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Game on August 17, 2024 at 07:57, 8 players
1. 506 pts fatcat
2. 167 pts babsbedi
3. 140 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeggot   H7    22    22   tagged
 2. ?iiilow   6E    23    45   owls
 3. aceelnt   D1    79   124   latence
 4. ?eikost   C7    85   209   oakiest
 5. aefiinr  11E    94   303   inferiae
 6. einprsu   1A   140   443   purlines
 7. ehistwx  12J    52   495   sixth
 8. cdnootu   9H    64   559   gonoduct
 9. dehlopv  10M    37   596   pho
10. aginoou   8K    24   620   naoi
11. eeiisty  O12    41   661   stey
12. abeerrv   3A    78   739   vertebra
13. aaeilmm  N12    31   770   haem
14. aelmnru   4H    73   843   numeral
15. begiouw   N2    36   879   below
16. addgirz   A3    60   939   vizard
17. adijlqv   O1    37   976   qi
18. adgjouy  12A    44  1020   jasy
19. dfgilov   M3    34  1054   fado

Remaining tiles: giluv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6381 Filefatcat      2 16:02  -548  506     1.8723 LongJump22  3  2:15  -914  140 
  2.6814 Filebabsbedi    1  5:44  -887  167     2.8582 Vuincunx    1  1:06 -1018   36 
  3.8723 FileLongJump22  3  2:15  -914  140     3.8621 Quincunx    1  1:27 -1018   36 
  4.  -  FileDDDDDD1144  0  1:57  -995   59     4.8548 Xuincunx    0  1:04 -1018   36 
  5.8582 FileVuincunx    1  1:06 -1018   36     5.8672 Wuincunx    0  1:28 -1018   36 
  6.8621 FileQuincunx    1  1:27 -1018   36            Group: intermediate
  7.8548 FileXuincunx    0  1:04 -1018   36     1.6381 fatcat      2 16:02  -548  506 
  8.8672 FileWuincunx    0  1:28 -1018   36     2.6814 babsbedi    1  5:44  -887  167 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  DDDDDD1144  0  1:57  -995   59 

On 1st draw, TAGGED H7 22 --- TAG to provide with a tag (an identifying marker) [v]
Other tops: GADGET H4 22, TOGGED H7 22
Other moves: DOGATE H4 20, DOTAGE H4 20, DOTAGE H8 20, GADGE H4 20, GADGET H3 20
TAGGED H7 22 fatcat

On 2nd draw, OWL(S) 6E 23 --- OWL a nocturnal bird [n] --- OWL to smuggle wool or sheep [v]
Other tops: IWI(S) 6E 23, (S)OWL 6H 23
Other moves: WI(S) 6F 22, WO(S) 6F 22, (S)OW 6H 22, IWI I7 20, WO(O)L I8 20
WO(R)LD 12D 16 fatcat

On 3rd draw, LATENCE D1 79 --- LATENCE hidden [n]
Other moves: LATENCE D2 77, LANCETED 12A 74, LANCELET G1 67, TENTACLE 7H 64, LATENCE 11E 36
CLEANED 12B 20 fatcat

On 4th draw, O(A)KIEST C7 85 --- OAKY tasting of oak sap [adj]
Other moves: DIESTO(C)K 12H 84, (B)LOKIEST 1C 83, (F)OLKIEST 1B 83, (Y)OLKIEST 1B 83, (H)OKIEST C7 81
LIKES 1D 27 fatcat

On 5th draw, INFERIAE 11E 94 --- INFERIAE offerings to the spirits of the dead [n]
Other moves: INFERIAE 4A 63, AFIRE C1 31, FANE C2 27, FARE C2 27, FENI C2 27
FEAR B11 23 fatcat

On 6th draw, PURLINES 1A 140 --- PURLINE a horizontal supporting timber [n]
PENS 10J 26 fatcat

On 7th draw, SIXTH 12J 52 --- SIXTH one of six equal parts [n]
Other moves: HEIST B10 51, EXIST 12K 46, EXITS 12K 46, SIXTE 12J 46, SEXT 12J 44
EXITS 12K 46 fatcat

On 8th draw, GONODUCT 9H 64 --- GONODUCT a duct from the gonad to the exterior [n]
Other moves: DUCATOON 8E 62, CONDO 5B 27, DOO 13K 26, DOCO 10L 24, DUCT 10L 24
COST 12A 18 fatcat

On 9th draw, PHO 10M 37 --- PHO expressing disgust [interj]
Other moves: HELP D12 36, HOLP D12 36, HOVE D12 34, DEPTH O6 33, HELD D12 32
HOSED 12A 29 fatcat

On 10th draw, NAOI 8K 24 --- NAOS an ancient temple [n]
Other moves: AGO 8L 23, NOO 13K 23, GONIA 5B 21, GONNA 5B 21, INGO 5C 21
UNTO O7 12 fatcat

On 11th draw, STEY O12 41 --- STEY steep [adj]
Other tops: STYE O12 41
Other moves: ICHTHYS N8 36, YETIS 2F 35, YE(A)ST 8A 35, TYEES B10 33, EASY 2C 32
SITE O12 32 fatcat

On 12th draw, VERTEBRA 3A 78 --- VERTEBRA any of the bones or segments forming the spinal column [n]
Other moves: BEREAVER 4A 67, BEREAVER 4C 67, BREARE B10 44, BREER B10 42, HERB N12 31
VASE 12A 22 fatcat

On 13th draw, HAEM N12 31 --- HAEM a component of hemoglobin [n]
Other tops: MALAM 4H 31, MAMIE 4H 31, MM 7M 31
Other moves: MEALIE 14J 28, MAILE 4H 27, MM N14 27, HAM N12 26, HEM N12 26
MAMIE 4H 31 LongJump22
ME B10 22 fatcat

On 14th draw, NUMERAL 4H 73 --- NUMERAL a symbol that expresses a number [n]
Other moves: VERMAL A3 36, VENULAR A3 33, VALUER A3 30, VERLAN A3 30, VERNAL A3 30
NUMERAL 4H 73 LongJump22
VERMAL A3 36 Xuincunx, Wuincunx
MUSE 12A 18 fatcat
REM B5 12 babsbedi

On 15th draw, BELOW N2 36 --- BELOW something that is beneath [n]
Other moves: BOWLEG N1 32, WEBLOG N1 32, WEB 3K 31, BINGO 5B 27, BOI B10 25
BELOW N2 36 LongJump22, Vuincunx, Quincunx
WEB 3K 31 babsbedi
WISE 12A 22 fatcat

On 16th draw, VIZARD A3 60 --- VIZARD a mask [n] --- VIZARD to mask or disguise [v]
Other moves: DAZED 3K 59, DAZER 3K 57, RAZED 3K 56, DAZE 3K 55, RAZE 3K 52
DAZED 3K 59 fatcat, babsbedi, DDDDDD1144

On 17th draw, QI O1 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: JIVED K1 32, JA O1 31, QI 10B 31, JAVEL K1 30, JAM J2 28
QI O1 37 babsbedi, fatcat

On 18th draw, JASY 12A 44 --- JASY a wig [n]
Other moves: AY B5 37, OY B5 37, JAYGEE 14J 33, JOYED K1 32, JIAO 10B 29
JOEY K2 28 fatcat
JAM J2 28 babsbedi

On 19th draw, FADO M3 34 --- FADO a Portuguese folk song [n]
Other moves: GIF 5I 31, FAD M3 27, FAG M3 27, D*G* M3 26, FOLD 7J 26
FAG M3 27 fatcat

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