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Game on August 8, 2024 at 06:46, 5 players
1. 143 pts LongJump22
2. 54 pts Xuincunx
3. 54 pts Quincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. airrstw   H8    24    24   straw
 2. aeflnps  13C    29    53   flanes
 3. acgnqru  14A    29    82   qua
 4. aeijlno  15A    41   123   in
 5. aaeelnr   F6    62   185   lernaean
 6. eeekopt   8A    45   230   keeper
 7. ahjorst  D11    39   269   jolts
 8. degimxz  15D    45   314   sized
 9. ?demnor   8H    86   400   swordmen
10. ?belnor   N2    80   480   ennobler
11. acegiot  E11    35   515   oca
12. adioorx   G3    41   556   radix
13. aehoptt   K5    48   604   phorate
14. acdgoty   O1    31   635   cay
15. dimostu  12J    35   670   ostium
16. dghiltu   C3    30   700   lighted
17. begioru   2A    37   737   rubigo
18. aeintuy   A1    39   776   trayne
19. efiiouv   D4    30   806   fie
20. giiouvw   H4    27   833   wig

Remaining tiles: iouvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8685 FileLongJump22  3  3:07  -690  143     1.8685 LongJump22  3  3:07  -690  143 
  2.8853 FileXuincunx    0  2:52  -779   54     2.8853 Xuincunx    0  2:52  -779   54 
  3.8792 FileQuincunx    0  3:40  -779   54     3.8792 Quincunx    0  3:40  -779   54 
  4.  -  FileAAAAAA1144  1  1:57  -785   48     4.8586 Vuincunx    1  1:16  -803   30 
  5.8586 FileVuincunx    1  1:16  -803   30            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  AAAAAA1144  1  1:57  -785   48 

On 1st draw, STRAW H8 24 --- STRAW to cover with straw (stalks of threshed grain) [v]
Other tops: WAIRS H4 24, WAIST H4 24, WAITS H4 24, WARST H4 24, WARTS H4 24, WIRRA H4 24, WRAST H4 24, WRIST H4 24, WRITS H4 24
Other moves: STRAW H4 18, SWART H4 18, SWART H8 18, WAIRS H8 18, WAIST H8 18

On 2nd draw, FLANES 13C 29 --- FLAN a type of custard [n]
Other moves: PANELS 13C 27, PLANES 13C 27, FELSPAR 10B 26, PELFS 13D 23, SEPAL G9 23

On 3rd draw, QUA 14A 29 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QUA G7 28, QUAG E11 28, AQUA 11E 26, AQUA 11H 26, AQUA E10 26

On 4th draw, IN 15A 41 --- IN to gather in harvest [v]
Other moves: QI A14 33, JINNE F10 30, WILJA 12H 30, ENJOIN F8 29, INJERA 10D 29

On 5th draw, LERNAEAN F6 62 --- LERNAEAN pertaining to a swamp near Argos [adj]
Other moves: WEANEL 12H 18, WEANER 12H 18, WALER 12H 16, WANLE 12H 16, NARWAL 12E 15

On 6th draw, KEEPER 8A 45 --- KEEPER one that keeps [n]
Other moves: PEAK E11 30, KELT D11 29, KETA E10 28, EKE E9 26, KEEP E4 26

On 7th draw, JOLTS D11 39 --- JOLT to jar or shake roughly [v]
Other tops: JOTAS E10 39
Other moves: JOTA E10 37, AJAR E11 35, JOLT D11 35, HALTS D11 31, HOLTS D11 31

On 8th draw, SIZED 15D 45 --- SIZE to arrange according to size (physical proportions) [v]
Other moves: MIX G5 39, AGRIZED 10F 38, XI 9C 38, ZEX C7 37, AGRIZE 10F 36

On 9th draw, S(W)ORDMEN 8H 86 --- SWORDMAN one skilled in the use of a sword [n]
Other moves: SERMON(E)D 8H 83, S(E)RMONED 8H 83, S(Y)NDROME 8H 83, EN(F)ORMED C2 80, EN(A)MORED C2 76

On 10th draw, EN(N)OBLER N2 80 --- ENNOBLER one that ennobles [n]
Other tops: EN(N)OBLER B2 80, E(N)NOBLER B2 80, E(N)NOBLER N2 80
Other moves: WEL(L)BORN 12H 76, WE(L)LBORN 12H 76, BELON(G)ER B2 72, BELON(G)ER N2 72, BELON(G)ER N7 72

On 11th draw, OCA E11 35 --- OCA a South American herb [n]
Other moves: AE E10 26, COAGENT 3I 26, COATING 3I 26, TE E10 26, TO E10 26

On 12th draw, RADIX G3 41 --- RADIX the root of a plant [n]
Other tops: OXO O1 41
Other moves: XI 9C 38, RAX G5 37, AX 9B 36, AX G6 36, AX O1 36

On 13th draw, PHORATE K5 48 --- PHORATE an insecticide [n]
Other moves: THETA H1 35, THAE O1 33, HEAP M2 32, PHO O1 31, HAPTEN 3I 30
PHORATE K5 48 LongJump22, AAAAAA1144

On 14th draw, CAY O1 31 --- CAY a small low island [n]
Other moves: ATOC J3 29, COOT J6 29, DOC J4 29, CYTODE C3 28, DAY O1 28
CYTODE C3 28 LongJump22, Xuincunx, Quincunx

On 15th draw, OSTIUM 12J 35 --- OSTIUM an opening in a bodily organ [n]
Other moves: SUMO M3 33, SOUM M2 32, SMOUT 12K 29, MODUS J2 27, SIM M3 27
DISTOME C2 26 Xuincunx, Quincunx

On 16th draw, LIGHTED C3 30 --- LIGHT to illuminate [v]
Other moves: HID H4 27, DHUTI L1 26, HIT H4 25, HI 9C 22, HI H4 21
LIGHTED C3 30 LongJump22, Vuincunx

On 17th draw, RUBIGO 2A 37 --- RUBIGO red iron oxide [n]
Other moves: BOUGIE L1 33, BIOGENY 3I 32, GEBUR 2A 31, GIBER 2A 31, EMBOG O11 30
RUBIGO 2A 37 LongJump22

On 18th draw, TRAYNE A1 39 --- TRAYNE to be instructed [v]
Other moves: AUNTY 1D 35, ARTY A1 33, ENMITY O10 33, TRAY A1 33, TREY A1 33

On 19th draw, FIE D4 30 --- FIE adj doomed, FIER, FIEST [n] --- FIE doomed [adj] --- FIE used to express disapproval [interj]
Other tops: FOE D4 30
Other moves: MOVE O12 27, FEU 4J 26, EF 4K 24, FIVE L2 24, EF 13L 22

On 20th draw, WIG H4 27 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other tops: W*G H4 27
Other moves: WIG 1F 26, W*G 1F 26, GOV 1F 24, GUV 1F 24, WO H4 21

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