Game on August 14, 2024 at 14:41, 6 players
1. 190 pts LongJump22
2. 13 pts shanice
3. 12 pts Javelin22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. 4E 72 96
3. 5J 31 127
4. 3J 30 157
5. 6F 41 198
6. 9C 64 262
7. 8J 50 312
8. 2L 26 338
9. O1 36 374
10. 8A 27 401
11. A4 66 467
12. O8 83 550
13. 14J 72 622
14. 15H 46 668
15. 10I 32 700
16. 5D 26 726
17. K7 26 752
18. B10 51 803
19. 15A 30 833
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8608 LongJump22 3 3:27 -643 190 1.8608 LongJump22 3 3:27 -643 190
2.6884 shanice 0 1:20 -820 13 Group: intermediate
3.6653 Javelin22 0 0:07 -821 12 1.6884 shanice 0 1:20 -820 13
4.6774 Discus22 0 0:23 -821 12 2.6653 Javelin22 0 0:07 -821 12
5.6910 Hammer22 0 0:37 -821 12 3.6774 Discus22 0 0:23 -821 12
6.6691 ShotPut22 0 0:54 -821 12 4.6910 Hammer22 0 0:37 -821 12
5.6691 ShotPut22 0 0:54 -821 12
On 1st draw, MURLED H4 24 --- MURL to crumble [v]
Other moves: LEDUM H8 22, MULED H4 22, MURED H4 22, MURLED H7 22, DEMUR H4 20
MURLED H4 24 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, TRIMMER(S) 4E 72 --- TRIMMER one that trims [n]
Other tops: TRIMMER(S) 4D 72
Other moves: MIT(E)RER G8 68, MIT(E)RER I8 68, RETRIM(S) G8 68, RETRIM(S) I8 68, TURMERI(C) 5G 68
TRIMMER(S) 4D 72 LongJump22
(E)ME G4 13 shanice
On 3rd draw, HEH 5J 31 --- HEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: KHEDA 5A 30, KHETH E1 30, KHEDAH J2 29, HARKED K2 28, KHEDA 3A 28
KHEDA 5A 30 LongJump22
On 4th draw, PEAG 3J 30 --- PEAG a form of currency once used by North American Indians [n]
Other moves: PEAT 3J 28, PAGE 3K 24, APE 3I 22, APO 3I 22, OPE 3I 22
On 5th draw, XERUS 6F 41 --- XERUS an African ground squirrel [n]
Other moves: SEX 3E 39, EX 3F 36, CRUXES F3 31, SCUP 2K 31, XERUS F2 30
On 6th draw, SPORIDIA 9C 64 --- SPORIDIUM a spore [n]
Other moves: PRAOS 2K 29, PRAO 2K 27, SPAR 2K 27, ASPRO N2 26, PROA 5C 26
SPORIDIA 9C 64 LongJump22
On 7th draw, NOWAYS 8J 50 --- NOWAYS in no way [adv]
Other moves: NEWSY N2 46, WANEY 10J 40, SWAY 2K 36, YAWNS 10J 34, YOWES 10J 34
On 8th draw, FATE 2L 26 --- FATE to destine [v]
Other tops: FAE 5D 26, FAE 7M 26, FAUT 2L 26, FETIAL 7C 26, FIE 5D 26, FOE 5D 26, FOE 7M 26, FOU 7M 26, OAF 7K 26
Other moves: FOUAT 3C 25, FOUET 3C 25, FAE 2L 24, FAT 2L 24, FA 7M 23
On 9th draw, BEVIES O1 36 --- BEVY a group [n]
Other moves: SIB 1M 33, VIE 1M 33, BIO 1M 29, ABOVES M8 28, VIE 5D 26
BE O1 12 Javelin22, Discus22, Hammer22, ShotPut22
On 10th draw, TAUON 8A 27 --- TAUON an elementary particle [n]
Other moves: TOLUOL K7 24, TOLAN K7 22, LOAN 7K 20, LOTA 7K 20, NOTA 7K 20
On 11th draw, BEVATRON A4 66 --- BEVATRON a proton accelerator [n]
Other moves: NOVAE 5B 30, BEVOR 10J 29, BRAVE 10J 29, BRAVO 10J 29, BORANE 10J 27
On 12th draw, SUDATING O8 83 --- SUDATE to sweat [v]
Other moves: DATING B10 33, DUING B10 31, DAINT B10 29, DAUNT B10 29, ADOPTING D6 24
On 13th draw, ZEC(H)IN 14J 72 --- ZECHIN an former Italian gold coin [n]
Other moves: AZ(O)NIC M8 52, AZINE(S) M8 48, AZI(O)NE M8 48, Z(A) 7M 45, Z(O) 7M 45
On 14th draw, KYAT 15H 46 --- KYAT a monetary unit of Myanmar [n]
Other moves: KAYO 15G 44, *L*Y*TALIYOT 15F 40, KAYO 7K 40, YOICK L11 38, IKAT 15H 37
On 15th draw, OWLER 10I 32 --- OWLER a smuggler of wool or sheep [n]
Other moves: OWER 10I 31, OWRE 10I 31, OWE 10I 30, OWL 10I 30, REGLOW B10 30
On 16th draw, QI 5D 26 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: GLIA 5C 24, TOLLIE K7 24, GAE 5D 22, GIE 5D 22, ILEA 5C 22
On 17th draw, GOLLAN K7 26 --- GOLLAN a flower [n]
Other moves: ANGLO 7A 24, VAGI 6A 21, GAILY N4 20, LOAN 7K 20, NONA 7K 20
On 18th draw, FOETID B10 51 --- FOETID stinking [adj]
Other moves: FETID B10 49, JOINED 12H 44, JO 7C 40, JOINT 12H 40, JO 7M 39
On 19th draw, ODIC 15A 30 --- ODIC pertaining to an ode [adj]
Other moves: IDE A13 26, CLONED 12H 24, COINED 12H 24, CONNED 12H 24, CTENOID 13A 24
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