T)ION 8A 77 --- DELETION the act of deleting [n]
Other tops: NIE(L)LOED 8H 77
Other moves: NIEL(L)OED 8H 74, DELE(T)ION 12A 70, DOLE(R)ITE 13B 70, LE(P)IDOTE 13B 70, NIEL(L)OED 12H 70
DE(A)L G7 16 vendanges

On 3rd draw, PHOENIX I1 95 --- PHOENIX a mythical bird [n]
Other moves: PHOENIX 11E 76, PHENIX I2 47, HEX I5 38, HOX I5 38, PHOENIX 12D 38
PHOENIX I1 95 LongJump22
POX I5 37 vendanges

On 4th draw, QIS 14F 40 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: NIQABS 12H 34, NIQABS 5I 34, NIQAB 12H 32, NIQAB 5I 32, QINTARS 12F 32
QINTARS 5G 32 LongJump22
BARPS 1F 27 vendanges

On 5th draw, EMPART 1G 33 --- EMPART to communicate [v]
Other tops: TRAMPER 1E 33
Other moves: META J2 31, ARMET J2 30, MOAT G7 30, MPRET 1H 30, RAMPER 1F 30
TRAMPER 1E 33 vendanges, LongJump22, Xuincunx, Quincunx, Vuincunx
MOAT G7 30 Chelsea

On 6th draw, VE(R)DEROR 11D 94 --- VERDEROR an officer in charge of the royal forests in England [n]
Other tops: VERDERO(R) 11D 94, VERDE(R)OR 11D 94
Other moves: R(E)DROVE 2A 88, REDROV(E) 2A 87, VERDE(R)OR 4H 82, VE(R)DEROR 4H 82, OVERDE(A)R 4G 80
VERDERO(R) 11D 94 LongJump22
VERDERO(R) 11D 44 Wuincunx, Xuincunx
RODE J4 30 Chelsea
(S)ORED M1 20 vendanges

On 7th draw, ENGORES 2A 72 --- ENGORE to gore [v]
Other tops: NEGROES 2A 72
Other moves: ENGORES L5 71, NEGROES L5 71, GORSE L8 28, GRESE L8 28, EROSE J3 27
GORSE L8 28 vendanges, Chelsea

On 8th draw, CHANNERS 5E 102 --- CHANNER gravel [n]
Other moves: ENCHASER B8 88, ENARCHES 4C 84, STANCHER 13G 83, ENARCHES B8 80, ENCHASER 4C 78
CHANNERS 5E 52 queen66, sicilianc5, Mycophot, moonmonkey
CHASER L8 40 Chelsea
SECH A1 39 vendanges

On 9th draw, BEAK 1A 73 --- BEAK a bird's bill [n]
Other moves: TAKEABLE B5 72, TEAK 1A 61, BEAK A1 45, BAAL 1A 41, BEAT 1A 41
BEAK 1A 73 Chelsea, moonmonkey, BBBBBB1144
BEAK A1 45 vendanges

On 10th draw, DEFEAT J4 44 --- DEFEAT to win a victory over [v]
Other moves: DEAW 3A 43, AWED 3C 39, OWED 3C 39, WAFTED 10J 38, DAW 3B 36
DEAW 3A 43 vendanges
WAFTED 10J 38 Chelsea
DAW 3B 36 moonmonkey

On 11th draw, EMPTION B8 34 --- EMPTION the act of buying [n]
Other moves: MI 6F 25, OP 3C 25, TOMPION 13H 24, AM J1 23, HM 2I 23

On 12th draw, AGLOW A11 44 --- AGLOW glowing [adj]
Other moves: GLOW A12 39, GOAF A12 39, AWOL A12 34, WOF A13 34, AWE 3C 32
AGLOW A11 44 vendanges

On 13th draw, FUEL C12 30 --- FUEL to provide with fuel (material used to produce energy) [v]
Other moves: ALEF 4L 26, ALIF 4L 26, ALIF 15D 24, GIF 15E 23, GUE C12 22
GIF 15E 23 vendanges

On 14th draw, AW 3C 28 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other moves: TAUIWI 13H 20, AI 3C 19, AW 6F 19, AWL 4L 16, IWI 4L 16
AW 3C 28 vendanges, moonmonkey

On 15th draw, BOUSY L8 38 --- BOUSY inclined to booze [adj]
Other moves: BUSY L9 30, SYBO L11 30, SYBO M1 29, SAGY L11 28, ABLY C6 27
BOUSY L8 38 moonmonkey
SOYA L11 26 vendanges

On 16th draw, OUIJA 10K 30 --- OUIJA a board used in seances [n]
Other moves: JAI M7 26, BIDI 8L 21, BIGA 8L 21, BIOG 8L 21, JA M7 21
JA M7 21 vendanges
JA G4 9 moonmonkey

On 17th draw, ZILA O7 39 --- ZILA an administrative district in British India [n]
Other moves: ADZ M12 31, ADZ 4L 30, ADZ 2L 28, DIACT O8 27, ZA M7 25
ZILA O7 39 vendanges

On 18th draw, JIRGA N10 26 --- JIRGA a council of tribal headmen in Afghanistan [n]
Other tops: JAGIR N10 26
Other moves: JURAT N10 24, GIT 15E 17, GLIA C7 17, IMARI 9A 17, AIT 15E 16
JAGIR N10 26 vendanges

On 19th draw, VLY C7 28 --- VLY a swamp [n]
Other moves: CLY C7 26, IDLY C6 25, DULY C6 24, LUCID 15C 23, IVY 4L 22
YU O14 20 vendanges

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