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Game on August 20, 2024 at 05:51, 5 players
1. 121 pts LongJump22
2. 66 pts Xuincunx
3. 66 pts Vuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. egioopr   H4    74    74   goopier
 2. aaeilnr   4H    70   144   geranial
 3. abdikln  10B    81   225   blinkard
 4. ?eghotw   D5    86   311   outweigh
 5. aaelnsy   E1    83   394   analyse
 6. ahoooss   8A    44   438   shaws
 7. eemorrt   6H    64   502   orometer
 8. ?acioux   1C    66   568   oxalic
 9. aefgils   O6    36   604   reflags
10. adeimny   A2    65   669   dynamise
11. deopttu   3I    41   710   poted
12. einrtuu   B4    22   732   uneth
13. deinoot   K6    72   804   motioned
14. ceiiitv  13E    68   872   viticide
15. abjqruw  N10    53   925   ja
16. bfqruuz  J12    40   965   fiz
17. qruuuvw  12J    28   993   few
18. bqruuuv   2J    28  1021   bur

Remaining tiles: qruuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8548 FileLongJump22  2  1:15  -900  121     1.8548 LongJump22  2  1:15  -900  121 
  2.8568 FileXuincunx    0  2:40  -955   66     2.8568 Xuincunx    0  2:40  -955   66 
  3.8537 FileVuincunx    0  3:29  -955   66     3.8537 Vuincunx    0  3:29  -955   66 
  4.  -  FileAAAAAA1144  1  1:58  -968   53     4.8826 Wuincunx    0  1:27 -1000   21 
  5.8826 FileWuincunx    0  1:27 -1000   21            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  AAAAAA1144  1  1:58  -968   53 

On 1st draw, GOOPIER H4 74 --- GOOPY sticky or gooey [adj]
Other moves: GOOPIER H2 72, GOOPIER H3 72, GOOPIER H6 72, GOOPIER H7 72, GOOPIER H8 72

On 2nd draw, GERANIAL 4H 70 --- GERANIAL a lemon flavouring [n]
Other moves: REGALIAN 4F 68, AIRPLANE 7E 62, EINA I6 18, RANA I6 18, RINE I6 18

On 3rd draw, BLINKARD 10B 81 --- BLINKARD one who habitually blinks [n]
Other moves: BLANK N2 42, KIBLA 3K 42, NABK 3K 38, DIKA 3K 37, BALK 3K 36

On 4th draw, O(U)TWEIGH D5 86 --- OUTWEIGH to weigh more than [v]
Other moves: (R)EGROWTH J1 74, O(U)TWEIGH 8C 64, WHOOTE(D) 5E 54, THA(L)WEG N2 42, HE(L)OT 3I 40

On 5th draw, ANALYSE E1 83 --- ANALYSE to separate a whole into parts [v]
Other moves: ANALYSE 11I 73, YALES 3I 43, ANALYSE N2 36, SEAWAY 8A 36, YALES J6 36

On 6th draw, SHAWS 8A 44 --- SHAW to show [v]
Other tops: SHOWS 8A 44
Other moves: HOSS 5K 30, SHAW 8A 30, SHOOS J10 30, SHOOS J6 30, SHOW 8A 30

On 7th draw, OROMETER 6H 64 --- OROMETER a type of barometer [n]
Other moves: REMOTE 3I 35, RETEM 3I 33, REMET 3I 31, EMOTE 5J 30, MAROR 1D 30

On 8th draw, OXA(L)IC 1C 66 --- OXALIC pertaining to a oxalis [adj] --- OXALIS a flowering plant [adj]
Other tops: COAXA(L) 1A 66
Other moves: O(R)IXA 1A 57, (G)UANXI 2B 56, CAXO(N) 1D 48, CA(L)IX 1D 48, COAXIA(L) 1C 48

On 9th draw, REFLAGS O6 36 --- REFLAG to give a new registered nationality to (a ship) [v]
Other moves: FALSIE 13A 33, FAGS 13A 31, FALSE 13A 31, FEGS 13A 31, FIGS 13A 31

On 10th draw, DYNAMISE A2 65 --- DYNAMISE to make dynamic [v]
Other moves: MAYED 3I 50, MAIDEN N10 45, MAINED N10 45, MEDIAN 3I 44, MANED 3I 41

On 11th draw, POTED 3I 41 --- POTE to poke [v]
Other moves: DEPOT 3I 37, OUPED 3I 35, TOPED 3I 35, DUETTO N10 34, DUETT N10 32

On 12th draw, UNETH B4 22 --- UNETH difficult [adv]
Other tops: GEIT 11D 22
Other moves: NERITE 7J 20, RETINE 7J 20, UNIT 2D 20, RUTH B5 19, MINUTER K6 18

On 13th draw, MOTIONED K6 72 --- MOTION to signal by a bodily movement [v]
Other moves: GOOD 11D 25, NOONED E10 25, ODE 2I 24, DENOTE 7J 22, DIE 2J 22

On 14th draw, VITICIDE 13E 68 --- VITICIDE a vine pest [n]
Other moves: VET 2J 34, VIE 2J 34, CIT 2J 28, CIVET 12H 26, CIVE C12 25
VITICIDE 13E 68 LongJump22

On 15th draw, JA N10 53 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JARL O1 33, BURQA B10 32, QUA 12F 29, BUR 2J 28, BAUR N10 27
JA N10 53 LongJump22, AAAAAA1144

On 16th draw, FIZ J12 40 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other tops: FEZ L12 40
Other moves: BIZ J12 38, FUB 2J 38, FIZ F12 35, BIZ F12 34, FUR 2J 34
FURL O1 21 Xuincunx, Wuincunx
QI H12 21 Vuincunx

On 17th draw, FEW 12J 28 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other tops: WE L12 28
Other moves: QUA 3C 24, REV L12 24, REW L12 24, QI H12 21, URE L11 20
QI H12 21 Vuincunx, Xuincunx

On 18th draw, BUR 2J 28 --- BUR to remove a rough edge from [v]
Other moves: QUA 3C 24, QI H12 21, BRU 14L 18, BUN 2C 18, BUR 14L 18
QUA 3C 24 Xuincunx, Vuincunx

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