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Game on August 19, 2024 at 00:15, 1 player
1. 503 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deeimns   H8    76    76   sidemen
 2. aeprsuv  14C    73   149   parvenus
 3. eiloptu   8H    89   238   soutpiel
 4. adefint   O5    64   302   inflated
 5. ?bbiooo  15A    44   346   boob
 6. ?deekny   K3    80   426   keynoted
 7. ahmortx   L1    60   486   hoax
 8. aeglmnt   M7    78   564   ligament
 9. agiooqt   J2    49   613   qat
10. aceggio  13B    32   645   cage
11. enoootw   3I    34   679   wakane
12. ?eeijnr  10A    69   748   rejoined
13. ailrsuw   1K    33   781   whaur
14. aiorsty   A7    39   820   starry
15. adglotu   E5    32   852   outlaid
16. fiiloov  L12    30   882   foil
17. cgiirsv  15I    23   905   girls
18. cioorvz   7I    44   949   zoo
19. chiiior   F6    31   980   hoi

Remaining tiles: ciirv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6374 Filefatcat      2 12:10  -477  503     1.6374 fatcat      2 12:10  -477  503 

On 1st draw, SIDEMEN H8 76 --- SIDEMAN a member of a jazz band [n]
Other moves: DESMINE H4 74, SIDEMEN H2 74, DESMINE H2 72, DESMINE H3 72, DESMINE H6 72

On 2nd draw, PARVENUS 14C 73 --- PARVENU one who has suddenly risen above his class [n]
Other moves: VAREUSE 11E 40, REPAVES 13C 34, REPAVES 13G 32, PAREVE 13C 30, REPAVE 13C 30

On 3rd draw, SOUTPIEL 8H 89 --- SOUTPIEL an English speaking South African. Literally salt penis, someone who has one foot in South Africa, one foot in Britain and his penis dangling in the Atlantic [n]
Other moves: TUPELO 15J 35, LOUPE 13A 28, PIET 15A 28, PLIE 15A 28, PLOT 15A 28
PET G13 15 fatcat

On 4th draw, INFLATED O5 64 --- INFLATE to cause to expand by filling with gas or air [v]
Other moves: FAINE 15A 36, FAIN 15A 31, FEAT 15A 31, FIAT 15A 31, DAINE 15A 30
FEAT 15A 31 fatcat

On 5th draw, BOOB 15A 44 --- BOOB to make a foolish mistake [v]
Other moves: B(L)OB 15A 41, B(O)OB 15A 41, BO(A)B 15A 40, BO(O)B 15A 40, (B)OOB 15A 35
BOOB 15A 44 fatcat

On 6th draw, KEYN(O)TED K3 80 --- KEYNOTE to deliver the main speech at a function [v]
Other moves: KEYNO(T)ED I4 73, (R)EKEYED 11E 56, KNEE(L)ED 11E 44, KIDNEY(S) M7 42, (R)ENEYED 11E 40
M(O)NKEYED 12H 34 fatcat

On 7th draw, HOAX L1 60 --- HOAX to deceive [v]
Other moves: MOXA L2 55, THORAX 15J 53, HEX 13G 51, HOX L2 50, MAX L2 48
HEX 13G 51 fatcat

On 8th draw, LIGAMENT M7 78 --- LIGAMENT a band of firm, fibrous tissue [n]
Other moves: ALME J3 36, GATEMEN G9 36, ALENGTH 1F 33, MET M1 33, MAGE 13B 32
LENGTH 1G 30 fatcat

On 9th draw, QAT J2 49 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT G9 48, QI G9 45, QAT 13B 39, QADI 10F 34, TOG M3 32
QADI 10F 34 fatcat

On 10th draw, CAGE 13B 32 --- CAGE to confine [v]
Other moves: CHIAO 1K 30, GAGE 13B 30, ACE 13C 29, CAG 13B 28, HAGG 1L 27
CAGER E10 16 fatcat

On 11th draw, WAKANE 3I 34 --- WAKANE an edible seaweed [n]
Other moves: THEOW 1K 33, WHOOT 1K 33, HEWN 1L 30, HOWE 1L 30, OWE L11 28
OWE L11 28 fatcat

On 12th draw, REJ(O)INED 10A 69 --- REJOIN to join again [v]
Other moves: H(A)JI 1L 39, JEERER(S) E9 34, JEERIN(G) 6F 31, JUNI(P)ERS J7 31, R(A)NEE N10 31
JEDI 10F 28 fatcat

On 13th draw, WHAUR 1K 33 --- WHAUR Scots form of where [n]
Other tops: LAWS 11B 33, RAWS 11B 33, SHAWL 1K 33, WHIRL 1K 33, WHIRS 1K 33
Other moves: WAS O1 32, WIS O1 32, WUS O1 32, HAWS 1L 30, SAW 15M 30
SAW 15M 30 fatcat

On 14th draw, STARRY A7 39 --- STARRY abounding with stars [adj]
Other moves: RORTY A8 36, SORRY A8 36, STRAY A8 36, STROY A8 36, TARRY A8 36
SORRY A8 36 fatcat

On 15th draw, OUTLAID E5 32 --- OUTLAY to pay out [v]
Other moves: AUTO 11C 24, OUD 11C 24, ADO 11C 23, DAUT L12 22, DOAT L12 22
DUAL L12 22 fatcat

On 16th draw, FOIL L12 30 --- FOIL to prevent the success of [v]
Other moves: FOLIO D1 26, LOOF N12 24, OF L11 24, VOILE B6 22, LOOF I6 21
FOIL L12 30 fatcat

On 17th draw, GIRLS 15I 23 --- GIRL a female child [n]
Other tops: VIGS D4 23
Other moves: GRISY 5G 22, CIGS D4 21, VIG F4 20, CIG F4 19, VIG D4 19
VIGS D2 18 fatcat

On 18th draw, ZO(O) 7I 44 --- ZOO a place where animals are kept for public exhibition [n]
Other moves: COZ D3 39, ORZO D3 39, ZOO B6 36, COO N10 35, ORZO B4 35
ZOO B6 36 fatcat

On 19th draw, HOI F6 31 --- HOI used to attract attention [interj]
Other tops: RHO F5 31
Other moves: CHIRO D1 28, HI F6 28, HO F6 28, OH F5 28, HERO G9 26
CHOIR F1 20 fatcat

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