Game on August 8, 2024 at 02:07, 5 players
1. 584 pts vendanges
2. 554 pts sunshine12
3. 78 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H6 68 68
2. 6G 36 104
3. 11D 98 202
4. M2 31 233
5. L11 37 270
6. 2J 60 330
7. 15H 39 369
8. N6 31 400
9. O8 50 450
10. M12 32 482
11. 4J 44 526
12. 7B 73 599
13. 10D 67 666
14. 14B 77 743
15. 15A 33 776
16. 12A 36 812
17. 3F 28 840
18. 2B 30 870
19. H1 27 897
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6877 vendanges 4 17:09 -313 584 1.7290 sunshine12 3 14:11 -343 554
2.7290 sunshine12 3 14:11 -343 554 2.7063 roocatcher 0 2:36 -819 78
3.7063 roocatcher 0 2:36 -819 78 Group: intermediate
4. - chunk88 0 1:58 -833 64 1.6877 vendanges 4 17:09 -313 584
5. - BadBoyBen 1 1:14 -869 28 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 1:58 -833 64
2. - BadBoyBen 1 1:14 -869 28
On 1st draw, ANER(O)ID H6 68 --- ANEROID a type of barometer [n]
Other tops: ADER(M)IN H3 68, AN(T)IRED H6 68, AR(A)NEID H6 68, DAN(C)IER H4 68, DAN(D)IER H4 68, DEARIN(G) H4 68, DENARI(I) H4 68, DENAR(I)I H4 68, DERAI(G)N H4 68, DE(T)RAIN H4 68, DRAINE(D) H4 68, DRAINE(R) H4 68, D(R)AINER H4 68, INAR(M)ED H6 68, IN(V)ADER H8 68, RA(V)INED H6 68, (A)RANEID H6 68, (B)RAINED H6 68, (C)AIRNED H6 68, (C)ARNIED H6 68, (D)RAINED H6 68, (F)RIANDE H7 68, (G)RAINED H6 68, (T)RAINED H6 68, (U)NAIRED H6 68, (U)RANIDE H7 68
Other moves: ADER(M)IN H2 66, ADER(M)IN H4 66, ADER(M)IN H6 66, ADER(M)IN H7 66, ANER(O)ID H2 66
RAINED H7 18 vendanges
On 2nd draw, MARQ(U)E 6G 36 --- MARQUE reprisal [n]
Other moves: Q(U)AIR 6F 35, Q(U)ARE 6F 35, Q(U)AI 6F 32, Q(U)A 6F 31, QORM(A) G11 30
MARQ(U)E 6G 36 vendanges
On 3rd draw, TROPICAL 11D 98 --- TROPIC either of two circles of the celestial sphere on each side of the equator [adj] --- TROPICAL a tropical place [n] --- TROPICAL pertaining to the tropics [adj]
Other moves: PECTORAL L5 76, PECTORAL 8G 63, APRICOT 11E 44, CAPITOL 11E 44, OPTICAL 11E 44
OPAL 5K 18 sunshine12
PR(O) 10F 10 vendanges
On 4th draw, OUTSEE M2 31 --- OUTSEE to see beyond [v]
Other tops: OUTSEE M3 31
Other moves: OUTSEE M1 29, TEASE M3 29, TOUSE M3 29, AUTOS M2 27, OUTSEE L8 27
TOUSE M3 29 vendanges, sunshine12
On 5th draw, SUETY L11 37 --- SUET the hard, fatty tissue around the kidneys of cattle and sheep [adj] --- SUETY resembling suet [adj]
Other tops: YOUSE L8 37
Other moves: SUETY L4 32, SEY 10D 31, SOY 10D 31, STEY N6 31, STYE N6 31
STEY N6 31 sunshine12
YEST 10J 30 vendanges
On 6th draw, JOMON 2J 60 --- JOMON (Japanese) a particular era in Japanese history. No -S [n] --- JOMON pertaining to a Japanese cultural period [adj]
Other tops: JOMOS 2J 60
Other moves: JATOS 14J 56, JOTAS 14J 56, JA 10J 52, JAMES 13I 44, JANES 13I 40
JA 10J 52 vendanges
MASON 8K 31 sunshine12
On 7th draw, DORKY 15H 39 --- DORKY stupid, foolish [adj]
Other tops: D*RKYDARKY 15H 39
Other moves: KIVA 12A 36, VARDY 15H 36, KA 10J 34, IVORY 15H 33, OVARY 15H 33
KA 10J 34 vendanges, sunshine12
On 8th draw, SNOW N6 31 --- SNOW to fall as snow (precipitation in the form of ice crystals) [v]
Other tops: SNOW 8L 31, SOW 10D 31
Other moves: WO(O) 10F 30, OOS N4 29, OW 10E 28, WOF 3I 27, OS N5 26
SNOW N6 31 vendanges
OOS N4 29 sunshine12
On 9th draw, HOWE O8 50 --- HOWE a valley [n]
Other tops: HEWN O8 50
Other moves: HEW O8 47, HOW O8 47, EWE O7 41, HONE O8 41, WEAN O8 41
HOWE O8 50 sunshine12
ENOW 8L 31 vendanges
On 10th draw, PHI M12 32 --- PHI a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: PHO M12 32
Other moves: FAITH D8 30, HOPE 12A 30, HO(O) 10F 30, THIEF D11 30, HEAP 10C 29
HOPE 12A 30 sunshine12, vendanges
On 11th draw, DENTEX 4J 44 --- DENTEX a voracious Mediterranean fish [n]
Other moves: XI N14 38, DEXIE 12A 36, DENTEX D8 32, DEXIE 14D 32, EXITED 4J 32
XI N14 38 sunshine12, vendanges
On 12th draw, VIROGENE 7B 73 --- VIROGENE a virus-forming gene [n]
Other moves: VOGIER 12A 36, VEGIE 12A 32, VOGIE 12A 32, VERTIGO D8 30, VEGO 12A 28
VOGIER 12A 36 sunshine12
VEGO 12A 28 vendanges
VOR F10 14 roocatcher
On 13th draw, SAZ 10D 67 --- SAZ a stringed instrument of the Middle East [n]
Other moves: ZA 10J 64, ZILA 12A 50, NAZIRS 13C 40, ZORILS F10 37, ZONAL F10 36
ZA 10J 64 roocatcher, sunshine12, chunk88
ZILA 12A 50 vendanges
On 14th draw, BANDITO 14B 77 --- BANDITO a bandit [n]
Other moves: BANDITO 14D 73, BAIRN 9E 26, BIDENT 8E 25, DORBA 9F 25, ANOBIID C3 24
BA 10J 22 sunshine12, vendanges
On 15th draw, GALEA 15A 33 --- GALEA a helmet-shaped anatomical part [n]
Other moves: GAGA 15A 31, GAGE 15A 31, GALA 15A 27, GALE 15A 27, GALEA 13A 25
GAGE 15A 31 sunshine12, vendanges
On 16th draw, BLAY 12A 36 --- BLAY a small fish [n]
Other moves: BAYT 12B 33, ABILITY C3 32, ABLY 12A 32, BILIARY D2 32, ABY 12B 28
BLAY 12A 36 vendanges
YA 10J 28 sunshine12
On 17th draw, TINFUL 3F 28 --- TINFUL as much as a tin container can hold [n]
Other tops: FE 10J 28, FLUTIER D1 28, FUTILER D1 28, NETFUL 3F 28
Other moves: FILET 8E 24, FUN 3I 24, FUTILE 5B 23, FENI 8C 21, FLITE 5C 21
FE 10J 28 sunshine12, vendanges, BadBoyBen
On 18th draw, FAUVE 2B 30 --- FAUVE a member of a group of expressionist painters [n]
Other moves: FAIRER 9E 29, FAURER 9E 29, FA 10J 28, FE 10J 28, VAIRE 9E 28
FA 10J 28 sunshine12
FE 10J 28 vendanges
On 19th draw, CANG H1 27 --- CANG a type of pillory [n]
Other moves: CARR 9E 24, CAG 3A 23, CART 3A 23, CIT 1A 22, GAIR 9E 22
CANG H1 27 sunshine12
CIT 1A 22 vendanges
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