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Game on August 15, 2024 at 22:24, 1 player
1. 422 pts Papa_Sloth

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehimos   H4    30    30   homies
 2. adeeort   6H    67    97   moderate
 3. abijnoy   5K    55   152   yojan
 4. aelnorx   O1    45   197   reannex
 5. ceeilrt   8A    89   286   erectile
 6. ?befmpu   O1    45   331   reannexes
 7. inoprrs   C2    74   405   prisoner
 8. egiiosu   7K    28   433   seg
 9. cginptu   E5    40   473   putting
10. deiosuw   4G    43   516   showed
11. adeilot   1H    80   596   idolater
12. ?bbiuwz   B4    71   667   biz
13. ?ehiltw  12B    86   753   whistle
14. agimnrt   N8    83   836   migrant
15. aeklouy   A1    42   878   yuko
16. abinoqu   M9    48   926   qua
17. aabcenv  O12    38   964   bean
18. dflouvv   2H    34   998   dof
19. aafiluv  13I    34  1032   flavine

Remaining tiles: acuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6997 FilePapa_Sloth  4 17:48  -610  422     1.6997 Papa_Sloth  4 17:48  -610  422 

On 1st draw, HOMIES H4 30 --- HOMIE a member of a youth gang [n]
Other tops: HAMOSE H4 30
Other moves: HAEMS H4 28, HAMES H4 28, HIEMS H4 28, HOMAS H4 28, HOMES H4 28

On 2nd draw, MODERATE 6H 67 --- MODERATE to reduce in intensity [v]
Other moves: AREDE I4 26, DERATE I3 26, ERODE I4 26, ORATED G2 26, REDATE G3 26

On 3rd draw, YOJAN 5K 55 --- YOJAN an Indian measure of distance 5 miles [n]
Other moves: BONHOMIES H1 48, YOJAN 5G 46, ENJOY O6 45, BENJ O5 39, HIJAB 4H 34

On 4th draw, REANNEX O1 45 --- ANNEX to join or attach [v] --- REANNEX to annex again [v]
Other moves: ANNEXE O3 42, OXER 7J 42, ORIXA 7F 41, NIXE 7G 40, NIX 7G 36

On 5th draw, ERECTILE 8A 89 --- ERECTILE capable of being raised upright [adj]
Other moves: RETICLE 10F 79, TELECHIR 4C 76, TIERCEL 10H 75, ERECTILE 2H 74, RETICLE G8 66

On 6th draw, REANNEXE(S) O1 45 --- REANNEX to annex again [v]
Other tops: REANNEXE(D) O1 45
Other moves: FUMB(L)E 2J 40, E(N)JAMB M3 38, F(L)UATE N2 38, P(L)UMBER B2 36, REP(L)UMB B8 36
REANNEXE(S) O1 45 Papa_Sloth

On 7th draw, PRISONER C2 74 --- PRISONER one that is imprisoned [n]
Other moves: PRISONER A2 61, PROINE 2J 28, PSI 7K 28, RIOJAS M2 28, PERRONS C7 26

On 8th draw, SEG 7K 28 --- SEG one who advocates racial segregation [n]
Other tops: OUIJAS M2 28
Other moves: GIES D1 24, GOES D1 24, OUIJA M2 24, SEI 7K 24, SPEUG 2B 24

On 9th draw, PUTTING E5 40 --- PUT to place in a particular position [v] --- PUTTING a sport where heavy weights are hurled [n]
Other tops: CUTTING E5 40
Other moves: CUPPING 2A 32, UPPING 2A 30, TUPPING 2A 28, CUTIN 10F 27, GIP B4 27
PUR B6 23 Papa_Sloth

On 10th draw, SHOWED 4G 43 --- SHOW to cause or permit to be seen [v]
Other moves: ROWDIES B8 40, WIRED B6 38, DOWER B4 37, HOWES 4H 37, WEIDS 12A 37
WIRED B6 38 Papa_Sloth

On 11th draw, IDOLATER 1H 80 --- IDOLATER one that worships idols [n]
Other moves: PETALOID 2C 67, REDTAIL B8 26, APTED 2B 24, DERAIL B6 24, DIET D1 24
DARE B6 20 Papa_Sloth

On 12th draw, BIZ B4 71 --- BIZ slang for business [n]
Other moves: B(E)Z B4 69, B(I)Z B4 69, IZ(A)R B5 66, (B)IZ B4 65, (L)UZ B4 65
IZ(A)R B5 66 Papa_Sloth

On 13th draw, WHI(S)TLE 12B 86 --- WHISTLE to make a shrill, clear musical sound [v]
Other moves: H(A)LITE 2J 54, THE(O)W A1 40, WHIL(S)T 12A 40, H(O)WE 2J 38, WHET(S) 12A 38
TEW 2H 32 Papa_Sloth

On 14th draw, MIGRANT N8 83 --- MIGRANT one that migrates [n]
Other moves: MARTING N8 79, MARTING 13H 76, MIGRANT 13H 76, MARTING 11H 74, MIGRANT 11H 74
NAM 2H 26 Papa_Sloth

On 15th draw, YUKO A1 42 --- YUKO an award of five points in judo [n]
Other tops: KAYO A1 42
Other moves: YAK O13 37, YOK O13 37, LEAKY H11 36, UPLAY 2B 36, LEAK O12 34
YAK O13 37 Papa_Sloth

On 16th draw, QUA M9 48 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QUOIN 2F 45, NIQAB 12K 38, QUBIT 14J 36, QUINTA 14J 35, NIQAB 11H 34
QUA M9 48 Papa_Sloth

On 17th draw, BEAN O12 38 --- BEAN to hit on the head [v]
Other moves: BEAN 13A 29, BANE 2J 28, ABA 2I 26, CHAVE C11 26, NAB 2H 26
BEAN O12 38 Papa_Sloth

On 18th draw, DOF 2H 34 --- DOF stupid (South African slang) [adj]
Other moves: OF 2I 29, FOLD L10 26, FOUD L10 26, OF 13C 25, FOUL L10 24
DOF 2H 34 Papa_Sloth

On 19th draw, FLAVINE 13I 34 --- FLAVINE a yellow pigment [n]
Other moves: LIFE 2L 28, FAVA L11 26, FAVA 11H 25, IF 13C 25, AWFUL B11 22
ALE A6 15 Papa_Sloth

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