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Game on August 17, 2024 at 13:17, 11 players
1. 357 pts vendanges
2. 352 pts LongJump22
3. 217 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ddeemo   H8    76    76   modemed
 2. aabdglr  13A    76   152   gradable
 3. aefghio  12C    34   186   feh
 4. aelnrsy   A8   167   353   larynges
 5. ?achisw  10E    70   423   sandwich
 6. aceeopu   L9    26   449   cheapo
 7. aeorrtv  M11    22   471   rear
 8. aenprtu   J8    62   533   painture
 9. aeejnsv   B6    31   564   jean
10. efioosv   C5    32   596   oofs
11. agiltuv   D3    34   630   vault
12. beioqrt   E4    25   655   ire
13. deintty  14E    34   689   ny
14. eioqtxz   N8    36   725   toze
15. bgilosw   O6    38   763   blow
16. deeiino  O11    26   789   diene
17. gioqstx   F2    35   824   qis
18. gikmtuv   G1    22   846   kit
19. giimntu   1G    39   885   kiting
20. imootuv   N1    32   917   vomito

Remaining tiles: giuux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6815 Filevendanges   2 14:32  -560  357     1.8723 LongJump22  3  3:40  -565  352 
  2.8723 FileLongJump22  3  3:40  -565  352     2.8649 Xuincunx    0  1:30  -800  117 
  3.7168 FileChelsea     2  6:46  -700  217     3.8747 Quincunx    0  1:54  -800  117 
  4.8649 FileXuincunx    0  1:30  -800  117     4.8787 Wuincunx    0  1:03  -879   38 
  5.8747 FileQuincunx    0  1:54  -800  117     5.8688 Vuincunx    0  1:31  -879   38 
  6.8787 FileWuincunx    0  1:03  -879   38            Group: advanced
  7.8688 FileVuincunx    0  1:31  -879   38     1.7168 Chelsea     2  6:46  -700  217 
  8.7694 Filequeen66     1  0:58  -891   26     2.7694 queen66     1  0:58  -891   26 
  9.7701 Filemoonmonkey  1  1:44  -891   26     3.7701 moonmonkey  1  1:44  -891   26 
 10.7813 FileMycophot    1  0:40  -895   22     4.7813 Mycophot    1  0:40  -895   22 
 11.7954 Filesicilianc5  1  1:14  -895   22     5.7954 sicilianc5  1  1:14  -895   22 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6815 vendanges   2 14:32  -560  357 

On 1st draw, (M)ODEMED H8 76 --- MODEM to transmit by modem (a device for converting signals from one form to another) [v]
Other tops: DEMODE(D) H2 76, DEMO(D)ED H2 76, DEMO(T)ED H2 76, MODE(L)ED H4 76, MODE(M)ED H4 76, (D)EMODED H2 76
Other moves: DEMODE(D) H4 74, DEMODE(D) H8 74, DEMO(D)ED H4 74, DEMO(D)ED H6 74, DEMO(T)ED H4 74
DEMO(T)ED H2 76 LongJump22
DEMODE(D) H4 24 vendanges

On 2nd draw, GRADABLE 13A 76 --- GRADABLE things that are graded [n] --- GRADE to arrange in steps or degrees [adj]
Other moves: GRADABLE 11A 74, ALGEBRA 11E 40, BELGARD 13G 30, GARBLED 13C 28, DAB G11 23
GRADABLE 13A 76 LongJump22
DAB G11 23 Chelsea

On 3rd draw, FEH 12C 34 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: FAH 12C 34, FOH 12C 34
Other moves: GIGHE A11 33, HOAGIE A10 33, FAH I9 30, FEH I9 30, FOGIE A11 30
FAH 12C 34 Chelsea
HOAGIE A10 33 LongJump22
GIGHE A11 33 vendanges

On 4th draw, LARYNGES A8 167 --- LARYNX an organ of the respiratory tract [n]
Other moves: LARNEYS I3 70, YALES I9 45, AYGRE A11 39, SEY 14D 39, SNY 14D 39
LARYNGES A8 167 LongJump22
LARYNGES A8 117 Xuincunx, Quincunx
YAD 14F 32 Chelsea
YAGER A11 30 vendanges

On 5th draw, SA(N)DWICH 10E 70 --- SANDWICH to place between two layers or objects [v]
Other moves: WA(D)IS I9 43, WA(L)IS I9 43, WASHE(D) 11D 41, WASHE(N) 11D 41, WASHE(R) 11D 41
WHAE 11E 38 Wuincunx, Vuincunx
CH 11E 30 vendanges, Chelsea

On 6th draw, CHEAPO L9 26 --- CHEAPO one that is cheap [n]
Other tops: PHOCAE L9 26
Other moves: CHAPE L9 24, CHEAP L9 24, CHEEP L9 24, PHOCA L9 24, CHAP L9 22
CHEAPO L9 26 queen66, moonmonkey
CHEAP L9 24 Chelsea, vendanges

On 7th draw, REAR M11 22 --- REAR to lift upright [v]
Other tops: TEAR M11 22, TROVER 14J 22
Other moves: TEAD 14E 21, TOAD 14E 21, AERO M12 20, OVATE B6 20, RARE M12 20
TROVER 14J 22 Mycophot, sicilianc5
TORE M12 20 Chelsea

On 8th draw, PAINTURE J8 62 --- PAINTURE a picture [n]
Other moves: PRORE 14J 26, UPRATE B5 24, PAN N13 23, PAR N13 23, PAT N13 23
PRORE 14J 26 vendanges
PEA N13 23 Chelsea

On 9th draw, JEAN B6 31 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: JA 14E 30, ESNE 14C 28, JA N10 28, JEES 15I 27, AJEE K5 26
JEAN B6 31 Chelsea, vendanges

On 10th draw, OOFS C5 32 --- OOF money [n]
Other moves: OOF C5 28, OF C6 27, FIVE K5 24, FEES 15I 23, FEIS 15I 23
SIF 15M 23 vendanges

On 11th draw, VAULT D3 34 --- VAULT to provide with a vault (an arched ceiling) [v]
Other moves: VAGI 4A 33, VIGA 4A 33, GAULT D3 30, GUILT D3 30, VALI 4A 30
VIGA 4A 33 vendanges

On 12th draw, IRE E4 25 --- IRE to anger [v]
Other moves: OBVERT 3B 24, RE E5 21, REB N13 21, TE E5 21, BEVOR 3B 20

On 13th draw, NY 14E 34 --- NY to approach [v]
Other moves: Y*D 14F 32, DITTAY F6 31, DEY F6 28, DYE F6 28, DEY N13 26

On 14th draw, TOZE N8 36 --- TOZE to tease out [v]
Other moves: ZIT F2 35, TOZIE K4 32, TEX N13 31, EXIT F1 30, TOZE K5 30
COX 9L 13 vendanges

On 15th draw, BLOW O6 38 --- BLOW to damn [v] --- BLOW to drive or impel by a current of air [v]
Other moves: SWOB O6 37, GLOBI O4 36, BOW O7 35, GLOW O6 35, BIGOS O5 32
ISO O8 28 vendanges

On 16th draw, DIENE O11 26 --- DIENE a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: DONEE O11 26
Other moves: DEE F6 25, DEI F6 25, DEN F6 25, DIE F6 25, DIN F6 25

On 17th draw, QIS F2 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: XIS F2 29, SIX F6 26, SOX F6 26, TIGS 15C 22, TOGS 15C 22
FAX C12 13 vendanges

On 18th draw, KIT G1 22 --- KIT to equip [v]
Other moves: KUTI K5 20, GIT G1 19, IT G2 17, KI G1 17, MUTI K5 16
KIT G1 22 vendanges

On 19th draw, KITING 1G 39 --- KITE to obtain money or credit fraudulently [v] --- KITING kite-flying [n]
Other moves: KING 1G 27, KNIT 1G 24, KNUT 1G 24, KUTI 1G 24, KIN 1G 21
KING 1G 27 vendanges

On 20th draw, VOMITO N1 32 --- VOMITO the black vomit of yellow fever [n]
Other moves: VOMITO K3 26, OMOV 2L 21, OVUM 2L 21, NOVUM K1 20, VOMITO I3 20

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