Game on August 20, 2024 at 11:00, 11 players
1. 580 pts vendanges
2. 344 pts LongJump22
3. 263 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 102 102
2. 13C 88 190
3. 8A 92 282
4. J6 62 344
5. E1 70 414
6. 1C 33 447
7. 9G 69 516
8. 2H 88 604
9. O7 48 652
10. 7E 41 693
11. 14B 41 734
12. L8 78 812
13. B4 62 874
14. 12D 63 937
15. 15A 51 988
16. A1 30 1018
17. 6D 42 1060
18. N8 29 1089
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.6783 vendanges 4 19:15 -509 580 1.8548 LongJump22 4 2:50 -745 344
2.8548 LongJump22 4 2:50 -745 344 2.8932 Wuincunx 1 0:37 -1056 33
3.7212 Chelsea 0 7:28 -826 263 3.8537 Vuincunx 1 0:59 -1056 33
4.7652 queen66 0 2:03 -1020 69 4.8568 Xuincunx 0 1:15 -1065 24
5.7580 moonmonkey 0 0:40 -1047 42 5.8860 Zuincunx 0 1:47 -1065 24
6.7548 Mycophot 0 0:57 -1047 42 Group: advanced
7.7964 sicilianc5 0 1:14 -1047 42 1.7212 Chelsea 0 7:28 -826 263
8.8932 Wuincunx 1 0:37 -1056 33 2.7652 queen66 0 2:03 -1020 69
9.8537 Vuincunx 1 0:59 -1056 33 3.7580 moonmonkey 0 0:40 -1047 42
10.8568 Xuincunx 0 1:15 -1065 24 4.7548 Mycophot 0 0:57 -1047 42
11.8860 Zuincunx 0 1:47 -1065 24 5.7964 sicilianc5 0 1:14 -1047 42
Group: intermediate
1.6783 vendanges 4 19:15 -509 580
On 1st draw, REFIXED H8 102 --- REFIX to fix again [v]
Other moves: REFIXED H2 94, REFIXED H6 90, REFIXED H3 88, REFIXED H4 88, REFIXED H7 88
REFIXED H8 102 LongJump22
REFIXED H8 52 vendanges
REFIXED H2 44 Chelsea
On 2nd draw, JACONETS 13C 88 --- JACONET a cotton cloth [n]
Other moves: JACONETS 9C 77, ACTIONS 11E 36, CAJONES 13C 36, CATIONS 11E 36, JACONET 13C 36
JACONETS 13C 88 LongJump22
JOT G7 24 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, BIOME(T)ER 8A 92 --- BIOMETER a device for measuring carbon dioxide given off by living matter [n]
Other moves: EMBO(D)IER 8A 86, EMBO(L)ISE J7 65, EMBO(D)IES J6 63, EMBO(L)IES J6 63, BE(G)ONE G9 35
BIOME(T)ER 8A 92 LongJump22
MOB 14B 27 Chelsea
BIO 14A 19 vendanges
On 4th draw, ORATIONS J6 62 --- ORATION a formal speech [n]
Other moves: ABORTION A7 61, ROTA(T)ION F4 61, RADIO 14F 22, NORITE 9C 21, RATINE 9C 21
ORATIONS J6 62 LongJump22
TOON 14A 19 Chelsea
AXION 12G 18 vendanges
On 5th draw, GLADIATE E1 70 --- GLADIATE shaped like a sword [adj]
Other moves: GLADIATE G1 62, DILATE 9C 25, GADI K8 24, GLAD 14A 24, IGAD 14A 24
GLAD 14A 24 vendanges, Chelsea, Xuincunx, Zuincunx
On 6th draw, BOGGLE 1C 33 --- BOGGLE to hesitate [v]
Other moves: HO(T)EL F6 32, HO(T)EN F6 32, BOH D3 31, HOB D3 31, BOH 14B 30
BOGGLE 1C 33 Wuincunx, Vuincunx
HO(T)EL F6 32 vendanges
HOB 14B 29 Chelsea
On 7th draw, SEPTARIAN 9G 69 --- SEPTARIAN [adj]
Other moves: PARISON 11E 36, PARIANS 7H 32, PIRANAS 7H 32, TARP 7E 32, PARIAN 7H 31
PARAS 7H 29 vendanges
PADI 14F 27 Chelsea, queen66
On 8th draw, TAVERNS 2H 88 --- TAVERN a place where liquor is sold to be drunk on the premises [n]
Other tops: TAVERNAS N8 88
Other moves: SERVANT 2H 76, TSAREVNA 3C 76, TSAREVNA N2 76, TSAREVNA N7 76, VENATORS C3 76
VERSANT O4 42 queen66, moonmonkey, Mycophot, sicilianc5
VANNERS O7 33 Chelsea
VANES O7 24 vendanges
On 9th draw, VINERY O7 48 --- VINERY a place in which grapevines are grown [n]
Other moves: VERDIN O4 42, AVIDER N9 36, DRIVEN O4 36, DYE 8M 35, DIVINER O5 33
DRIVEN O4 36 Chelsea
DYE 8M 35 vendanges
On 10th draw, TAMP 7E 41 --- TAMP to pack down by tapping [v]
Other moves: HAHA N8 38, CHAM 14A 35, HAH N8 35, MIHA D3 35, CHAMP 3C 34
CHAM 14A 35 vendanges
On 11th draw, YODH 14B 41 --- YODH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: YODH D3 41
Other moves: RHY 14D 39, HAY N8 35, HOY 14B 32, HYDRID 4C 32, HYDROID 4C 32
YODH 14B 41 vendanges
On 12th draw, IRO(N)WEED L8 78 --- IRONWEED a shrub [n]
Other moves: DOWERIE(S) L5 74, O(V)ERWIDE L6 74, WEIRDOE(S) L6 74, (H)OWDIE 15A 66, (M)OWDIE 15A 66
WEED 15A 52 vendanges
On 13th draw, REUNIONS B4 62 --- REUNION a reuniting of persons after separation [n]
Other moves: REUNIONS 5A 58, NURSE 15A 46, EURO 15A 35, NOES 15A 35, NURS 15A 35
ROES 15A 35 vendanges
On 14th draw, FIZ 12D 63 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other tops: FEZ 12D 63
Other moves: FAZE A1 54, ZATI 15D 54, ZETA 15D 54, ZITE 15D 54, ZEA 15D 53
FAZE A1 54 vendanges
On 15th draw, QAT 15A 51 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: GATE 15A 42, TATE 15A 39, TETE 15A 39, TA 11E 34, AGE 15B 30
QAT N8 29 vendanges
On 16th draw, HUGE A1 30 --- HUGE very large [adj]
Other moves: LAH N8 29, THA(T) F5 29, HULE A1 27, LAH 6D 27, AH 6E 26
HUGE A1 30 vendanges
On 17th draw, CAKE 6D 42 --- CAKE to form into a hardened mass [v]
Other moves: LAKE 6D 40, TAKE 6D 40, AKE 6E 39, BUCKET C1 39, DECK 15L 33
CAKE 6D 42 vendanges
On 18th draw, LAW N8 29 --- LAW low [adj] --- LAW to take a complaint to court for settlement [v]
Other tops: TAW N8 29
Other moves: AW N9 26, WE 10N 26, WICH E11 24, WRIT L1 22, LICHI E11 20
TAW N8 29 vendanges
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