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Game on August 16, 2024 at 08:23, 2 players
1. 552 pts fatcat
2. 171 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aefmox   H4    44    44   xeroma
 2. eilmruy   I3    38    82   limey
 3. ?defist   5D   106   188   septemfid
 4. agoqttu   L1    50   238   quoad
 5. cdeilor   D5    74   312   scleroid
 6. eeloptu   C8    84   396   eelpout
 7. aeglpsu  11A    78   474   pupilages
 8. aeirrsy  15A    43   517   easy
 9. dehortt   B2    92   609   trothed
10. afhortv   G7    43   652   fah
11. acinnst  12H    75   727   stannic
12. aeinotw   A8    39   766   inapt
13. aiknorv   2J    38   804   koura
14. bdegino   K8    74   878   deboning
15. bgiiorr   A1    36   914   biog
16. aeenruv   8J    42   956   advene
17. iinrrvw  15F    39   995   wiving
18. jrrruwz   I9    40  1035   just

Remaining tiles: rrrwz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6402 Filefatcat      1 14:12  -483  552     1.7222 Chelsea     1  7:20  -864  171 
  2.7222 FileChelsea     1  7:20  -864  171            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6402 fatcat      1 14:12  -483  552 

On 1st draw, XE(R)OMA H4 44 --- XEROMA a dry lustreless condition of the conjunctiva [n]
Other tops: FO(R)EX H8 44
Other moves: EM(B)OX H8 42, FAXE(D) H4 36, FAXE(S) H4 36, FOXE(D) H4 36, FOXE(S) H4 36
FAXE(D) H4 36 fatcat

On 2nd draw, LIMEY I3 38 --- LIMEY a British sailor [n]
Other tops: MULEY I3 38
Other moves: MULEY G5 36, YUM G7 35, YUM I7 35, RILEY I3 34, XYLEM 4H 34
YUM I3 25 fatcat

On 3rd draw, SE(P)TEMFID 5D 106 --- SEPTEMFID
Other moves: FE(U)DIST J6 89, D(A)FTIES G7 88, F(A)DIEST G7 88, FID(G)ETS 10B 85, DEIF(E)ST 10C 83
FED G7 35 fatcat

On 4th draw, QUOAD L1 50 --- QUOAD so far as [conj]
Other tops: QUAGS D1 50
Other moves: QUATS D1 48, QUOTA 6B 43, QAT 4K 41, QAT 6B 34, QUAT 4B 32
QAT 4K 41 fatcat

On 5th draw, SCLEROID D5 74 --- SCLEROID hardened [adj]
Other moves: RECOILED E4 72, DOCILER G9 68, DOCILER I9 68, TICED G5 35, CODER G7 33
CORDS D1 22 fatcat

On 6th draw, EELPOUT C8 84 --- EELPOUT a marine fish [n]
Other moves: EELPOUT J7 71, EELPOUT G8 68, EELPOUT G9 64, EELPOUT I9 64, QUEP 1L 45
QUOP 1L 45 fatcat

On 7th draw, PUPILAGES 11A 78 --- PUPILAGE the state of being a pupil [n]
Other moves: PLAGUES B2 77, PLAGUES G9 71, PLUSAGE G9 71, PLAQUES 1I 54, QUEP 1L 45
QUAG 1L 42 fatcat

On 8th draw, EASY 15A 43 --- EASY a communications code word for the letter E [n] --- EASY not difficult [adj] --- EASY to stop rowing [v]
Other tops: ARSY 15A 43
Other moves: PYRES A11 42, RASPY A8 42, RESPRAY A8 39, ARSEY 15A 37, RESAY 15A 37
PARRY A11 33 fatcat

On 9th draw, TROTHED B2 92 --- TROTH to promise to marry [v]
Other moves: TROTHED 12I 78, THROATED F7 68, HOTTED 12H 39, HORDE 12H 37, HOTTER 12H 37
THEE 8A 21 fatcat

On 10th draw, FAH G7 43 --- FAH a musical note [n]
Other tops: FOH G7 43
Other moves: FORTH 12H 41, FOURTH 2J 40, FOUTH 2J 38, FAUTOR 2J 34, FOUTRA 2J 34
FOURTH 2J 40 fatcat

On 11th draw, STANNIC 12H 75 --- STANNIC pertaining to tin [adj]
Other moves: INCANTS 12I 72, INCANTS 10I 65, NASTIC A4 54, ACTIN A5 47, CAIN A6 42
QATS 1L 39 fatcat

On 12th draw, INAPT A8 39 --- INAPT unsuitable [adj]
Other tops: INEPT A8 39
Other moves: WIN A7 38, WIT A7 38, ONIE A6 34, ANI A6 31, WEAN A1 31
COW N12 16 fatcat

On 13th draw, KOURA 2J 38 --- KOURA (Maori) a New Zealand freshwater crayfish [n]
Other tops: KAURI 2J 38
Other moves: VICAR N10 36, OKTA 14A 35, KAON A1 34, KAVA F8 34, NICKAR N10 28
CORK N12 20 fatcat
RINK K10 16 Chelsea

On 14th draw, DEBONING K8 74 --- DEBONE to remove the bones from [v]
Other moves: DEBONING L8 66, GABIONED N1 64, DIEB A1 41, BIOG A1 36, GIED A1 33
GIED A1 33 Chelsea
BEING M10 16 fatcat

On 15th draw, BIOG A1 36 --- BIOG a biography [n]
Other moves: GRIGRI 15H 27, BIGG 15H 24, BIO A4 22, BIOG 15H 21, BRIG 15H 21
BIO A4 22 Chelsea
BRIG 15H 21 fatcat

On 16th draw, ADVENE 8J 42 --- ADVENE to be added over and above [v]
Other moves: AVENGER 15G 36, ENGRAVE 15I 36, AVENGE 15G 33, VENGER 15H 33, DAVEN 8K 30
VERGE 15H 30 fatcat
DRAVE 8K 30 Chelsea

On 17th draw, WIVING 15F 39 --- WIVE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: VIRGIN 15H 33, RIVING 15F 30, VIRING 15F 30, WIRING 15F 30, WRING 15G 27
WIVING 15F 39 Chelsea, fatcat

On 18th draw, JUST I9 40 --- JUST acting in conformity with what is morally good [adj] --- JUST en engage in personal combat [v]
Other moves: JIZ M11 38, ZA F10 31, WIZ M11 30, JAW F10 29, CUZ N12 28
ZA F10 31 fatcat, Chelsea

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