Game on August 16, 2024 at 22:11, 1 player
1. 345 pts Papa_Sloth
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 26 26
2. 3H 82 108
3. L1 78 186
4. K7 78 264
5. G8 78 342
6. 1H 39 381
7. N2 40 421
8. 15A 100 521
9. O4 39 560
10. I7 29 589
11. 14A 40 629
12. 5E 68 697
13. 13C 39 736
14. L12 31 767
15. 6B 33 800
16. 15K 42 842
17. C3 70 912
18. 8A 75 987
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6998 Papa_Sloth 1 15:51 -642 345 1.6998 Papa_Sloth 1 15:51 -642 345
On 1st draw, HALLOT H4 26 --- HALLAH a kind of bread [n]
Other moves: FLOAT H4 24, FLOTA H4 24, HALLO H4 24, HOLLA H4 24, LOATH H8 24
On 2nd draw, SOBERED 3H 82 --- SOBER to make sober [v]
Other moves: BEDSORE 3E 73, BEDSORE G8 69, BEDSORE I8 69, SOBERED I8 67, BESORTED 9C 66
On 3rd draw, CARIERES L1 78 --- CARIERE career [n]
Other moves: CREASIER L2 72, ESCALIER 6D 68, DECIARES N3 65, ESCALIER 7D 62, HEARES 4H 32
On 4th draw, MAUGRED K7 78 --- MAUGRE to spite [v]
Other moves: UMBRAGED J1 74, MAUGRED G8 70, MAUGRED I8 70, REDAMAGE 5E 48, ARAME 2J 36
CRAM 1L 24 Papa_Sloth
On 5th draw, JANG(L)ER G8 78 --- JANGLER one that jangles [n]
Other moves: JARG(O)NED 13D 69, JARG(O)NEL 6A 69, JARG(O)NEL 7A 67, JAD(I)NG 13I 44, J(U)DGER 13I 44
On 6th draw, HAVOC 1H 39 --- HAVOC to destroy [v]
Other moves: ABATE 2J 36, CHAV 1L 36, HAVE L12 35, HOVE L12 35, BETH K2 34
CHAT 1L 27 Papa_Sloth
On 7th draw, EDIFY N2 40 --- EDIFY to enlighten [v]
Other moves: EASY 15E 36, SAFE 15G 36, SEIF 15G 36, SOFA 15G 36, SOYA 15G 36
SAFE 15G 36 Papa_Sloth
On 8th draw, IMPEND(S) 15A 100 --- IMPEND to be imminent [v]
Other moves: IMP(I)NGED 11B 76, (I)MPINGED 11B 76, IMPENDE(D) 13A 74, IMPEN(D)ED 13A 74, PEDIMEN(T) 13B 74
On 9th draw, DEARE O4 39 --- DEARE to injure [v]
Other moves: RAW M5 34, DEAW L12 33, AWED I7 30, WADDER 13I 30, WEARED I8 30
AWED O6 29 Papa_Sloth
On 10th draw, OYES I7 29 --- OYES a proclamation [n]
Other moves: OYE I7 28, VEI(L)Y 12D 28, VIDEOS 13I 28, SYE M1 26, VIDEO 13I 26
On 11th draw, KAURI 14A 40 --- KAURI a timber tree [n]
Other moves: SKER M1 34, WAU(L)KS 12D 34, RAIK L12 33, RISK L12 33, SARK L12 33
SKAW M7 26 Papa_Sloth
On 12th draw, AQUATONE 5E 68 --- AQUATONE a type of printing process [n]
Other moves: QUINTA(L) 12A 50, QUINTAL 6B 38, QUINTAIN E8 34, QUOTH 4D 34, QUOTING 11A 34
QUOIN E11 28 Papa_Sloth
On 13th draw, COW 13C 39 --- COW the female of the bovine animals [n] --- COW to intimidate [v]
Other tops: CAW 13C 39
Other moves: CAB 13C 36, COB 13C 36, CAG 13C 33, COG 13C 33, GAB 13C 32
BOW N8 20 Papa_Sloth
On 14th draw, FIGO L12 31 --- FIGO a rude gesture [n]
Other moves: FODGEL 13I 30, FENI L12 29, FILE L12 29, FILO L12 29, FINE L12 29
FINE L12 29 Papa_Sloth
On 15th draw, VOLTI 6B 33 --- VOLTI used to direct musicians to turn the page [interj]
Other moves: VIN M13 31, BIN M13 27, BIO M13 27, BOI M13 27, BON M13 27
VOLTI 6B 33 Papa_Sloth
On 16th draw, BOLIX 15K 42 --- BOLIX to make a mess of [v]
Other moves: NIX M13 40, TIX M13 40, AX O1 36, NOXAL 15K 36, TOXIN 15K 36
AX O1 36 Papa_Sloth
On 17th draw, INTONATE C3 70 --- INTONATE to modulate the voice [v]
Other moves: GATE 14L 25, GETA 14L 25, TEIL M12 25, ANTE M10 22, NETT M10 22
GETA 14L 25 Papa_Sloth
On 18th draw, SPAZ 8A 75 --- SPAZ a clumsy, foolish, or incompetent person -- a derogatory term [n]
Other moves: ZINS 4A 46, ZIPS B8 44, ZIP B8 43, ZITS M10 40, ZEPS 10B 35
ZIP B1 32 Papa_Sloth
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