Game on August 14, 2024 at 07:49, 7 players
1. 532 pts babsbedi
2. 187 pts LongJump22
3. 164 pts Xuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 22 22 


11F 76 98 


13C 78 176 


M7 34 210 


D7 74 284 


15A 37 321 


8K 36 357 


C3 107 464 


14J 46 510 


15G 58 568 


8A 39 607 


D1 31 638 


O11 30 668 


1D 36 704 


N8 31 735 


2H 81 816 


1K 109 925 


14F 54 979 


3F 27 1006 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
babsbedi 3 14:43 -474 532 1.8608 LongJump22 4 4:35 -819 187
LongJump22 4 4:35 -819 187 2.8606 Xuincunx 2 3:17 -842 164
Xuincunx 2 3:17 -842 164 3.8622 Vuincunx 1 2:58 -915 91
4. -
pppp2246 1 1:48 -897 109 4.8467 Wuincunx 1 1:22 -970 36
Vuincunx 1 2:58 -915 91 5.8660 Quincunx 1 1:39 -970 36
Wuincunx 1 1:22 -970 36 Group: intermediate
Quincunx 1 1:39 -970 36 1.6812 babsbedi 3 14:43 -474 532
Group: not rated
1. - pppp2246 1 1:48 -897 109
On 1st draw, TWANG H8 22 --- TWANG to make a sharp, vibrating sound [v]
Other moves: TWANG H4 20, TWANG H5 18, TWANG H6 18, TWANG H7 18, GNAW H5 16
On 2nd draw, KINDLIER 11F 76 --- KINDLY kind [adj]
Other moves: TWANGLED H8 39, TWANGIER H8 36, TWANGLER H8 36, D*K**RDIKIER I5 27, DINKIER 11F 24
KI G7 13 babsbedi
On 3rd draw, DE(C)EASE 13C 78 --- DECEASE to die [v]
Other moves: TEASE(L)ED 8H 77, SEA(W)EED 13H 76, EASE(L)ED 13F 69, DE(C)REASE M8 68, DE(G)REASE M8 68
(L)EADS 13D 17 babsbedi
On 4th draw, CABARET M7 34 --- CABARET a music hall [n]
Other moves: ACUATE 14I 30, BEAT 12A 25, BUAT 12A 25, CAB 12B 25, ABREACT M9 24
CAB 12B 25 babsbedi
On 5th draw, FRILLIES D7 74 --- FRILLIES lacy underwear [n]
Other moves: FAIL 8L 33, FAIR 8L 33, FALL 8L 33, FARL 8L 33, FARS 8L 33
FAIL 8L 33 babsbedi
On 6th draw, VAUT 15A 37 --- VAUT to attain great success [v]
Other tops: VROT 15A 37
Other moves: VARA 8L 33, VATU 8L 33, VAUT 8L 33, AORTA 15A 31, ROUT 15A 28
VAS 14B 15 babsbedi
On 7th draw, LYART 8K 36 --- LYART streaked with gray [adj]
Other moves: LAYER L8 34, CLARTY 8A 33, CLARY 8K 33, LAY N8 33, RAY N8 33
RAY N8 33 babsbedi
On 8th draw, Z(O)ARIUM C3 107 --- ZOARIUM a colony of bryozoans [n]
Other moves: ME(Z)Z 12L 56, ZERI(B)A L10 47, ZAM(B)UK F6 42, AMAZ(E) 10K 41, UM(F)AZI C2 40
ZAIR(E) 8A 39 babsbedi
On 9th draw, HEASTE 14J 46 --- HEASTE behest [n]
Other moves: HEAST 14J 44, HEAST D1 39, AHS D3 33, TASH D2 32, THESE 14J 32
HEAST 14J 44 babsbedi
On 10th draw, DONARY 15G 58 --- DONARY a thing given to sacred use [n]
Other moves: DAIRY 15H 55, DIARY 15H 55, DRONY 15H 55, IRONY 15H 52, RAINY 15H 52
RAY N8 31 babsbedi
On 11th draw, JOURNO 8A 39 --- JOURNO a writer for a news medium [n]
Other moves: FOEN O12 33, JOUR 8A 33, OF 15N 32, OAF D2 31, OOF D2 31
JOURNO 8A 39 LongJump22
On 12th draw, PEON D1 31 --- PEON an unskilled labourer [n]
Other tops: NOPE D2 31
Other moves: PONG D2 30, PONGEE O10 30, OPE D3 29, GEEP O12 27, PEEN O12 27
NOPE D2 31 LongJump22
On 13th draw, ABIES O11 30 --- ABIES a fir tree [n]
Other moves: SNAB B1 28, BIEN O12 27, BIAS B1 26, BOAS B1 26, NAB B2 26
BONES O11 24 babsbedi
PIANOS 1D 24 Xuincunx
On 14th draw, PERCH 1D 36 --- PERCH to sit or rest on an elevated place [v]
Other moves: REH N8 31, HERB 12L 28, PUCER 1D 27, HERO B5 24, PURGE 1D 24
PERCH 1D 36 LongJump22, Vuincunx, babsbedi, Wuincunx, Quincunx
On 15th draw, ROW N8 31 --- ROW to propel by means of oars [v]
Other tops: REW N8 31
Other moves: NEW L10 24, TEW L10 24, VOWEL K4 22, KNEW F11 19, VOE I7 19
ROW N8 31 babsbedi
REW N8 31 Xuincunx
On 16th draw, OUTFIND 2H 81 --- OUTFIND to surpass in finding [v]
Other moves: DEF L10 31, FIDO B1 31, FED L10 29, DINO B3 28, NEF L10 28
OUTFIND 2H 81 LongJump22
EF L11 20 babsbedi
On 17th draw, EQUIP 1K 109 --- EQUIP to provide with whatever is needed [v]
Other moves: QUEP 1L 101, QUIM 1L 101, QUIP 1L 101, QI 1L 44, PIQUE L1 38
EQUIP 1K 109 Xuincunx, pppp2246
QUIP 1L 101 babsbedi
On 18th draw, XI 14F 54 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: OXIME 3F 40, OXIM 3F 37, ZOOMING 3C 33, EXO E1 31, MOXIE I5 31
XI 14F 54 babsbedi
MOXIE I5 31 Vuincunx
On 19th draw, GNOME 3F 27 --- GNOME a fabled little person [n] --- GNOME a pithy saying [n]
Other moves: NOME 3G 25, GEM 3G 24, MENGE 3F 24, MONGO 3F 24, NEEMB 12K 24
OOM E3 24 Vuincunx
EM L11 16 babsbedi
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