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Game on August 11, 2024 at 08:59, 12 players
1. 544 pts babsbedi
2. 260 pts Chelsea
3. 208 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beioort   H4    22    22   bootie
 2. adentvy   G6    30    52   tedy
 3. aehiirt   I6    37    89   rathe
 4. aehipsw  J10    34   123   hawse
 5. aabnsty  15H    48   171   nasty
 6. aenortv   4H    78   249   bevatron
 7. aceenru   O4    27   276   narceen
 8. ??einsw  12F    82   358   newswire
 9. ademrrt   N1    30   388   radome
10. abcilov   1H    48   436   bolivar
11. aillotx   5K    38   474   xi
12. cggnoru   M8    22   496   cogger
13. ilnoops  13A    74   570   plosion
14. deiikln  B10    42   612   killed
15. aefglnp  A13    26   638   pea
16. dfiiloq   C9    27   665   qi
17. adfiopu   D7    44   709   adipous
18. fijmtuu   E4    30   739   fuji
19. eflmrtu   D1    36   775   fume
20. glnrtuz   1A    48   823   zurf

Remaining tiles: glnt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6807 Filebabsbedi    3 18:31  -279  544     1.8749 LongJump22  4  3:08  -615  208 
  2.7185 FileChelsea     1  5:53  -563  260     2.8667 Xuincunx    2  2:36  -775   48 
  3.8749 FileLongJump22  4  3:08  -615  208     3.8723 Quincunx    0  1:04  -776   47 
  4.8667 FileXuincunx    2  2:36  -775   48     4.8588 Wuincunx    0  1:32  -776   47 
  5.  -  FileAAAAAA1144  1  1:57  -775   48     5.8557 Vuincunx    1  1:28  -781   42 
  6.8723 FileQuincunx    0  1:04  -776   47            Group: advanced
  7.7816 FileHollyIvy    0  1:19  -776   47     1.7185 Chelsea     1  5:53  -563  260 
  8.8588 FileWuincunx    0  1:32  -776   47     2.7816 HollyIvy    0  1:19  -776   47 
  9.7813 FileMycophot    0  1:46  -776   47     3.7813 Mycophot    0  1:46  -776   47 
 10.8557 FileVuincunx    1  1:28  -781   42     4.7666 queen66     1  1:50  -781   42 
 11.7666 Filequeen66     1  1:50  -781   42     5.7512 moonmonkey  1  1:47  -801   22 
 12.7512 Filemoonmonkey  1  1:47  -801   22            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6807 babsbedi    3 18:31  -279  544 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  AAAAAA1144  1  1:57  -775   48 

On 1st draw, BOOTIE H4 22 --- BOOTIE a baby's sock [n]
Other tops: OBITER H3 22
Other moves: BITER H4 20, BOITE H4 20, BOOTIE H3 18, BOOTIE H7 18, BOOTIE H8 18
BITER H4 20 babsbedi

On 2nd draw, TEDY G6 30 --- TEDY tedious [adj]
Other moves: TYNDE I3 26, YEAD G6 26, BAYTED 4H 24, BENDAY 4H 24, DYNE G8 24
DAY I3 18 babsbedi

On 3rd draw, RATHE I6 37 --- RATHE appearing or ripening early [adj]
Other moves: EATH I6 36, RATH I6 36, RHEA I6 36, HEART I7 34, HEAR I7 33
THEIR I8 29 babsbedi

On 4th draw, HAWSE J10 34 --- HAWSE a part of a ship's bow [n] --- HAWSE to embrace [v]
Other moves: HEAPS J10 33, HAWS J10 31, HEWS J10 31, HAPS J10 30, HASP J10 30
WHIPS J2 29 babsbedi

On 5th draw, NASTY 15H 48 --- NASTY offensive to the senses [adj] --- NASTY something that is offensive [n]
Other moves: BAYTS 15F 42, BAYTS J4 42, ABYS 15G 39, BANTY J2 39, BAYS 15G 39
NASTY 15H 48 babsbedi
BAYS 15G 39 Chelsea

On 6th draw, BEVATRON 4H 78 --- BEVATRON a proton accelerator [n]
Other moves: VENATORS 13C 76, RENOVATE 14C 67, AVOWER 12G 32, VAWTE 12H 30, VERSANT 13G 30
VOWER 12H 30 babsbedi
VOTARY L10 24 Chelsea

On 7th draw, NARCEEN O4 27 --- NARCEEN a narcotic component of opium [n]
Other moves: CENSURE 13G 26, VAC J4 26, ENRACE 11G 25, CANNER O1 24, CAVER J2 24
CAVER J2 24 Chelsea
CRANE O1 21 babsbedi

On 8th draw, N(E)WSWI(R)E 12F 82 --- NEWSWIRE a news agency that transmits news copy to subscribers [n]
Other tops: NEWSWI(R)(E) 12F 82
Other moves: WEIN(E)(R)S N8 81, WEIS(I)N(G) N8 81, W(E)ENI(E)S N8 80, W(E)INE(R)S N8 80, W(H)INE(R)S N8 80
WIVES J2 27 Chelsea, babsbedi

On 9th draw, RADOME N1 30 --- RADOME a domelike device used to shelter a radar antenna [n]
Other tops: DREAM 13C 30
Other moves: TEAMED 14I 29, DROME N2 28, MARRED 13B 28, MARTED 13B 28, RAMETS 13E 28
DREAM 13C 30 Chelsea
DREAMER M7 26 babsbedi

On 10th draw, BOLIVAR 1H 48 --- BOLIVAR the monetary unit of Venezuela [n]
Other moves: CARB 1L 33, VIRL 1L 33, COARB 1K 30, COBRA 1K 30, VOCAB 11C 29
BOLIVAR 1H 48 LongJump22, AAAAAA1144
CARB 1L 33 Chelsea, babsbedi

On 11th draw, XI 5K 38 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: AX 11J 36, LAX 13E 36, LOX 13E 36, TAX 13E 36, XI 13M 36
XI 5K 38 LongJump22
TAX 13E 36 Chelsea
XI 13M 36 babsbedi

On 12th draw, COGGER M8 22 --- COGGER one who cheats [n]
Other moves: CONGER M8 20, AGON 11J 19, GOUGER M8 18, UNCOER M8 18, CRONE 14F 17
COGGER M8 22 Xuincunx, moonmonkey
AGON 11J 19 babsbedi

On 13th draw, PLOSION 13A 74 --- PLOSION a release of breath after the articulation of certain consonants [n]
Other moves: PLOSION 11A 71, PLOSION 2C 67, SI O1 47, BOLIVARS 1H 39, POIS N9 35
PLOSION 13A 74 LongJump22
SI O1 47 Chelsea, Quincunx, HollyIvy, Wuincunx, Mycophot
BOLIVARS 1H 39 babsbedi

On 14th draw, KILLED B10 42 --- KILL to cause to die [v]
Other moves: KILLIE B10 40, KNELL B10 38, KIDELS D8 32, INKLED 2D 28, LEPID A11 27
KILLED B10 42 Vuincunx, queen66
EIK 14J 18 babsbedi

On 15th draw, PEA A13 26 --- PEA the edible seed of an annual herb [n]
Other tops: FLANES D8 26
Other moves: AFAR M1 25, APAGE 11J 25, FLAP 2F 25, PLENA 2F 25, FANGLES D7 24
PEA A13 26 babsbedi
FLANES D8 26 Xuincunx

On 16th draw, QI C9 27 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QIS D11 24, FOID 2F 23, DOF 11E 22, DEIF 14I 21, DIF 2I 21
QI C9 27 babsbedi

On 17th draw, ADIPOUS D7 44 --- ADIPOUS pertaining to animal fat [adj]
Other moves: FIDO D8 31, DIF D8 30, FID D8 30, DIP D8 28, FOID D7 28
DIF D8 30 babsbedi

On 18th draw, FUJI E4 30 --- FUJI a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: MUFTI E4 25, AMIR M1 22, JUT E5 22, MUFTI 2D 22, MUFTI E3 22
JAM 7C 20 babsbedi

On 19th draw, FUME D1 36 --- FUME to give off fumes (gaseous exhalations) [v]
Other moves: FLUE D1 32, EF E10 30, FEM D3 30, MULE D1 28, MURE D1 28
MUFF 4B 24 babsbedi

On 20th draw, ZURF 1A 48 --- ZURF a coffee-cup holder [n]
Other moves: LUTZ 2C 33, GURL C2 27, GURN C2 27, ZULU 2A 26, GUN C2 25
ZURF 1A 48 LongJump22
GULF 1A 24 babsbedi

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