Game on August 8, 2024 at 17:29, 6 players
1. 374 pts Papa_Sloth
2. 217 pts LongJump22
3. 48 pts Xuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 48 48
2. I6 23 71
3. H11 71 142
4. 4D 34 176
5. 14H 32 208
6. 15A 89 297
7. 15J 42 339
8. 11E 36 375
9. 13K 36 411
10. 5A 37 448
11. 12A 34 482
12. A8 27 509
13. 3A 43 552
14. O8 36 588
15. K4 70 658
16. N2 80 738
17. 6B 54 792
18. L1 42 834
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.6957 Papa_Sloth 1 13:56 -460 374 1.8719 LongJump22 3 2:12 -617 217
2.8719 LongJump22 3 2:12 -617 217 2.8627 Xuincunx 1 0:55 -786 48
3.8627 Xuincunx 1 0:55 -786 48 3.8511 Wuincunx 1 1:24 -786 48
4.8511 Wuincunx 1 1:24 -786 48 4.8411 Vuincunx 1 1:48 -786 48
5.8411 Vuincunx 1 1:48 -786 48 5.8698 Quincunx 0 1:37 -812 22
6.8698 Quincunx 0 1:37 -812 22 Group: intermediate
1.6957 Papa_Sloth 1 13:56 -460 374
On 1st draw, ZLOTE H4 48 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other moves: TOWZES H3 38, TOWZES H4 38, TOWZES H7 38, TOWZES H8 38, TOWZE H4 36
ZLOTE H4 48 LongJump22, Xuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx
On 2nd draw, HIDERS I6 23 --- HIDER one that hides [n]
Other tops: HIDERS G6 23
Other moves: DESHI I6 22, HERDS G6 22, HERDS I6 22, HIDER G6 22, HIDER I6 22
HIRSLED 5D 22 Quincunx
On 3rd draw, AQU(A)E H11 71 --- AQUA water [n]
Other tops: EQUA(L) H11 71
Other moves: (A)QUAE H11 70, QUA(H)OG J2 49, QUEAZ(Y) 4D 46, QUOHOG 6F 41, QUOHOG(S) 6F 41
QUEAZ(Y) 4D 46 LongJump22
QUARE 10F 36 Papa_Sloth
On 4th draw, WALTZ 4D 34 --- WALTZ to dance in three-four time [v]
Other moves: ALTEZA 4D 30, TALAQ 12D 28, TAWA I1 22, WASTAGE 11G 22, AWA I2 21
WALTZ 4D 34 LongJump22
On 5th draw, (A)MBOINA 14H 32 --- AMBOINA the mottled wood of an Indonesian tree [n]
Other tops: BONAMI(A) 14B 32
Other moves: BOMA 5C 31, NGOMA 5B 31, MONIAL 5C 29, BAM J4 27, BOMA 3C 27
BOMA 5C 31 Papa_Sloth
On 6th draw, AGACE(R)IE 15A 89 --- AGACERIE allurement [n]
Other moves: ACIE(R)AGE 15A 83, GLACIA(T)E F3 68, CA(S)A O12 34, CA(S)E O12 34, AC(R)ASIA 11E 32
AGACE(R)IE 15A 89 LongJump22
On 7th draw, INDENT 15J 42 --- INDENT to cut or tear irregularly [v]
Other moves: INTEND 15J 37, IDENT 15K 35, DENIM J2 32, DENI 15L 30, DENT 15L 30
MED 13L 23 Papa_Sloth
On 8th draw, PSOASES 11E 36 --- PSOAS a muscle of the pelvic region [n]
Other moves: JASPISES 11G 34, SIJOS 5A 33, JOES 5B 31, SJOE 5B 31, JASPES 11G 30
JOE 3C 27 Papa_Sloth
On 9th draw, GREW 13K 36 --- GREW to shudder [v] --- GROW to cultivate [v]
Other moves: WRATE 13K 35, TREW 13K 33, GREW 5B 31, AREW 5B 29, GRATE 13K 29
GREW 5B 31 Papa_Sloth
On 10th draw, DOPEY 5A 37 --- DOPEY lethargic; stupid [adj]
Other moves: TEPOY 5A 35, PIOY 5B 33, TYPED 5A 33, PIOYE 3B 32, PIOYE 12A 30
DEY 5C 29 Papa_Sloth
On 11th draw, VOLVA 12A 34 --- VOLVA a membranous sac that encloses certain immature mushrooms [n]
Other tops: VIVAT 3A 34
Other moves: AVOID A1 30, VALID A1 30, VIOLA 3B 30, VIOLD A1 30, LOVAT 3A 28
VIAL 3B 26 Papa_Sloth
On 12th draw, ARRIVE A8 27 --- ARRIVE to reach a destination [v]
Other moves: ADORER A4 24, ARRIDE A1 24, AIRER 3A 22, RARE 3C 22, RORE 3C 22
RARE 3C 22 Papa_Sloth
On 13th draw, CAKEY 3A 43 --- CAKEY tending to form lumps [adj]
Other moves: RYKED A1 42, CRAKE 3B 40, CAKED A1 39, CAKE 3C 38, CREAK 3A 38
CAKED A1 39 Papa_Sloth
On 14th draw, RUBINS O8 36 --- RUBIN a ruby, a precious stone [n]
Other tops: BRUINS O8 36, BURINS O8 36, IBIS 6A 36
Other moves: BIS 6B 32, INS 12L 27, BI 6B 24, IRIS 6A 24, BRINS J2 23
On 15th draw, DANGLERS K4 70 --- DANGLER one that dangles [n]
Other tops: GLANDERS K4 70
Other moves: DECAD A1 30, ARCED A1 27, LACED A1 27, RACED A1 27, ANALOG B1 22
RACED A1 27 Papa_Sloth
On 16th draw, FUMETTO N2 80 --- FUMETTO a cartoon [n]
Other moves: FUMET L1 36, FOUET L1 32, FUME L1 32, FE 6B 30, EF 6A 29
OF 6A 29 Papa_Sloth
On 17th draw, XI 6B 54 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: OX 6A 53, FIX M1 49, FOX M1 49, INFIX L1 47, UNFIX L1 47
XI 6B 54 Papa_Sloth
On 18th draw, FUJI L1 42 --- FUJI a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: FUTON L1 32, JOIN J2 32, JOINTS F6 31, JOTUNS F6 31, JUNTOS F6 31
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